🗊Презентация Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences

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Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №1Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №2Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №3Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №4Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №5Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №6Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №7

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

Oribatid mites are one of the numerically dominant arthropod groups in soils.
Описание слайда:
ORIBATID MITES Oribatid mites are one of the numerically dominant arthropod groups in soils.

Слайд 3

Oribatid  mites  are  known  as  fossils  back  to  the  Middle  Devonian  period and  Early  Ordovician.
Oribatid  mites  are  known  as  fossils  back  to  the  Middle  Devonian  period and  Early  Ordovician.
Oribatid  can also be found, like beetle fragments, in interglacialand pre-Quaternary sediments and in different types of buried soils.
Описание слайда:
Oribatid mites are known as fossils back to the Middle Devonian period and Early Ordovician. Oribatid mites are known as fossils back to the Middle Devonian period and Early Ordovician. Oribatid can also be found, like beetle fragments, in interglacialand pre-Quaternary sediments and in different types of buried soils.

Слайд 4

First discovered
Описание слайда:
First discovered

Слайд 5

marine and brackish water littoral sediments, 
marine and brackish water littoral sediments, 
saltmarshes, as part of lake ecosystems, 
bogs and fens, 
all types of soils, 
arboreal habitats. 
Past shifts in oribatid assemblages can hopefully be used to reconstruct environmental variables such as temperature, lake chemistry, ice cover, succession of trees and lake-level fluctuations.
Описание слайда:
marine and brackish water littoral sediments, marine and brackish water littoral sediments, saltmarshes, as part of lake ecosystems, bogs and fens, all types of soils, arboreal habitats. Past shifts in oribatid assemblages can hopefully be used to reconstruct environmental variables such as temperature, lake chemistry, ice cover, succession of trees and lake-level fluctuations.

Слайд 6

The genus Hydrozetes occurs in most lakes, tarns, bog pools and even in very wet fens where they often are found in great densities. They may be more abundant in eutrophic than in oligotrophic waterbodies (Bennike, 2000).
Oribatid mites could help reconstruct the arrival and
possible succession of trees, some may even be associated with only a single tree/shrub genus or even a single or a few species. For instance, Dentizetes ledensis is so far known only from leaves of Ledum groenlandicum (Behan-Pelletier, 2000). 
In tree ecosystems, oribatids are often associated with bark, epiphytic lichens and mosses.
Описание слайда:
Reconstructions The genus Hydrozetes occurs in most lakes, tarns, bog pools and even in very wet fens where they often are found in great densities. They may be more abundant in eutrophic than in oligotrophic waterbodies (Bennike, 2000). Oribatid mites could help reconstruct the arrival and possible succession of trees, some may even be associated with only a single tree/shrub genus or even a single or a few species. For instance, Dentizetes ledensis is so far known only from leaves of Ledum groenlandicum (Behan-Pelletier, 2000). In tree ecosystems, oribatids are often associated with bark, epiphytic lichens and mosses.

Слайд 7

Oribatid mites - Institute of Earth Sciences, слайд №7
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