🗊What age young people can…?

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What age young people can…?, слайд №1What age young people can…?, слайд №2What age young people can…?, слайд №3What age young people can…?, слайд №4What age young people can…?, слайд №5What age young people can…?, слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

What age young people can…?
Описание слайда:
What age young people can…?

Слайд 2

Young people in Britain can…
Описание слайда:
Young people in Britain can…

Слайд 3

Young people in Russia  can…
Описание слайда:
Young people in Russia can…

Слайд 4

Young people can…
Описание слайда:
Young people can…

Слайд 5

Put   to   into the gaps where it is necessary
I want him …    help me.
She was not permitted …   attend any school activities.
Some people let their kids …    do whatever they like.
I can’t make him …    learn the rules by heart.
Описание слайда:
Put to into the gaps where it is necessary I want him … help me. She was not permitted … attend any school activities. Some people let their kids … do whatever they like. I can’t make him … learn the rules by heart.

Слайд 6

Put   to   into the gaps where it is necessary
5. The rain made us …   come home.
6. My parents wouldn’t allow me …    go to the party.
7. He was forbidden …    leave the house.
8. Let Marat  …    have go on the computer.
Описание слайда:
Put to into the gaps where it is necessary 5. The rain made us … come home. 6. My parents wouldn’t allow me … go to the party. 7. He was forbidden … leave the house. 8. Let Marat … have go on the computer.

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