🗊Презентация High and low level programming languages

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High and low level programming languages, слайд №1High and low level programming languages, слайд №2High and low level programming languages, слайд №3High and low level programming languages, слайд №4High and low level programming languages, слайд №5High and low level programming languages, слайд №6High and low level programming languages, слайд №7High and low level programming languages, слайд №8High and low level programming languages, слайд №9High and low level programming languages, слайд №10

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Слайд 1

Classification of Programming Languages
Описание слайда:
Classification of Programming Languages http://www.etechplanet.com/blog/classification-for-computer-languages.aspx http://www.teach-ict.com/as_as_computing/ocr/H447/F453/3_3_6/types_language/miniweb/index.htm

Слайд 2

Computer programming language can be classified into two major categories:

    * Low Level Languages
    * High Level Languages
Описание слайда:
Computer programming language can be classified into two major categories: * Low Level Languages * High Level Languages

Слайд 3

High Level Languages
All high level language is procedure-oriented language and is intended to be machine independent. Programs are written in statements similar to English language. That is, the high level languages use natural language like structures. These languages require translators (compilers and interpreters) for execution. The programs written in a high level language can be ported on any computer, that’s why these languages are known as machine independent. Examples of the early high level languages are COBOL, BASIC, APL, etc.
These languages enable the programmer to write instruction using English words and familiar mathematical symbols which makes it easier than technical details of the computer. It makes the programs more readable too.
Описание слайда:
High Level Languages All high level language is procedure-oriented language and is intended to be machine independent. Programs are written in statements similar to English language. That is, the high level languages use natural language like structures. These languages require translators (compilers and interpreters) for execution. The programs written in a high level language can be ported on any computer, that’s why these languages are known as machine independent. Examples of the early high level languages are COBOL, BASIC, APL, etc. These languages enable the programmer to write instruction using English words and familiar mathematical symbols which makes it easier than technical details of the computer. It makes the programs more readable too.

Слайд 4

Low Level Languages
The languages which use only primitive operations of the computer are known as low language. In these languages, programs are written by means of the memory and registers available on the computer. Since the architecture of computer differs from one machine to another, so far each type of computer there is a separate low level programming language. In the other words, Programs written in one low level language of one, architectural can’t be ported on any other machine dependent languages. Examples are Machine Language and Assembly Language.
Описание слайда:
Low Level Languages The languages which use only primitive operations of the computer are known as low language. In these languages, programs are written by means of the memory and registers available on the computer. Since the architecture of computer differs from one machine to another, so far each type of computer there is a separate low level programming language. In the other words, Programs written in one low level language of one, architectural can’t be ported on any other machine dependent languages. Examples are Machine Language and Assembly Language.

Слайд 5

Assembly language
Assembly languages are also known as second generation languages. These languages substitutes alphabetic or numeric symbols for the binary codes of machine language. 
These languages require a translator known as “Assembler” for translating the program code written in assembly language to machine language. Because computer can interpret only the machine code instruction, once the translation is completed the program can be executed.
Описание слайда:
Assembly language Assembly languages are also known as second generation languages. These languages substitutes alphabetic or numeric symbols for the binary codes of machine language. These languages require a translator known as “Assembler” for translating the program code written in assembly language to machine language. Because computer can interpret only the machine code instruction, once the translation is completed the program can be executed.

Слайд 6

Machine Language
In machine language program, the computation is based on binary numbers. All the instructions including operations, registers, data and memory locations are given in there binary equivalent.
The machine directly understands this language by virtue of its circuitry design so these programs are directly executable on the computer without any translations. This makes the program execution very fast. Machine languages are also known as first generation languages.
Описание слайда:
Machine Language In machine language program, the computation is based on binary numbers. All the instructions including operations, registers, data and memory locations are given in there binary equivalent. The machine directly understands this language by virtue of its circuitry design so these programs are directly executable on the computer without any translations. This makes the program execution very fast. Machine languages are also known as first generation languages.

Слайд 7

Software Categories
Описание слайда:
Software Categories

Слайд 8

Complete the following tasks in your own words using the information you have been given in addition to your own research.
1.	Explain the difference, between high level and low level languages.
2.	Explain the differences between compiled and interpreted languages?
3.	Give the meanings of algorithmic, object oriented or procedural languages.
4.	Research task: (See next slide) Identify the most suitable programming language for each application and justify your choice.
5.	Make your own mind-map for the software categories.
Описание слайда:
Activity Complete the following tasks in your own words using the information you have been given in addition to your own research. 1. Explain the difference, between high level and low level languages. 2. Explain the differences between compiled and interpreted languages? 3. Give the meanings of algorithmic, object oriented or procedural languages. 4. Research task: (See next slide) Identify the most suitable programming language for each application and justify your choice. 5. Make your own mind-map for the software categories.

Слайд 9

Use the instructions from the previous slide to complete the table.
Описание слайда:
Use the instructions from the previous slide to complete the table.

Слайд 10

Описание слайда:
http://life-prog.ru/ http://life-prog.ru/ http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse_computing/ocr/216_programming/programming_languages/miniweb/pg3.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzZpwGB91DU http://www.студентик.рф/node/47

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