🗊Презентация First day at school

Категория: Английский язык
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First day at school, слайд №1First day at school, слайд №2First day at school, слайд №3First day at school, слайд №4First day at school, слайд №5First day at school, слайд №6First day at school, слайд №7First day at school, слайд №8First day at school, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Start anew
First day at school
Form 10
Teacher Boidariko L.G.
Описание слайда:
Start anew First day at school Form 10 Teacher Boidariko L.G.

Слайд 2

Задачи: развивать лексические навыки и навыки чтения; cформировать навыки аудирования; активизировать грамматические навыки по теме Present Perfect
Описание слайда:
Задачи: развивать лексические навыки и навыки чтения; cформировать навыки аудирования; активизировать грамматические навыки по теме Present Perfect

Слайд 3

What was your first day at school ?
Was it wonderful?
Was it not so good?
Описание слайда:
What was your first day at school ? Was it wonderful? Was it not so good?

Слайд 4

At this lesson we will be talking about good and bad things on the first day at school.
Описание слайда:
At this lesson we will be talking about good and bad things on the first day at school.

Слайд 5

Match the words to make up the word combinations
To wear
To feel
To please
To make
To learn
Описание слайда:
Match the words to make up the word combinations To wear Previous Elective Important To feel To please To make To learn

Слайд 6

Agree or disagree with my statements. We will have  a talk about your school life. 
You have to wear a school uniform.
Life isn’t worth living without school friends.
You try to get better results to please your parents.
Parents always support you in different situations.
It is not easy to make new friends.
You have some elective subjects this school year.
You often feel nervous at school.
You never quarrel with your friends.
Описание слайда:
Agree or disagree with my statements. We will have a talk about your school life. You have to wear a school uniform. Life isn’t worth living without school friends. You try to get better results to please your parents. Parents always support you in different situations. It is not easy to make new friends. You have some elective subjects this school year. You often feel nervous at school. You never quarrel with your friends.

Слайд 7

Check up your homework.
1. Are the statements from ex.5 p.9 true or false? 
2. Translate the words and phrases from ex.6 into Russian.
3. Decide whether Wendy comes from the UK or the USA.
Описание слайда:
Check up your homework. 1. Are the statements from ex.5 p.9 true or false? 2. Translate the words and phrases from ex.6 into Russian. 3. Decide whether Wendy comes from the UK or the USA.

Слайд 8

Complete the word web with the words from ex.6 and ex.5
Описание слайда:
Complete the word web with the words from ex.6 and ex.5

Слайд 9

Listen to three teenagers talking about their first day at school.
Ex.10 p.11
Ex.11 p.11
Описание слайда:
Listen to three teenagers talking about their first day at school. Ex.10 p.11 Ex.11 p.11

Теги First day at school
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