🗊Презентация National Park of Russia

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National Park of Russia, слайд №1National Park of Russia, слайд №2National Park of Russia, слайд №3National Park of Russia, слайд №4National Park of Russia, слайд №5National Park of Russia, слайд №6National Park of Russia, слайд №7National Park of Russia, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

National Park of Russia
Karina Kislova
Описание слайда:
National Park of Russia Karina Kislova

Слайд 2

Sochi National Park
Sochi National Park is located in the city of Sochi, in the Northwest of the Caucasus, on the slope of the Black Sea.
Описание слайда:
Sochi National Park Sochi National Park is located in the city of Sochi, in the Northwest of the Caucasus, on the slope of the Black Sea.

Слайд 3

Date of Foundation
Sochi National Park founded in the year 1983 on May 5.
Описание слайда:
Date of Foundation Sochi National Park founded in the year 1983 on May 5.

Слайд 4

Objective grounds Park
 Park founded-in order to preserve the unique natural complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, their use in environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes, and for the preservation of rare animals.
Описание слайда:
Objective grounds Park  Park founded-in order to preserve the unique natural complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, their use in environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes, and for the preservation of rare animals.

Слайд 5

Sochi sights of the Park it flows about 40 creeks and rivers, Shah comp mzymta. In streams and rivers is not a small amount of canyons and waterfalls.  The fauna is extremely diverse. In the Park live representatives of about 70 species of mammals. Among them are brown bears, Lynx, chamois, deer, wild boars, roe deer, wolves, Martens, otters, badgers, hares, and many others.
Описание слайда:
Sochi sights of the Park it flows about 40 creeks and rivers, Shah comp mzymta. In streams and rivers is not a small amount of canyons and waterfalls. The fauna is extremely diverse. In the Park live representatives of about 70 species of mammals. Among them are brown bears, Lynx, chamois, deer, wild boars, roe deer, wolves, Martens, otters, badgers, hares, and many others.

Слайд 6

Sochi fauna reserve
Here are often found brown bear, roe deer, wild boar, Wolf, Fox, wild cat, Badger, squirrel, weasel, Hare, Lynx and less bars, on the cliffs inhabited by chamois. Of avifauna — chickadee, cuckoo, Kingfisher, thrush, etc. In mixed deciduous forest birds is much greater than in beech and FIR.
Описание слайда:
Sochi fauna reserve Here are often found brown bear, roe deer, wild boar, Wolf, Fox, wild cat, Badger, squirrel, weasel, Hare, Lynx and less bars, on the cliffs inhabited by chamois. Of avifauna — chickadee, cuckoo, Kingfisher, thrush, etc. In mixed deciduous forest birds is much greater than in beech and FIR.

Слайд 7

Vegetation of Sochi nature reserve
The vegetation of the Sochi National Park unique. Here grow hundreds of different kinds of trees. Large area occupied by beech forests, oak groves, European chestnut. You can admire endlessly thickets of box-rare relic plants found only in the southern regions. Many plants growing in the Park are listed in the Red Book, they require careful treatment and vigilantly protected by.
Описание слайда:
Vegetation of Sochi nature reserve The vegetation of the Sochi National Park unique. Here grow hundreds of different kinds of trees. Large area occupied by beech forests, oak groves, European chestnut. You can admire endlessly thickets of box-rare relic plants found only in the southern regions. Many plants growing in the Park are listed in the Red Book, they require careful treatment and vigilantly protected by.

Слайд 8

                    Thanks for your attention!
Описание слайда:
Thanks for your attention!

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