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Слайд 1

My Favorite Book
Moshkina Dasha
Описание слайда:
My Favorite Book Moshkina Dasha

Слайд 2

I think reading is very important in our life. Books help to discover new things. They make me feel good. Reading is very perfect way to relax.
Описание слайда:
I think reading is very important in our life. Books help to discover new things. They make me feel good. Reading is very perfect way to relax.

Слайд 3

My favorite genres of books are romances and historical . I think these books are very popular.
Описание слайда:
My favorite genres of books are romances and historical . I think these books are very popular.

Слайд 4

My favorite book is «Gone with The Wind». Romance by American writer Margaret Mitchell, the events that occur in the southern United States in the 1860-ies, during and after the civil war. This book is brilliant and this book is good fun.
Описание слайда:
My favorite book is «Gone with The Wind». Romance by American writer Margaret Mitchell, the events that occur in the southern United States in the 1860-ies, during and after the civil war. This book is brilliant and this book is good fun.

Слайд 5

Margaret Mitchell
Описание слайда:
Margaret Mitchell

Слайд 6

Scarlett O Hara’s life is easy and comfortable. Her family has a big house and servants until the Civil War stars in America. Everything changes. Scarlett’s mother dies and her father is very ill. Scarlett becomes the head of her family. She learns to work on the land and look after all her family and friends. But she is not alone: every time Scarlett gets into trouble, handsome Rhett Butler turns up and helps her. He wants to marry her, but Scarlett has a secret: she is madly in love with her best friend’s husband.
Описание слайда:
Scarlett O Hara’s life is easy and comfortable. Her family has a big house and servants until the Civil War stars in America. Everything changes. Scarlett’s mother dies and her father is very ill. Scarlett becomes the head of her family. She learns to work on the land and look after all her family and friends. But she is not alone: every time Scarlett gets into trouble, handsome Rhett Butler turns up and helps her. He wants to marry her, but Scarlett has a secret: she is madly in love with her best friend’s husband.

Слайд 7

Scarlett O Hara
The main character of the romance Margaret Mitchell "gone with the wind. In the beginning of the novel she's 16, she's the heiress to a wealthy estate surrounded by love and care of parents and many servants. Scarlett is a woman who lost friends, love, favourite child, parents, support in the eyes of society — do not give up. One of the biggest shocks Scarlett feels when she realizes that for years her love for Ashley — empty childhood dream, which has nothing to do with those who truly owned her heart.
Описание слайда:
Scarlett O Hara The main character of the romance Margaret Mitchell "gone with the wind. In the beginning of the novel she's 16, she's the heiress to a wealthy estate surrounded by love and care of parents and many servants. Scarlett is a woman who lost friends, love, favourite child, parents, support in the eyes of society — do not give up. One of the biggest shocks Scarlett feels when she realizes that for years her love for Ashley — empty childhood dream, which has nothing to do with those who truly owned her heart.

Слайд 8

 Rhett Butler
Man, handsome and rich, brave, determined. To achieve success in business is not inclined to choose funds. His reputation leaves much to be desired, but is extremely intelligent, wise, sometimes exhibiting a delicacy of the people who understand and value the beauty of the soul of people.
Описание слайда:
 Rhett Butler Man, handsome and rich, brave, determined. To achieve success in business is not inclined to choose funds. His reputation leaves much to be desired, but is extremely intelligent, wise, sometimes exhibiting a delicacy of the people who understand and value the beauty of the soul of people.

Слайд 9

Ashley Wilkes
First love Scarlett, which lasted over 14 years (from 14 - to 28-year-old age Scarlett).This man, who lived a long time in his own world. Although he was one of the best shooters, it is much more drawn to literature, poetry and philosophy. This allowed him the status of a wealthy planter and slave owner. In war he showed himself as a skillful and brave officer.
Описание слайда:
Ashley Wilkes First love Scarlett, which lasted over 14 years (from 14 - to 28-year-old age Scarlett).This man, who lived a long time in his own world. Although he was one of the best shooters, it is much more drawn to literature, poetry and philosophy. This allowed him the status of a wealthy planter and slave owner. In war he showed himself as a skillful and brave officer.

Слайд 10

"Gone with the wind" won eight Oscars, setting a record that lasted until 1958. It was the first color film that won the coveted statuette.
Описание слайда:
"Gone with the wind" won eight Oscars, setting a record that lasted until 1958. It was the first color film that won the coveted statuette.

Слайд 11

The book "gone with the wind" I really liked. This book is good fun. I would recommend to read this book.  In 2016, it was exactly 80 years since the “publication“ of the legendary novel gone with the wind events that occur in the southern United States to 1860, during the civil war.
Описание слайда:
The book "gone with the wind" I really liked. This book is good fun. I would recommend to read this book. In 2016, it was exactly 80 years since the “publication“ of the legendary novel gone with the wind events that occur in the southern United States to 1860, during the civil war.

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