🗊Презентация Context management

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Context management, слайд №1Context management, слайд №2Context management, слайд №3Context management, слайд №4Context management, слайд №5Context management, слайд №6Context management, слайд №7Context management, слайд №8Context management, слайд №9Context management, слайд №10Context management, слайд №11Context management, слайд №12Context management, слайд №13Context management, слайд №14Context management, слайд №15Context management, слайд №16

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Слайд 1

Context Management
Описание слайда:
Context Management

Слайд 2

What are Contexts?
Minifilter defined memory associated with Filter Manager objects
May be from Paged or Non-paged pool
Which objects can have contexts:
File (not currently supported)
StreamHandle (FileObject)
Filter Manager tracks when contexts should be deleted:
Object deletion
Instance detach
Filter unload
Описание слайда:
What are Contexts? Minifilter defined memory associated with Filter Manager objects May be from Paged or Non-paged pool Which objects can have contexts: Volume Instance File (not currently supported) Stream StreamHandle (FileObject) Filter Manager tracks when contexts should be deleted: Object deletion Instance detach Filter unload

Слайд 3

Contexts and 3rd party file systems
To support Stream and StreamHandle contexts a file system must use the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER
See FsRtlSetupAdvancedHeader() and FsRtlTeardownPerStreamContexts() in NTIFS.H
Also look at the FastFat source in the IFSKit
All Microsoft file systems now use this
Описание слайда:
Contexts and 3rd party file systems To support Stream and StreamHandle contexts a file system must use the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER See FsRtlSetupAdvancedHeader() and FsRtlTeardownPerStreamContexts() in NTIFS.H Also look at the FastFat source in the IFSKit All Microsoft file systems now use this

Слайд 4

Context Registration
Specify an array of FLT_CONTEXT_REGISTRATION structures in FLT_REGISTRATION structure
The order of the entries in this array does not matter
At least one registration entry must be specified for each context type used by the filter
CleanupContext() callback is optional
3 different allocation options:
Specify 0-3 explicit context sizes (for given context type).  System internally uses Lookaside lists
Pool tag must be specified
Specify FLT_VARIABLE_SIZED_CONTEXTS, system allocates directly from pool (may be used in conjunction with explicit sizes)
Pool tag must be specified
Specify your own allocate/free callback routines
Описание слайда:
Context Registration Specify an array of FLT_CONTEXT_REGISTRATION structures in FLT_REGISTRATION structure The order of the entries in this array does not matter At least one registration entry must be specified for each context type used by the filter CleanupContext() callback is optional 3 different allocation options: Specify 0-3 explicit context sizes (for given context type). System internally uses Lookaside lists Pool tag must be specified Specify FLT_VARIABLE_SIZED_CONTEXTS, system allocates directly from pool (may be used in conjunction with explicit sizes) Pool tag must be specified Specify your own allocate/free callback routines

Слайд 5

Creating Contexts
FltAllocateContext (
    IN PFLT_FILTER Filter,
    IN FLT_CONTEXT_TYPE ContextType,
    IN SIZE_T ContextSize,
    IN POOL_TYPE PoolType,
    OUT PFLT_CONTEXT *ReturnedContext);
Volume contexts must be allocated from non-paged pool
Contexts limited to 64K in size
A context size of zero is supported
Описание слайда:
Creating Contexts Use: NTSTATUS FltAllocateContext ( IN PFLT_FILTER Filter, IN FLT_CONTEXT_TYPE ContextType, IN SIZE_T ContextSize, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, OUT PFLT_CONTEXT *ReturnedContext); Volume contexts must be allocated from non-paged pool Contexts limited to 64K in size A context size of zero is supported

Слайд 6

Setting contexts
FltSetStreamHandleContext (
    IN PFLT_INSTANCE Instance,
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
    IN PFLT_CONTEXT NewContext,
If specified, replaced context returned in OldContext parameter (must be dereferenced)
If specified, existing context returned in OldContext parameter (must be dereferenced)
Can not set contexts at DPC level
Описание слайда:
Setting contexts Use: FltSetVolumeContext() FltSetInstanceContext() FltSetFileContext() FltSetStreamContext() FltSetStreamHandleContext() Sample: NTSTATUS FltSetStreamHandleContext ( IN PFLT_INSTANCE Instance, IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION Operation, IN PFLT_CONTEXT NewContext, OUT PFLT_CONTEXT *OldContext OPTIONAL); FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION values: FLT_SET_CONTEXT_REPLACE_IF_EXISTS If specified, replaced context returned in OldContext parameter (must be dereferenced) FLT_SET_CONTEXT_KEEP_IF_EXISTS If specified, existing context returned in OldContext parameter (must be dereferenced) Can not set contexts at DPC level

Слайд 7

Supports contexts
FltSupportsFileContexts (
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject);

FltSupportsStreamContexts (
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject);

FltSupportsStreamHandleContexts (
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject);
Checks to see if contexts are supported on the given FileObject
Not supported on paging files
Not supported during pre-create
Not supported during post-close
Not supported during IRP_MJ_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN
FltSupportsFileContexts() currently returns FALSE
Not supported on file systems that do not use the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER
Описание слайда:
Supports contexts Use: BOOLEAN FltSupportsFileContexts ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject); BOOLEAN FltSupportsStreamContexts ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject); BOOLEAN FltSupportsStreamHandleContexts ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject); Checks to see if contexts are supported on the given FileObject Not supported on paging files Not supported during pre-create Not supported during post-close Not supported during IRP_MJ_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN FltSupportsFileContexts() currently returns FALSE Not supported on file systems that do not use the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER

Слайд 8

Getting Contexts
FltGetStreamContext (
    IN PFLT_INSTANCE Instance,
    IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
    OUT PFLT_CONTEXT *Context);
Designed to be retrieved during each operation
Can not get contexts at DPC level – if  a context is needed in a postOperation callback:
Get it during the preOperation callback and pass it to the postOperation callback
Do your postOperation processing at non-DPC level
Synchronize operation
Use FltDoCompletionProcessingWhenSafe()
Описание слайда:
Getting Contexts Use: FltGetVolumeContext() FltGetInstanceContext() FltGetFileContext() FltGetStreamContext() FltGetStreamHandleContext() Sample: NTSTATUS FltGetStreamContext ( IN PFLT_INSTANCE Instance, IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, OUT PFLT_CONTEXT *Context); Designed to be retrieved during each operation Can not get contexts at DPC level – if a context is needed in a postOperation callback: Get it during the preOperation callback and pass it to the postOperation callback Do your postOperation processing at non-DPC level Synchronize operation Use FltDoCompletionProcessingWhenSafe()

Слайд 9

Referencing Contexts
    IN PFLT_CONTEXT Context);
This allows a filter to add their own reference to a context
Call FltReleaseContext() to remove added reference
Описание слайда:
Referencing Contexts Use: VOID FltReferenceContext( IN PFLT_CONTEXT Context); This allows a filter to add their own reference to a context Call FltReleaseContext() to remove added reference

Слайд 10

Releasing Contexts
FltReleaseContext (
    IN PFLT_CONTEXT Context);
Contexts need to be released following:
Getting (via FltGetXxxContext())
Creating (Via FltAllocateContext())
Referencing (via FltReferenceContext())
A replaced or previous context returned from  FltSetXxxContext() routines
Contexts may be held from pre to post operations as well as across multiple operations
They must eventually be released or the memory will be leaked
It is OK for a context to point to another context 
Example: stream context contains a pointer to an instance context
Contexts can be released at DPC level
Описание слайда:
Releasing Contexts Use: VOID FltReleaseContext ( IN PFLT_CONTEXT Context); Contexts need to be released following: Getting (via FltGetXxxContext()) Creating (Via FltAllocateContext()) Referencing (via FltReferenceContext()) A replaced or previous context returned from FltSetXxxContext() routines Contexts may be held from pre to post operations as well as across multiple operations They must eventually be released or the memory will be leaked It is OK for a context to point to another context Example: stream context contains a pointer to an instance context Contexts can be released at DPC level

Слайд 11

Multiple contexts
FltGetContexts (
    IN FLT_CONTEXT_TYPE DesiredContexts,

FltReleaseContexts (
Описание слайда:
Multiple contexts Use: VOID FltGetContexts ( IN PFLT_RELATED_OBJECTS FltObjects, IN FLT_CONTEXT_TYPE DesiredContexts, OUT PFLT_RELATED_CONTEXTS Contexts); VOID FltReleaseContexts ( IN OUT PFLT_RELATED_CONTEXTS Contexts);

Слайд 12

Deleting Contexts
FltDeleteContext (
    IN PFLT_CONTEXT Context);

FltDeleteVolumeContext (
    IN PFLT_FILTER Filter,
    IN PFLT_VOLUME Volume,
Only use if you have an explicit reason to delete an existing context
Filter Manager tracks when contexts should be deleted due to objects going away
Can not delete contexts at DPC level
Описание слайда:
Deleting Contexts Use: FltDeleteContext() FltDeleteVolumeContext() FltDeleteInstanceContext() FltDeleteFileContext() FltDeleteStreamContext() FltDeleteStreamHandleContext() Sample: VOID FltDeleteContext ( IN PFLT_CONTEXT Context); NTSTATUS FltDeleteVolumeContext ( IN PFLT_FILTER Filter, IN PFLT_VOLUME Volume, OUT PFLT_CONTEXT *OldContext OPTIONAL); Only use if you have an explicit reason to delete an existing context Filter Manager tracks when contexts should be deleted due to objects going away Can not delete contexts at DPC level

Слайд 13

Freeing Contexts
Contexts are freed after they are deleted and all outstanding references have been released
Unique routine defined for each context type at registration time
May be NULL if you don’t have any cleanup work to do when context is freed
Called by Filter Manager before context is freed
Contexts are cleaned up in the following hierarchical order
File (when implemented)
Описание слайда:
Freeing Contexts Contexts are freed after they are deleted and all outstanding references have been released PFLT_CONTEXT_CLEANUP_CALLBACK Unique routine defined for each context type at registration time May be NULL if you don’t have any cleanup work to do when context is freed Called by Filter Manager before context is freed Contexts are cleaned up in the following hierarchical order StreamHandle Stream File (when implemented) Instance Volume

Слайд 14

Example: Setting a stream context
status = FltAllocateContext( FilterHandle,
                             &ctx );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {

    /* Initialize Context Here */
    status = FltSetStreamContext( FltObjects->Instance,
                                  NULL );

	 / * Always release.  If set fails it will free it */
    FltReleaseContext( ctx );
Описание слайда:
Example: Setting a stream context status = FltAllocateContext( FilterHandle, FLT_STREAM_CONTEXT, sizeof(NCONTEXT), PagedPool, &ctx ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { /* Initialize Context Here */ status = FltSetStreamContext( FltObjects->Instance, FltObjects->FileObject, FLT_KEEP_CONTEXT_IF_EXISTS, ctx, NULL ); / * Always release. If set fails it will free it */ FltReleaseContext( ctx ); }

Слайд 15

Performance Suggestions
If a filter only supports one instance per volume (which most filters do) use instance contexts instead of volume contexts
Consider putting a pointer to your instance context inside your stream or streamhandle contexts
Описание слайда:
Performance Suggestions If a filter only supports one instance per volume (which most filters do) use instance contexts instead of volume contexts Consider putting a pointer to your instance context inside your stream or streamhandle contexts

Слайд 16

Look at Ctx minifilter sample
Описание слайда:
Sample Look at Ctx minifilter sample

Теги Context management
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