🗊Презентация Web programming. JSP

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Web programming. JSP, слайд №1Web programming. JSP, слайд №2Web programming. JSP, слайд №3Web programming. JSP, слайд №4Web programming. JSP, слайд №5Web programming. JSP, слайд №6Web programming. JSP, слайд №7Web programming. JSP, слайд №8Web programming. JSP, слайд №9Web programming. JSP, слайд №10Web programming. JSP, слайд №11Web programming. JSP, слайд №12Web programming. JSP, слайд №13Web programming. JSP, слайд №14Web programming. JSP, слайд №15Web programming. JSP, слайд №16Web programming. JSP, слайд №17Web programming. JSP, слайд №18Web programming. JSP, слайд №19Web programming. JSP, слайд №20Web programming. JSP, слайд №21Web programming. JSP, слайд №22Web programming. JSP, слайд №23Web programming. JSP, слайд №24Web programming. JSP, слайд №25Web programming. JSP, слайд №26Web programming. JSP, слайд №27Web programming. JSP, слайд №28Web programming. JSP, слайд №29Web programming. JSP, слайд №30Web programming. JSP, слайд №31Web programming. JSP, слайд №32Web programming. JSP, слайд №33Web programming. JSP, слайд №34Web programming. JSP, слайд №35Web programming. JSP, слайд №36Web programming. JSP, слайд №37Web programming. JSP, слайд №38Web programming. JSP, слайд №39Web programming. JSP, слайд №40Web programming. JSP, слайд №41

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Web programming.
Описание слайда:
Web programming. JSP

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:
Client-server Client Server Protocol

Слайд 3

Protocol is HTTP
Client sends HTTP request
Server generates HTTP response
Data are returned as document(HTML, XML, image)
Описание слайда:
Client-server Protocol is HTTP Client sends HTTP request Server generates HTTP response Data are returned as document(HTML, XML, image)

Слайд 4

Hypertext transfer protocol
Resources are identified by URI or URL
Command consists of header and data
Stateless protocol
Request defines action to perform
Status codes are returned(200, 404, 500, etc)
Описание слайда:
http Hypertext transfer protocol Resources are identified by URI or URL Command consists of header and data Stateless protocol Request defines action to perform Status codes are returned(200, 404, 500, etc)

Слайд 5

http request
Описание слайда:
http request

Слайд 6

http request
Описание слайда:
http request

Слайд 7

http request
Описание слайда:
http request

Слайд 8

http response
Описание слайда:
http response

Слайд 9

http response
<!DOCTYPE html>
         <h1>My First Heading</h1>
         <p>My first paragraph.</p>
Описание слайда:
http response <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>My First Heading</h1> <p>My first paragraph.</p> </body> </html>

Слайд 10

Web server
Apache Tomcat
Описание слайда:
Web server Apache Tomcat Jetty GlassFish WebLogic WebSphere WildFly

Слайд 11

Web server
Описание слайда:
Web server

Слайд 12

             <input type="hidden" id="code" />
             <textarea id="pre_code"  />
Описание слайда:
HTML <html> <body> <form> <input type="hidden" id="code" /> <textarea id="pre_code" /> <form> </body> </html>

Слайд 13

Web server
Java servlets
Java server pages(JSP)
Web sockets
Описание слайда:
Web server Java servlets Java server pages(JSP) Web sockets

Слайд 14

Java servlet
Java component that runs inside web server
Web server loads and destroys servlets
Receives HTTP requests, generates results and sends out HTTP responses
Part of J2EE
Описание слайда:
Java servlet Java component that runs inside web server Web server loads and destroys servlets Receives HTTP requests, generates results and sends out HTTP responses Part of J2EE

Слайд 15

Java servlet
Описание слайда:
Java servlet

Слайд 16

Servlet container
Interacts with Java servlets
Manages lifecycle of the servlet
Maps URL to particular servlets
Ensures security and check access rights
Provides deployment, transaction management, concurrency and other services
Описание слайда:
Servlet container Interacts with Java servlets Manages lifecycle of the servlet Maps URL to particular servlets Ensures security and check access rights Provides deployment, transaction management, concurrency and other services

Слайд 17

Apache tomcat
Developed by Apache Software Foundation
Includes web server(Coyote), servlet container(Catalina) and JSP engine(Jasper)
Requires Java 7
Current version is 8.0.20
Supports Servlets, JSP, EL and Web sockets
Описание слайда:
Apache tomcat Developed by Apache Software Foundation Includes web server(Coyote), servlet container(Catalina) and JSP engine(Jasper) Requires Java 7 Current version is 8.0.20 Supports Servlets, JSP, EL and Web sockets

Слайд 18

Adds dynamic content to web pages
Designed in 1999
Introduced JSTL(JSP standard tag library) 
Introduced EL(expression language)
Current version 2.4
Описание слайда:
JSP Adds dynamic content to web pages Designed in 1999 Introduced JSTL(JSP standard tag library) Introduced EL(expression language) Current version 2.4

Слайд 19

Описание слайда:

Слайд 20

Client sends HTTP request to the server
Server recognized HTTP request and forwards to to JSP engine
JSP engine loads JSP page and converts it into servlet
JSP engine compiles servlet into executable code and forwards request to servlet engine
Servlet engine executes servlet and produces HTML
HTTP response with HTML is returned to client
Описание слайда:
jsp Client sends HTTP request to the server Server recognized HTTP request and forwards to to JSP engine JSP engine loads JSP page and converts it into servlet JSP engine compiles servlet into executable code and forwards request to servlet engine Servlet engine executes servlet and produces HTML HTTP response with HTML is returned to client

Слайд 21

Sample jsp
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
   <head><title>Dynamic HTML</title></head>
         Hello World!
Описание слайда:
Sample jsp <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%> <html> <head><title>Dynamic HTML</title></head> <body> Hello World! </body> </html>

Слайд 22

Sample jsp
out.println("<br/>Your IP address is " + request.getRemoteAddr());
String userAgent = request.getHeader("user-agent");
out.println(“<br/>” + userAgent);
Описание слайда:
Sample jsp <% out.println("<br/>Your IP address is " + request.getRemoteAddr()); String userAgent = request.getHeader("user-agent"); out.println(“<br/>” + userAgent); %>

Слайд 23

Java beans
Plain Java objects
No-argument public constructors
Setter and getter for each field
May receive or generate events
Описание слайда:
Java beans Plain Java objects No-argument public constructors Setter and getter for each field May receive or generate events Serializable

Слайд 24

Java beans
public class Product implements Serializable {
     private int id;
     public Product() {}
     public int getId() {
          return id;
    public void setId(int id) {
          this.id = id; }
Описание слайда:
Java beans public class Product implements Serializable { private int id; public Product() {} public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } }

Слайд 25

Jsp architecture
Описание слайда:
Jsp architecture

Слайд 26

Описание слайда:

Слайд 27

Model contains application data and business rules
View contains representation of the data
Controller sends commands to view and updates model
Описание слайда:
mvc Model contains application data and business rules View contains representation of the data Controller sends commands to view and updates model

Слайд 28

Jsp architecture
Описание слайда:
Jsp architecture

Слайд 29

Jsp variables
Описание слайда:
Jsp variables application config out pageContext request response session

Слайд 30

String getParameter(String name)
Enumeration<String> getParameterNames()
String[] getParameterValues(String name)
String getServerName()
String getRemoteAddr()
String getHeader(String name);
String getMethod();
String getContextPath();
String getQueryString();
Описание слайда:
httpservletrequest String getParameter(String name) Enumeration<String> getParameterNames() String[] getParameterValues(String name) String getServerName() String getRemoteAddr() String getHeader(String name); String getMethod(); String getContextPath(); String getQueryString();

Слайд 31

Описание слайда:
httpservletresponse encodeURL(String) sendRedirect(String) getHeader(String) getContentType() getOutputStream() getCharacterEncoding()

Слайд 32

http session
Provides way to identify a user who requests web server
Identifies user
Has time limitations
Has a cookie assigned(JSESSIONID)
Used to store attributes
Описание слайда:
http session Provides way to identify a user who requests web server Identifies user Has time limitations Has a cookie assigned(JSESSIONID) Used to store attributes

Слайд 33

setAttribute(String, Object)
Описание слайда:
httpsession getAttribute(String) getId() getServletContext() invalidate() removeAttribute(String) setAttribute(String, Object)

Слайд 34

Provides web server with information it needs to handle JSP request
Executes before compilation
Описание слайда:
directives Provides web server with information it needs to handle JSP request Executes before compilation page include taglib

Слайд 35

Page directive
<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page import="java.util.ArrayList"%>
<%@page import="java.util.*“ %>
<%@page import=“org.hillel.it.model.Product, org.hillel.it.model.Order“ %>
Описание слайда:
Page directive <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"%> <%@page import="java.util.ArrayList"%> <%@page import="java.util.*“ %> <%@page import=“org.hillel.it.model.Product, org.hillel.it.model.Order“ %>

Слайд 36

Include directive
<%@include file=“header.jsp“ %>
Описание слайда:
Include directive <%@include file=“header.jsp“ %>

Слайд 37

Executing while processing HTTP request
Описание слайда:
actions Executing while processing HTTP request forward include param useBean getProperty text setProperty

Слайд 38

Forward action
<jsp:forward page=“login.jsp">
      <jsp:param name=“reason" value=“nosession"/>
Описание слайда:
Forward action <jsp:forward page=“login.jsp"> <jsp:param name=“reason" value=“nosession"/> </jsp:forward>

Слайд 39

Include action
<jsp:include page=“header.jsp"/>
Описание слайда:
Include action <jsp:include page=“header.jsp"/>

Слайд 40

useBean action
<jsp:useBean id=“service" scope="application“
class=“org.hillel.it.service.ServiceImpl“ />
<% int id = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter(“id”));
Product product = service.getProduct(id) %>
Описание слайда:
useBean action <jsp:useBean id=“service" scope="application“ class=“org.hillel.it.service.ServiceImpl“ /> <% int id = Integer.valueOf(request.getParameter(“id”)); Product product = service.getProduct(id) %>

Слайд 41

Session scope
Описание слайда:
Session scope page request session application

Теги Web programming. JSP
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