🗊Презентация Assembly language

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Teaching London Computing
Описание слайда:
Teaching London Computing

Слайд 2

Overview and Aims
Описание слайда:
Overview and Aims

Слайд 3

What is in a Computer?
Описание слайда:
What is in a Computer?

Слайд 4

Simple Computer
Описание слайда:
Simple Computer

Слайд 5

Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Quiz – What is the  Memory?
Quiz – What is the  Memory?
Описание слайда:
Quiz – What is the Memory? Quiz – What is the Memory?

Слайд 7

Registers (or Accumulators)
A storage area inside the CPU
Used for arguments and results to one calculation  step
Register – 1 memory location
Описание слайда:
Registers (or Accumulators) A storage area inside the CPU VERY FAST Used for arguments and results to one calculation step data Register – 1 memory location

Слайд 8

Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

LMC CPU Structure
Описание слайда:
LMC CPU Structure

Слайд 10

Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Add and Subtract Instruction
Описание слайда:
Add and Subtract Instruction

Слайд 14

Load and Store Instruction
Описание слайда:
Load and Store Instruction

Слайд 15

Input and Output
Описание слайда:
Input and Output

Слайд 16

Branch Instructions
Описание слайда:
Branch Instructions

Слайд 17

Assembly Code
Описание слайда:
Assembly Code

Слайд 18

LMC Example
Описание слайда:
LMC Example

Слайд 19

Simple Program
Описание слайда:
Simple Program

Слайд 20

Running the Simple Program
Описание слайда:
Running the Simple Program

Слайд 21

Running the Simple Program
Описание слайда:
Running the Simple Program

Слайд 22

Running the Simple Program
Описание слайда:
Running the Simple Program

Слайд 23

Running the Simple Program
Описание слайда:
Running the Simple Program

Слайд 24

Practice Exercises
Описание слайда:
Practice Exercises

Слайд 25

Fetch-Execute Cycle
Описание слайда:
Fetch-Execute Cycle

Слайд 26

Описание слайда:

Слайд 27

Fetch Instruction
Описание слайда:
Fetch Instruction

Слайд 28

Execute Instruction
Decode instruction
Address from  instruction to  ‘address register’
Access memory
Data from memory  to ‘data register’
Add (e.g.) data and  accumulator value
Описание слайда:
Execute Instruction Decode instruction Address from instruction to ‘address register’ Access memory Data from memory to ‘data register’ Add (e.g.) data and accumulator value Update accumulator

Слайд 29

What We Can Learn from LMC
Описание слайда:
What We Can Learn from LMC

Слайд 30

Understanding Variables and Assignment
Описание слайда:
Understanding Variables and Assignment

Слайд 31

Understanding Variables and Assignment
Описание слайда:
Understanding Variables and Assignment

Слайд 32

Understanding If and Loops
Описание слайда:
Understanding If and Loops

Слайд 33

Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

Why We Need An OS
Описание слайда:
Why We Need An OS

Слайд 35

Summary of CPU Architecture
Описание слайда:
Summary of CPU Architecture

Слайд 36

Project: Writing an LMC  Interpreter
Project: Writing an LMC  Interpreter
Описание слайда:
Project: Writing an LMC Interpreter Project: Writing an LMC Interpreter

Слайд 37

Write a Simple LMC Emulator
Описание слайда:
Write a Simple LMC Emulator

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