🗊Презентация The best items of my hometown. Pupil

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The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №1The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №2The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №3The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №4The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №5The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №6The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №7The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №8The best items of my hometown. Pupil, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The best items of my hometown.
Pupil: Kondaurova Maria
Teacher: Trubnikova Galina
Описание слайда:
The best items of my hometown. Pupil: Kondaurova Maria Teacher: Trubnikova Galina

Слайд 2

 I live in Dzerzhinsky town. I have lived here about seven years, but it has become native. In our city there is clean and quiet. In spited our town is small, it has home attractions. But special attention should be paid to our little red square (the square of Dmitry Donskoy) and Nikolo-Ugreshskiy monastery.
Описание слайда:
I live in Dzerzhinsky town. I have lived here about seven years, but it has become native. In our city there is clean and quiet. In spited our town is small, it has home attractions. But special attention should be paid to our little red square (the square of Dmitry Donskoy) and Nikolo-Ugreshskiy monastery.

Слайд 3

 The square of  Dmitry Donskoy is the center of town. There is a market, and monument of Dmitry Donskoy. He is depicted with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. His cloak is flutters in the wind. Our imagination creates paint. It seems that he is ready right now to hit the road. This is the most crowded place in town. People come here for shopping, and just walk. This is spectator place. Most parents with kids. I really like this place. Nothing can beat it!
Описание слайда:
The square of Dmitry Donskoy is the center of town. There is a market, and monument of Dmitry Donskoy. He is depicted with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. His cloak is flutters in the wind. Our imagination creates paint. It seems that he is ready right now to hit the road. This is the most crowded place in town. People come here for shopping, and just walk. This is spectator place. Most parents with kids. I really like this place. Nothing can beat it!

Слайд 4

Our monastery is known enough. Dmitry Donskoy stopped here to rest, when he went to battle. A monastery was having. The monastery is not very large. There are four churches, a chapel and bell tower. The monastery gives a sense of calm and joy. He is attracting a lot of tourists. He has been around for many ears. Nothing can be it!
Описание слайда:
Our monastery is known enough. Dmitry Donskoy stopped here to rest, when he went to battle. A monastery was having. The monastery is not very large. There are four churches, a chapel and bell tower. The monastery gives a sense of calm and joy. He is attracting a lot of tourists. He has been around for many ears. Nothing can be it!

Слайд 5

 The first and largest temple is the "Spaso- Preobragensky cathedral». He is big and very beautiful. There are beautiful murals. I think, that you’d be nuts to miss a chance to see it.
   The second largest church is the "Svyato-Nikolsky cathedral» This is also a very beautiful. But there isn’t allowed women without shirt and without shawl.
Описание слайда:
The first and largest temple is the "Spaso- Preobragensky cathedral». He is big and very beautiful. There are beautiful murals. I think, that you’d be nuts to miss a chance to see it. The second largest church is the "Svyato-Nikolsky cathedral» This is also a very beautiful. But there isn’t allowed women without shirt and without shawl.

Слайд 6

The third church is the Temple of St. Pimen Ugreshskaya. The part of this temple is not used. So unfortunately I do not know what's there.
   The fourth church is the Temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. It is the smallest church.
Описание слайда:
The third church is the Temple of St. Pimen Ugreshskaya. The part of this temple is not used. So unfortunately I do not know what's there. The fourth church is the Temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. It is the smallest church.

Слайд 7

A large bell is 
spotlighted in 
the evening. 
It looks great. 
This is a 
Описание слайда:
A large bell is spotlighted in the evening. It looks great. This is a magnificent sight!

Слайд 8

I love my 
town very 
It's better compared 
to others 
Описание слайда:
I love my town very much. It's better compared to others cities!!!

Слайд 9

Описание слайда:

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