🗊Презентация Mars

Категория: Астрономия
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Mars, слайд №1Mars, слайд №2Mars, слайд №3Mars, слайд №4Mars, слайд №5Mars, слайд №6Mars, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun . Planet Mars still poorly understood. it is red. on it there is water in the fluid state .
Описание слайда:
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun . Planet Mars still poorly understood. it is red. on it there is water in the fluid state .

Слайд 3

Mars has a thin layer of the atmosphere . it is half of the Earth. Mars the temperature from + 20C to -150oS .
Описание слайда:
Mars has a thin layer of the atmosphere . it is half of the Earth. Mars the temperature from + 20C to -150oS .

Слайд 4

This planet has two moons - Phobos and Deimos .
Описание слайда:
This planet has two moons - Phobos and Deimos .

Слайд 5

Mars can be seen in the sky with the naked eye .
Описание слайда:
Mars can be seen in the sky with the naked eye .

Слайд 6

Man continues to explore Mars .
Описание слайда:
Man continues to explore Mars .

Слайд 7

Thank you for attention.
Описание слайда:
Thank you for attention.

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