🗊Презентация Do you know geography of Great Britain well

Категория: География
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Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №1Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №2Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №3Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №4Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №5Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №6Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №7Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Do you know geography of Great Britain well, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

What is Great Britain washed by in the East?
Great Britain is washed by the NORTH SEA in the EAST.
Описание слайда:
What is Great Britain washed by in the East? Great Britain is washed by the NORTH SEA in the EAST.

Слайд 3

How are IRELAND and GREAT BRITAIN separated?
They are separated by the Irish sea.
Описание слайда:
How are IRELAND and GREAT BRITAIN separated? They are separated by the Irish sea.

Слайд 4

How are Great Britain and Europe separated?
Great Britain and Europe are separated by English channel.
Описание слайда:
How are Great Britain and Europe separated? Great Britain and Europe are separated by English channel.

Слайд 5

What is The UK washed by in the West?
The Uk is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.
Описание слайда:
What is The UK washed by in the West? The Uk is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Слайд 6

Where is Scotland situated?
Scotland is situated in the Northern part of Great Britain
Описание слайда:
Where is Scotland situated? Scotland is situated in the Northern part of Great Britain

Слайд 7

Where is Wales situated?
Wales is situated in the South Eastern Part of Great Britain
Описание слайда:
Where is Wales situated? Wales is situated in the South Eastern Part of Great Britain

Слайд 8

Where is Northern Ireland situated?
Northern Ireland is situated in the Northern part of Ireland.
Описание слайда:
Where is Northern Ireland situated? Northern Ireland is situated in the Northern part of Ireland.

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