🗊Презентация The Adirondack Park

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The Adirondack Park , слайд №1The Adirondack Park , слайд №2The Adirondack Park , слайд №3The Adirondack Park , слайд №4The Adirondack Park , слайд №5The Adirondack Park , слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Adirondack Park
Описание слайда:
The Adirondack Park

Слайд 2

located in northeastern New York;
the largest park in the contiguous US;
S = 6.1 million acres;
a half of the park is private and the other one belongs to all the people of NY
Описание слайда:
Geography located in northeastern New York; the largest park in the contiguous US; S = 6.1 million acres; a half of the park is private and the other one belongs to all the people of NY

Слайд 3

until ~1720: was originally  inhabited by Mohawk First Nation;
1864: deforestation could lead to total “desertification”
1892: created by the State of New York as a “forever wild” forest preserve
Описание слайда:
History until ~1720: was originally inhabited by Mohawk First Nation; 1864: deforestation could lead to total “desertification” 1892: created by the State of New York as a “forever wild” forest preserve

Слайд 4

foot trails: 2.000 miles;
campsites: 35;
lakes and ponds: 2.300
(200 which are at least 200 sq. miles);
rivers: 1.500 miles;
brooks and streams: 30.000 miles;
Описание слайда:
Statistics foot trails: 2.000 miles; campsites: 35; lakes and ponds: 2.300 (200 which are at least 200 sq. miles); rivers: 1.500 miles; brooks and streams: 30.000 miles;

Слайд 5

The Adirondack Mountains
the highest peak is Mt. Marcy (5.344 ft)
old rocks, new mountains
Описание слайда:
The Adirondack Mountains the highest peak is Mt. Marcy (5.344 ft) old rocks, new mountains

Слайд 6

English Adirondacks ← Mohawk ratirontaks (‘they eat trees’)
the mountains were named ‘Adirondacks’ in 1838 by Ebenezer Emmons
Описание слайда:
Name English Adirondacks ← Mohawk ratirontaks (‘they eat trees’) the mountains were named ‘Adirondacks’ in 1838 by Ebenezer Emmons

Теги The Adirondack Park
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