🗊Презентация Creation of a site to search for car services

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Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №1Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №2Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №3Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №4Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №5Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №6Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №7Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №8Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №9Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №10Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №11Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №12Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №13Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №14Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №15Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №16Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №17Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №18Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №19Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №20Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №21Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №22

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

	Create a web application to search for car services
Stages of web application development :
Definition of project goals and objectives
Distribution of tasks
Analysis of domain area
Architecture of developing web site
Development of the algorithm for the server part
User interface development 
Testing and Troubleshooting
Browse and run the web application
Relevance of the topic: 
Lack of applications to search for car services
Описание слайда:
Goal: Create a web application to search for car services Stages of web application development : Definition of project goals and objectives Distribution of tasks Analysis of domain area Architecture of developing web site Development of the algorithm for the server part User interface development Testing and Troubleshooting Browse and run the web application Relevance of the topic: Lack of applications to search for car services

Слайд 3

Determine the main functionality of the application 
Select development tools
To choose programming languages
To create a template design for the web app
To create the database structure
Develop an algorithm for the web application
Create an algorithm for selecting services and applications
Описание слайда:
Tasks: Tasks: Determine the main functionality of the application Select development tools To choose programming languages To create a template design for the web app To create the database structure Develop an algorithm for the web application Create an algorithm for selecting services and applications

Слайд 4

Calendar plan
Описание слайда:
Calendar plan

Слайд 5

WorkBreakDown Structure
Описание слайда:
WorkBreakDown Structure

Слайд 6

Web-site development technologies
Server side development language: 
Client side development languages & technologies :
Bootstrap (grid only)
Ajax (for DCL)
Описание слайда:
Web-site development technologies Server side development language: PHP Client side development languages & technologies : HTML CSS Bootstrap (grid only) JavaScript jQuery Ajax (for DCL)

Слайд 7

Development tools when creating a website
Visual Studio Code
Browser Sync
Описание слайда:
Development tools when creating a website PhpStorm Visual Studio Code Brackets Browser Sync

Слайд 8

Status review
Описание слайда:
Status review

Слайд 9

Analysis of the domain area
Описание слайда:
Analysis of the domain area

Слайд 10

Analysis of analogs
Free for services 
	(later cheaper than others)
Описание слайда:
Analysis of analogs Cost: Free for services (later cheaper than others) Design: Cross-platform Minimalistic

Слайд 11

The architecture of the creating web application
Описание слайда:
The architecture of the creating web application

Слайд 12

The architecture of the classes
Описание слайда:
The architecture of the classes

Слайд 13

Creation of a site to search for car services, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

Client Use Case diagram
Описание слайда:
Client Use Case diagram

Слайд 15

Service Use Case diagram
Описание слайда:
Service Use Case diagram

Слайд 16

Client activity diagram
Описание слайда:
Client activity diagram

Слайд 17

Company activity diagram
Описание слайда:
Company activity diagram

Слайд 18

Description of Data Structure
Storage model : Relational
In the developed application data will be stored in several tables
User data
Its role (client, service)
Vehicle data
Bid data 
those and other tables will store and provide data to the
application and users as needed.
Описание слайда:
Description of Data Structure Storage model : Relational In the developed application data will be stored in several tables as: User data Its role (client, service) Vehicle data Bid data those and other tables will store and provide data to the application and users as needed.

Слайд 19

ER diagram of the DataBase
Описание слайда:
ER diagram of the DataBase

Слайд 20

Important elements of the web site
Online chat for correspondence
Posts (promotions, discounts)
Selection of services algorithm
Average price
Average rating
Key words
and any other info
Описание слайда:
Important elements of the web site Online chat for correspondence Posts (promotions, discounts) Selection of services algorithm Location Average price Average rating Key words and any other info

Слайд 21

	The result of work on the diploma project will
be – a  working web site to find auto repair shops
for customers, and for auto repair shops – 
a platform for promotion and customer
Описание слайда:
Conclusion The result of work on the diploma project will be – a working web site to find auto repair shops for customers, and for auto repair shops – a platform for promotion and customer attraction.

Слайд 22

Мэтт Зандстра - Объекты, шаблоны и методики программирования:  Альпина Паблишер. 2012.Глава 16.
Марин Хауэрбеке - «Элегантный JavaScript». 2014.
Генрик Джортаг – «Человеческий Javascript». 2013.
Шаблоны проектирования: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_design_pattern
Игорь  Симдянов – «Самоучитель PHP». 2015.
Процесс разработки программного обеспечения - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_process 
Про семь основных методологий разработки - https://habr.com/company/edison/blog/269789/ 
Девид Скляр – «Изучаем PHP 7».  2016
Фреймворки ФронтЕнд - https://geekbrains.ru/posts/5_css_frameworks	
Алгоритмы, структуры данных, веб разработка - https://medium.com/@felipernb/algorithms-data-structures-and-web-development-7772e088f1d3
Описание слайда:
REFERENCES Мэтт Зандстра - Объекты, шаблоны и методики программирования: Альпина Паблишер. 2012.Глава 16. Марин Хауэрбеке - «Элегантный JavaScript». 2014. Генрик Джортаг – «Человеческий Javascript». 2013. Шаблоны проектирования: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_design_pattern Игорь Симдянов – «Самоучитель PHP». 2015. Процесс разработки программного обеспечения - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_process Про семь основных методологий разработки - https://habr.com/company/edison/blog/269789/ Девид Скляр – «Изучаем PHP 7». 2016 Фреймворки ФронтЕнд - https://geekbrains.ru/posts/5_css_frameworks Алгоритмы, структуры данных, веб разработка - https://medium.com/@felipernb/algorithms-data-structures-and-web-development-7772e088f1d3

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