🗊Презентация The Economist: The Work of Calculation

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The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №1The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №2The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №3The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №4The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №5The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №6The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №7The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №8The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №9The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №10The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №11The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №12The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №13The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №14The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №15

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The Economist: The Work of Calculation
Описание слайда:
The Economist: The Work of Calculation

Слайд 2

At first glance, you can think that this proffession is boring, but economics is a game. And if you understand the rules - you will never be bored.
Описание слайда:
At first glance, you can think that this proffession is boring, but economics is a game. And if you understand the rules - you will never be bored.

Слайд 3

Field of activity

Proffession of Economist  is in demand in the banking sector, at enterprises, organizations, firms, companies, associations, regardless of ownership, in any sector of the economy.
Описание слайда:
Field of activity Proffession of Economist is in demand in the banking sector, at enterprises, organizations, firms, companies, associations, regardless of ownership, in any sector of the economy.

Слайд 4

The Economist: The Work of Calculation, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

(economics is the art of economic management)
 plans production and economic activities of the organization
determines the economic efficiency of work
performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs
Описание слайда:
Economist (economics is the art of economic management) plans production and economic activities of the organization determines the economic efficiency of work performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs

Слайд 6

Professionally important qualities

ability to analyze a large amount of information
good memory
high working capacity

Professional training
	Higher or secondary economic education
Описание слайда:
Professionally important qualities ability to analyze a large amount of information good memory Attentiveness Accuracy high working capacity Professional training Higher or secondary economic education

Слайд 7

 (finance - total cash)
monitors the financial activities of the enterprise, institution
organizes work with service banks
prepares reports on the execution of financial plans
Описание слайда:
Financier (finance - total cash) monitors the financial activities of the enterprise, institution organizes work with service banks prepares reports on the execution of financial plans

Слайд 8

Professionally important qualities

strategic thinking
organizational skills
good memory, attentiveness
Professional training
	Higher economic education
Описание слайда:
Professionally important qualities strategic thinking organizational skills Initiative responsibility good memory, attentiveness Professional training Higher economic education

Слайд 9

 (аудит - независимая финансовая экспертиза)
Описание слайда:
Auditor (аудит - независимая финансовая экспертиза)

Слайд 10

Профессионально важные качества

logical and analytical thinking
good memory, attentiveness
good memory, attentiveness
high working capacity
patience, accuracy

Professional training
	Higher economic education
Описание слайда:
Профессионально важные качества logical and analytical thinking good memory, attentiveness собранность good memory, attentiveness high working capacity patience, accuracy Professional training Higher economic education

Слайд 11


develops procurement plans
Looks for suppliers
leads the development of product distribution schemes (raw material supply, transportation, warehousing)
controls the movement of materials
 from the receipt of raw materials to
 the delivery of finished products to 
Описание слайда:
Logist develops procurement plans Looks for suppliers leads the development of product distribution schemes (raw material supply, transportation, warehousing) controls the movement of materials from the receipt of raw materials to the delivery of finished products to consumers

Слайд 12

Профессионально важные качества

Analytical mind
ability to predict a situation
 stress resistance 
determination, willingness to take risks
good memory, sustained attention
               Professional training
	Higher economic education
Описание слайда:
Профессионально важные качества Analytical mind ability to predict a situation stress resistance determination, willingness to take risks good memory, sustained attention Professional training Higher economic education

Слайд 13

sales strategy organization

studies the product, its quantity and
     quality characteristics
predicts customer demand
 for goods and services
analyzes the sales system 
of the industry
Описание слайда:
Marketer sales strategy organization studies the product, its quantity and      quality characteristics predicts customer demand for goods and services analyzes the sales system of the industry

Слайд 14

Professionally important qualities

Analytical mind
good memory
initiative, energy
intuition, ability to quickly navigate
    in a changing environment
            Professional training
Higher or secondary special economic education
Описание слайда:
Professionally important qualities Analytical mind good memory Observation initiative, energy intuition, ability to quickly navigate     in a changing environment Professional training Higher or secondary special economic education

Слайд 15

Major specialties of economics
World economy
Economics and enterprise management
Economics and organization of production
Finance and credit
Accounting, analysis and audit
Сommercial activity
Business administration
Описание слайда:
Major specialties of economics Economy World economy Economics and enterprise management Economics and organization of production Finance and credit Accounting, analysis and audit Management Marketing Logistics Сommercial activity Business administration

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