🗊Презентация Mexico is situated in North America

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Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №1Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №2Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №3Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №4Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №5Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №6Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №7Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №8Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №9Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №10Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №11Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №12

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Mexico is situated in North America. The country has 1,972,550 square kilometers including  6,000 square kilometers of islands in the Pacific  Ocean the  Gulf  of Mexico , the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf California.
Описание слайда:
Mexico Mexico is situated in North America. The country has 1,972,550 square kilometers including 6,000 square kilometers of islands in the Pacific Ocean the Gulf of Mexico , the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf California.

Слайд 3

Green color  of Mexican  flag means hope and plenty . White color means purity .
Red- blood for the independence  of the country.
Описание слайда:
Flag Green color of Mexican flag means hope and plenty . White color means purity . Red- blood for the independence of the country.

Слайд 4

The anthem of Mexico has a Mexican eagle that sits on the cactus and eats a snake . It is a symbol of the victory of kindness above cruelty .
Описание слайда:
The anthem of Mexico has a Mexican eagle that sits on the cactus and eats a snake . It is a symbol of the victory of kindness above cruelty .

Слайд 5

The are 31 states in  Mexico.
Описание слайда:
The are 31 states in Mexico.

Слайд 6

The population of Mexico is 112,5 million people . They speak Spanish .
Описание слайда:
The population of Mexico is 112,5 million people . They speak Spanish .

Слайд 7

There are 7 political parties in Mexico .
The President of Mexico is Enrike Penia Nieto
Описание слайда:
There are 7 political parties in Mexico . The President of Mexico is Enrike Penia Nieto

Слайд 8

Look at some of the sightseeings.
Описание слайда:
Look at some of the sightseeings.

Слайд 9

Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

Mexico is situated in North America, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

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