🗊Презентация Australian Mythology

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Australian Mythology , слайд №1Australian Mythology , слайд №2Australian Mythology , слайд №3Australian Mythology , слайд №4Australian Mythology , слайд №5Australian Mythology , слайд №6Australian Mythology , слайд №7

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Australian Mythology
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Australian Mythology

Слайд 2

The beginnings of Australian mythology center around the Aboriginal belief system known as Dreamtime, which dates back as far as 65,000 years.
Aboriginals believed Earth was created by spiritual beings who physically represented the land, sea, animals and people.
“Everything in the natural world is a symbolic footprint of the metaphysical beings whose actions created our world.”
Through practices such as storytelling, dance and art, Dreamtime provided the foundation for Aboriginal culture and spirituality.
Описание слайда:
Dreamtime The beginnings of Australian mythology center around the Aboriginal belief system known as Dreamtime, which dates back as far as 65,000 years. Aboriginals believed Earth was created by spiritual beings who physically represented the land, sea, animals and people. “Everything in the natural world is a symbolic footprint of the metaphysical beings whose actions created our world.” Through practices such as storytelling, dance and art, Dreamtime provided the foundation for Aboriginal culture and spirituality.

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Australian Mythology , слайд №3
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Слайд 4

Stencil art showing unique clan markers and Dreamtime 
stories symbolising attempts to catch the deceased's spirit.
Stencil art showing unique clan markers and Dreamtime 
stories symbolising attempts to catch the deceased's spirit.
Описание слайда:
Stencil art showing unique clan markers and Dreamtime stories symbolising attempts to catch the deceased's spirit. Stencil art showing unique clan markers and Dreamtime stories symbolising attempts to catch the deceased's spirit.

Слайд 5

The Story of Dot Painting
The indigenous people of Australia, or Aborigines, use dot painting as a form of storytelling. 
With dots of paint traditionally made from natural pigments, they create patterns and images of plants and animals that represent their culture's creation myths.
Описание слайда:
The Story of Dot Painting The indigenous people of Australia, or Aborigines, use dot painting as a form of storytelling. With dots of paint traditionally made from natural pigments, they create patterns and images of plants and animals that represent their culture's creation myths.

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Dreamtime | In popular culture
It became a widely cited concept in the 1980s.
By the late 1980s was adopted as a cliché in New Age and feminist spirituality.
It appears in many non-Australian works including Marvel and DC Comics, British Doctor Who audio-dramas and European songs.
Описание слайда:
Dreamtime | In popular culture It became a widely cited concept in the 1980s. By the late 1980s was adopted as a cliché in New Age and feminist spirituality. It appears in many non-Australian works including Marvel and DC Comics, British Doctor Who audio-dramas and European songs.

Слайд 7

Bunyip (‘devil’ or ‘evil spirit’)
A large mythical creature which is said to lurk in swamps or billabongs and eat people from the shoreline. 
It is said to be a reptilian marsupial hybrid, with sizes comparable to "a large dog", and displays of violent, territorial behavior. 
Swamps and rivers are their preferred home.
Often "preferred" to attack women and children.
Описание слайда:
Bunyip (‘devil’ or ‘evil spirit’) A large mythical creature which is said to lurk in swamps or billabongs and eat people from the shoreline. It is said to be a reptilian marsupial hybrid, with sizes comparable to "a large dog", and displays of violent, territorial behavior. Swamps and rivers are their preferred home. Often "preferred" to attack women and children.

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