🗊Презентация My dream house

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

My dream house
The work by the student 6 Class Kolyasnikova Mariya.
Описание слайда:
My dream house The work by the student 6 Class Kolyasnikova Mariya.

Слайд 2

Start with the fact that I am a very creative person and this is why I will be very hard to describe my dream house,well all.
The house must consist of at least 2-3 floors,as if to build in a big way. On the ground floor will be entrance hall,lounge,kitchen and dining room.
On the second floor I would have made room for sports,as well as bathroom and washroom, and so I wish there was some kind of entertainment room(computer,speakers for music and some educational games).
Well, with the third floor, everything is easy, children's and parents ' bedroom.All!
Описание слайда:
Start with the fact that I am a very creative person and this is why I will be very hard to describe my dream house,well all. The house must consist of at least 2-3 floors,as if to build in a big way. On the ground floor will be entrance hall,lounge,kitchen and dining room. On the second floor I would have made room for sports,as well as bathroom and washroom, and so I wish there was some kind of entertainment room(computer,speakers for music and some educational games). Well, with the third floor, everything is easy, children's and parents ' bedroom.All!

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