🗊Презентация Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities

Категория: Английский язык
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Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №1Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №2Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №3Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №4Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №5Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №6Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №7Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №8Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №9Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №10Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №11Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №12Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №13Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №14Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №15Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №16Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №17Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №18Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №19Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №20Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №21Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №22Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №23Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №24Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №25Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №26Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №27Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №28Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №29Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №30Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №31Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №32Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №33Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №34Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №35Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №36Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №37Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №38Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №39Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №40Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №41Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №42Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №43Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №44Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №45Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №46Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №47Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №48Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №49Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №50Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №51Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №52Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №53Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №54Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №55Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №56Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities, слайд №57


Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать презентацию на тему Grammar and vocabulary jeopardy game fun activities. Доклад-сообщение содержит 57 слайдов. Презентации для любого класса можно скачать бесплатно. Если материал и наш сайт презентаций Mypresentation Вам понравились – поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте в закладки в своем браузере.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Present Simple or Continuous?
Present Simple or Continuous?
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? Present Simple or Continuous?

Слайд 2

Category 1 questions follow
Описание слайда:
Category 1 questions follow

Слайд 3

Present Simple or Continuous?
We ........................ (see) our cousins every Christmas.
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? We ........................ (see) our cousins every Christmas.

Слайд 4

Present Simple or Continuous?
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? see

Слайд 5

Present Simple or Continuous?
I ........................ (learn) Italian for my trip to Rome next month.
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? I ........................ (learn) Italian for my trip to Rome next month.

Слайд 6

Present Simple or Continuous?
am learning
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? am learning

Слайд 7

Present Simple or Continuous?
My relationship with my sister ........................ (get) better.
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? My relationship with my sister ........................ (get) better.

Слайд 8

Present Simple or Continuous?
is getting
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? is getting

Слайд 9

Present Simple or Continuous?
My sister doesn't have a car because she ............................. (not drive).
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? My sister doesn't have a car because she ............................. (not drive).

Слайд 10

Present Simple or Continuous?
doesn't drive
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? doesn't drive

Слайд 11

Present Simple or Continuous?
We ............................. (live) here until the new house is ready.
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? We ............................. (live) here until the new house is ready.

Слайд 12

Present Simple or Continuous?
are living
Описание слайда:
Present Simple or Continuous? are living

Слайд 13

Category 2 questions follow
Описание слайда:
Category 2 questions follow

Слайд 14

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
He ......................... (look) great in his new suit.
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs He ......................... (look) great in his new suit.

Слайд 15

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs looks

Слайд 16

Present Tenses Stative Verbs

I .......................... (think) of looking for a new job.
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs I .......................... (think) of looking for a new job.

Слайд 17

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
am thinking
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs am thinking

Слайд 18

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
You can't talk to her right now. She ......................... (have) a shower.
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs You can't talk to her right now. She ......................... (have) a shower.

Слайд 19

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
is having
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs is having

Слайд 20

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
How is your cold? You ............................ (sound) a lot better today!
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs How is your cold? You ............................ (sound) a lot better today!

Слайд 21

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs sound

Слайд 22

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
Julia ........................... (not look) like her sister at all.
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs Julia ........................... (not look) like her sister at all.

Слайд 23

Present Tenses Stative Verbs
does not look
Описание слайда:
Present Tenses Stative Verbs does not look

Слайд 24

Category 3 questions follow
Описание слайда:
Category 3 questions follow

Слайд 25

Personality Adjectives
If you are .........................., you want to be very successful.
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives If you are .........................., you want to be very successful.

Слайд 26

Personality Adjectives
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives ambitious

Слайд 27

Personality Adjectives
If you are ................................., you share what you have with other people.
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives If you are ................................., you share what you have with other people.

Слайд 28

Personality Adjectives
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives generous

Слайд 29

Personality Adjectives
If you are ..............................., you think you are better than other people.
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives If you are ..............................., you think you are better than other people.

Слайд 30

Personality Adjectives
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives arrogant

Слайд 31

Personality Adjectives
If you are .............................., you think the future is going to be good.
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives If you are .............................., you think the future is going to be good.

Слайд 32

Personality Adjectives
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives optimistic

Слайд 33

Personality Adjectives
If you are ................................, you don't like to talk about your achievements.
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives If you are ................................, you don't like to talk about your achievements.

Слайд 34

Personality Adjectives
Описание слайда:
Personality Adjectives modest

Слайд 35

Category 4 questions follow
Описание слайда:
Category 4 questions follow

Слайд 36

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes attractive

Слайд 37

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes unattractive

Слайд 38

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes honest

Слайд 39

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes dishonest

Слайд 40

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes legal

Слайд 41

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes illegal

Слайд 42

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes relevant

Слайд 43

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes irrelevant

Слайд 44

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes capable

Слайд 45

Word formation: Negative prefixes
Описание слайда:
Word formation: Negative prefixes incapable

Слайд 46

Category 5 questions follow
Описание слайда:
Category 5 questions follow

Слайд 47

Phrasal Verbs with Up
Can you (search and find) ........................... the opening times on the website?
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up Can you (search and find) ........................... the opening times on the website?

Слайд 48

Phrasal Verbs with Up
look up
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up look up

Слайд 49

Phrasal Verbs with Up
I've got to go - something has just (happened unexpectedly) ........................... at home and I'm needed there.
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up I've got to go - something has just (happened unexpectedly) ........................... at home and I'm needed there.

Слайд 50

Phrasal Verbs with Up
come up
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up come up

Слайд 51

Phrasal Verbs with Up
Grandma used to (invent) ............................. wonderful bedtime stories.
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up Grandma used to (invent) ............................. wonderful bedtime stories.

Слайд 52

Phrasal Verbs with Up
make up
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up make up

Слайд 53

Phrasal Verbs with Up
They ............................ the search when it got dark.
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up They ............................ the search when it got dark.

Слайд 54

Phrasal Verbs with Up
gave up
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up gave up

Слайд 55

Phrasal Verbs with Up
Remember not to (mention) ............................ his losing his job!
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up Remember not to (mention) ............................ his losing his job!

Слайд 56

Phrasal Verbs with Up
bring up
Описание слайда:
Phrasal Verbs with Up bring up

Слайд 57

Описание слайда:

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