🗊Презентация 5 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9

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5 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №15 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №25 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №35 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №45 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №55 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №65 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №75 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

5 most beautiful places in the world
Lisa Zubchyonok
Grade 9
Tomkovsky kindergarten-base school
Описание слайда:
5 most beautiful places in the world Lisa Zubchyonok Grade 9 Tomkovsky kindergarten-base school

Слайд 2

Colored cliffs of Zhangye Danksia in Gansu Province, China
   The colored rocks are composed of red sandstones and conglomerates of the main Cretaceous period.
Scientists suggest that 
about 100 million years
ago there was a huge 
body of water in these 
places, into which a 
great deal of silt was 
Описание слайда:
Colored cliffs of Zhangye Danksia in Gansu Province, China The colored rocks are composed of red sandstones and conglomerates of the main Cretaceous period. Scientists suggest that about 100 million years ago there was a huge body of water in these places, into which a great deal of silt was applied.

Слайд 3

5 most beautiful places in the world. Grade 9, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Li River, China
It begins in the Maoher mountains 
and flows into the Guangxi Zhuang
 district in China.
Описание слайда:
Li River, China It begins in the Maoher mountains and flows into the Guangxi Zhuang district in China.

Слайд 5

Tianji Mountains, China
Shrouded in mist, the mountain
peaks of Tianji make an indelible
impression, because to see 
something like this is impossible
in any other corner of our planet.
In the translation, the name of these
 mountains translates as "son
of heaven", and, traditionally, 
such an epithet was called the 
Chinese emperors.
Описание слайда:
Tianji Mountains, China Shrouded in mist, the mountain peaks of Tianji make an indelible impression, because to see something like this is impossible in any other corner of our planet. In the translation, the name of these mountains translates as "son of heaven", and, traditionally, such an epithet was called the Chinese emperors.

Слайд 6

Hitachi National Seaside Park, Japan
Looking at the photo of 
the Hitachi Park, I want to
 understand that for the 
fluffy balls, similar to our
 tumbleweed, occupy
 huge territories.
This place is unlike any other in
 the country and even in the world.
Описание слайда:
Hitachi National Seaside Park, Japan Looking at the photo of the Hitachi Park, I want to understand that for the fluffy balls, similar to our tumbleweed, occupy huge territories. This place is unlike any other in the country and even in the world.

Слайд 7

Glacial Lake Moraine, Canada
The water supply of the reservoir is mainly glacial, so its waters are crystal clear and very clean.
The highest water
 level here is observed 
from the middle to the 
end of June, after a long
 melting of snow in the 
surrounding mountains.
Описание слайда:
Glacial Lake Moraine, Canada The water supply of the reservoir is mainly glacial, so its waters are crystal clear and very clean. The highest water level here is observed from the middle to the end of June, after a long melting of snow in the surrounding mountains.

Слайд 8

Thanks for attention
Описание слайда:
Thanks for attention

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