🗊Презентация Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6)

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Rigsite for LWD
Lesson 6
Data Management
Описание слайда:
Rigsite for LWD Lesson 6 Data Management

Слайд 2

INSITE Data Manager
Export and import data
Create and store new datasets 
Copy, move, or rename datasets 
View and edit the contents of datasets
Описание слайда:
INSITE Data Manager Export and import data Create and store new datasets Copy, move, or rename datasets View and edit the contents of datasets

Слайд 3

Data Manager Layout
Описание слайда:
Data Manager Layout

Слайд 4

Types of Data Stored
Bag data - stored in name value pairs (tool parameters, well data, etc.)
Private data - stored in a form that INSITE cannot display (tool image data)
Record data - stored in datasets (sensor data, environmental data, etc)
Описание слайда:
Types of Data Stored Bag data - stored in name value pairs (tool parameters, well data, etc.) Private data - stored in a form that INSITE cannot display (tool image data) Record data - stored in datasets (sensor data, environmental data, etc)

Слайд 5

Record Data Storage
A dataset is a collection of associated information stored in the INSITE database
A dataset is not a file, but a set of data defined by four primary search keys that tell INSITE what data to include in the dataset
Описание слайда:
Record Data Storage A dataset is a collection of associated information stored in the INSITE database A dataset is not a file, but a set of data defined by four primary search keys that tell INSITE what data to include in the dataset

Слайд 6

Dataset Primary Keys
Well I.D. 
15 character limit 
Run number 
0 to 9999*
Record type 
15 character limit
31 character limit
Описание слайда:
Dataset Primary Keys Well I.D. 15 character limit Run number 0 to 9999* Record type 15 character limit Description 31 character limit

Слайд 7

Primary Key Order
Are not a hierarchy; they can be rearranged in any order
Are generally presented in the order: Well I.D., Run Number, Record Type, Description for convenience 
Some datasets have a description of blank
Описание слайда:
Primary Key Order Are not a hierarchy; they can be rearranged in any order Are generally presented in the order: Well I.D., Run Number, Record Type, Description for convenience Some datasets have a description of blank

Слайд 8

Run Number Key
Number of the MWD run (the run when the data was collected 100, 200, etc.)
Well based (the data that applies to the well as a whole or to multiple runs)
Описание слайда:
Run Number Key Number of the MWD run (the run when the data was collected 100, 200, etc.) Well based (the data that applies to the well as a whole or to multiple runs)

Слайд 9

Well Based Dataset Key
Well Information
Environmental data
Описание слайда:
Well Based Dataset Key Descriptors Well Information Environmental data Remarks

Слайд 10

Record Type Key
Описание слайда:
Record Type Key

Слайд 11

Description Key
Sensor data source descriptions
Insite Read is recorded data read from a tool 
Positive Pulse Data is real-time data
Time/Depth dataset
Contains record of time versus depth 
Description MUST be - Master
Описание слайда:
Description Key Sensor data source descriptions Insite Read is recorded data read from a tool Positive Pulse Data is real-time data Time/Depth dataset Contains record of time versus depth Description MUST be - Master

Слайд 12

Dataset Review
Data Manager
4 Keys
Описание слайда:
Dataset Review Data Manager Dataset 4 Keys

Слайд 13

Dataset Contents
Record data
Alphanumeric data presented as a table
Rows in the table are called records
Each column in the table is a variable
Variables do not always contain data
Descriptor instructions
Instructions to access data from multiple runs
Описание слайда:
Dataset Contents Record data Alphanumeric data presented as a table Rows in the table are called records Each column in the table is a variable Variables do not always contain data Descriptor instructions Instructions to access data from multiple runs

Слайд 14

Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6), слайд №14
Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

Types of Variables
Raw and processed data from a sensor
Stored in the database 
Data calculated from measured variables
Not stored in database, but generated on the fly
Описание слайда:
Types of Variables Measured Raw and processed data from a sensor Stored in the database Calculated Data calculated from measured variables Not stored in database, but generated on the fly

Слайд 16

Indexed against time or depth
Characterized by 
Variable name (TVD, EWR phase angle, etc)
Unit type (depth, phase angle, hole angle, mud density, etc.)
Measurement unit (feet, degrees, lb/gal, etc.)
Описание слайда:
Variables Indexed against time or depth Characterized by Variable name (TVD, EWR phase angle, etc) Unit type (depth, phase angle, hole angle, mud density, etc.) Measurement unit (feet, degrees, lb/gal, etc.)

Слайд 17

Unit Set
All data stored in English units
Converts to other units on-the-fly for display
Active unit set contains conversion instructions 
Standard unit set can be modified to customer requirements
Описание слайда:
Unit Set All data stored in English units Converts to other units on-the-fly for display Active unit set contains conversion instructions Standard unit set can be modified to customer requirements

Слайд 18

Unit Set Editor
Описание слайда:
Unit Set Editor

Слайд 19

Data Storage Review
Unit sets
Описание слайда:
Data Storage Review Records Variables Calculated Measured Unit sets

Слайд 20

ADI Files
An ADI file can only be read by INSITE 
ADI files can be any size from a single dataset to the entire database
Описание слайда:
ADI Files An ADI file can only be read by INSITE ADI files can be any size from a single dataset to the entire database

Слайд 21

Importing ADI Files
Entire file or selected datasets
Datasets with the same 4 keys overwrite 
Data Directory containing config files
Data Directory renamed during import
Session Logs
Описание слайда:
Importing ADI Files Entire file or selected datasets Datasets with the same 4 keys overwrite Data Directory containing config files Data Directory renamed during import Session Logs

Слайд 22

Import ADI Process
Описание слайда:
Import ADI Process

Слайд 23

Exporting ADI Files
Backup INSITE datasets
Transfer a dataset to another computer
Send a dataset to a customer or to the lab for evaluation
Описание слайда:
Exporting ADI Files Backup INSITE datasets Transfer a dataset to another computer Send a dataset to a customer or to the lab for evaluation

Слайд 24

Export ADI Files
Entire well
Single run
Single record type
Single dataset
ADI file can include the Data directory with all the well templates
Session Log
Описание слайда:
Export ADI Files Entire well Single run Single record type Single dataset ADI file can include the Data directory with all the well templates Session Log

Слайд 25

Export ADI Process
Описание слайда:
Export ADI Process

Слайд 26

Data Manager Main Menu
Описание слайда:
Data Manager Main Menu

Слайд 27

Dataset Editors
Remarks editor
General data editor
Survey editor
Time/Depth editor
Descriptor editor
Описание слайда:
Dataset Editors Remarks editor General data editor Survey editor Time/Depth editor Descriptor editor

Слайд 28

When to Edit a Dataset
Creating a new dataset
There are confirmed invalid data 
Transmission errors in real-time
ROP spikes from improper depth control
Dataset needs manual updating
Remarks dataset needs additional remarks
Customer requests editing
Описание слайда:
When to Edit a Dataset Creating a new dataset There are confirmed invalid data Transmission errors in real-time ROP spikes from improper depth control Dataset needs manual updating Remarks dataset needs additional remarks Customer requests editing

Слайд 29

Before Editing Datasets
Correct data is confirmed by other means
Описание слайда:
Before Editing Datasets Correct data is confirmed by other means

Слайд 30

Opening Dataset Editors
Creating a new dataset automatically opens the editor for that type of dataset
Double click on an existing dataset in data manager
Select dataset and use Data Manager menu
Right click on dataset and use short menu
Описание слайда:
Opening Dataset Editors Creating a new dataset automatically opens the editor for that type of dataset Double click on an existing dataset in data manager Select dataset and use Data Manager menu Right click on dataset and use short menu

Слайд 31

Creating Datasets
A new well is started
Remarks dataset
Descriptor datasets
Whenever a change in the drilling process requires it
Some datasets are created by other applications (Geometry Editor, MWD Tool Parameters)
Описание слайда:
Creating Datasets A new well is started Remarks dataset Descriptor datasets Whenever a change in the drilling process requires it Some datasets are created by other applications (Geometry Editor, MWD Tool Parameters)

Слайд 32

Remarks Dataset
Associates remarks with either time or depth
Has a run number of well based
Can be plotted as a trace on a log
Contains explanatory remarks to interpret log data
Описание слайда:
Remarks Dataset Associates remarks with either time or depth Has a run number of well based Can be plotted as a trace on a log Contains explanatory remarks to interpret log data

Слайд 33

Create a Remarks Dataset
Описание слайда:
Create a Remarks Dataset

Слайд 34

General Data Viewer/Editor
Used for sensor datasets (DGR, EWR, MWD Surf Pres, etc)
Three different views available 
Search for specified records
Edit or delete records in the dataset
Insert or append new records
Описание слайда:
General Data Viewer/Editor Used for sensor datasets (DGR, EWR, MWD Surf Pres, etc) Three different views available Search for specified records Edit or delete records in the dataset Insert or append new records

Слайд 35

Описание слайда:

Слайд 36

General Data Viewer/Editor
Описание слайда:
General Data Viewer/Editor

Слайд 37

Record View
Описание слайда:
Record View

Слайд 38

Environmental Datasets
Описание слайда:
Environmental Datasets

Слайд 39

Depth Environmental Datasets
Описание слайда:
Depth Environmental Datasets

Слайд 40

Time Environmental Datasets
Описание слайда:
Time Environmental Datasets

Слайд 41

Environmental Datasets
Описание слайда:
Environmental Datasets

Слайд 42

Editor and Dataset Review
Dataset Editors
Creating datasets
Remarks editor
General data editor
Menu options
Environmental Dataset Editor
Описание слайда:
Editor and Dataset Review Dataset Editors Creating datasets Remarks editor General data editor Layout Displays Menu options Environmental Dataset Editor

Слайд 43

End of Lesson 6
Описание слайда:
End of Lesson 6

Слайд 44

Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6), слайд №44
Описание слайда:

Слайд 45

Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6), слайд №45
Описание слайда:

Слайд 46

Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6), слайд №46
Описание слайда:

Слайд 47

Rigsite for LWD. Data management. (Lesson 6), слайд №47
Описание слайда:

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