🗊Презентация Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics

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Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №1Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №2Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №3Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №4Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №5Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №6Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №7Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №8Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №9Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

1. Object, method and tasks of the course

1.1 Subject and objectives of course. Its place in the system of economic Sciences, communication with other Sciences.

1.2 The Meaning and place of agriculture in the economics. 

1.3 Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics.
Описание слайда:
1. Object, method and tasks of the course 1.1 Subject and objectives of course. Its place in the system of economic Sciences, communication with other Sciences. 1.2 The Meaning and place of agriculture in the economics. 1.3 Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics.

Слайд 2

 1.1 Subject and objectives of course. Its place in the system of economic Sciences, communication with other Sciences.

In the broadest sense, Economics is understood as the totality of social relations in which people engage in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods.
The economics is designed to solve the following problems: What to produce? How to produce? How to produce? What to produce?
This course studies of the action of objective economic laws and forms of their manifestation in agriculture. Agricultural Economics explores the economic relationships in agriculture, in theory generalizes the advanced experience of the agricultural enterprises. 
It also studies the production relations of people in interdependence and interaction with the development of the productive forces.
The purpose of the discipline consists that  people who have studied it, knew how to act in particular situations, so that the production was quite effective at any forms of ownership and management.
This course is closely connected with other Sciences:
1) agricultural statistics;
2) accounting;
3) economic Cybernetics;
4) economic geography;
5) production technology.
Описание слайда:
1.1 Subject and objectives of course. Its place in the system of economic Sciences, communication with other Sciences. In the broadest sense, Economics is understood as the totality of social relations in which people engage in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. The economics is designed to solve the following problems: What to produce? How to produce? How to produce? What to produce? This course studies of the action of objective economic laws and forms of their manifestation in agriculture. Agricultural Economics explores the economic relationships in agriculture, in theory generalizes the advanced experience of the agricultural enterprises. It also studies the production relations of people in interdependence and interaction with the development of the productive forces. The purpose of the discipline consists that people who have studied it, knew how to act in particular situations, so that the production was quite effective at any forms of ownership and management. This course is closely connected with other Sciences: 1) agricultural statistics; 2) accounting; 3) economic Cybernetics; 4) economic geography; 5) production technology.

Слайд 3

Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

1.2 The Meaning and place of agriculture in the economics.
Описание слайда:
1.2 The Meaning and place of agriculture in the economics.

Слайд 5

1.3 Features agriculture as sectors of the economy.
Описание слайда:
1.3 Features agriculture as sectors of the economy.

Слайд 6

Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Features of agriculture as a sector of the economics, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

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