🗊Презентация Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age

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Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №1Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №2Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №3Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №4Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №5Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №6Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №7Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age, слайд №8

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age   
The work was completed by Novitskaya Valeria Vadimovna
Описание слайда:
Mobile music games for learning English vocabulary at preschool age The work was completed by Novitskaya Valeria Vadimovna

Слайд 2

The object and the subject of study
The object of study – gaming technology used to teach foreign languages.
The subject of study is the study of vocabulary using mobile music games at preschool age.
Описание слайда:
The object and the subject of study The object of study – gaming technology used to teach foreign languages. The subject of study is the study of vocabulary using mobile music games at preschool age.

Слайд 3

The Tasks are
Описание слайда:
The Tasks are

Слайд 4

In order that classes should be effective and in order not to overload the child, they must follow certain principles: the voluntariness of classes, the motivation of child and interest in lessons, the child’s comfort in learning, the sequence of training, perseverance.
In order that classes should be effective and in order not to overload the child, they must follow certain principles: the voluntariness of classes, the motivation of child and interest in lessons, the child’s comfort in learning, the sequence of training, perseverance.
The form of education should be directed not at mastering as many lexical units as possible, but at nurturing interest in the subject, developing the child’s communication skills, and expressing themselves.
Описание слайда:
In order that classes should be effective and in order not to overload the child, they must follow certain principles: the voluntariness of classes, the motivation of child and interest in lessons, the child’s comfort in learning, the sequence of training, perseverance. In order that classes should be effective and in order not to overload the child, they must follow certain principles: the voluntariness of classes, the motivation of child and interest in lessons, the child’s comfort in learning, the sequence of training, perseverance. The form of education should be directed not at mastering as many lexical units as possible, but at nurturing interest in the subject, developing the child’s communication skills, and expressing themselves.

Слайд 5

The forms of classes may be as follows
Daily 15-25 minute classes, followed by a speech in a foreign language during high-profile moments.
Classes twice a week, 25-45 minutes with breaks for mobile games in a foreign language and time for modeling, drawing and making crafts, thematically related to the lesson.
 Special classes – fairy tale lessons and viewing videos – as a supplement.
Описание слайда:
The forms of classes may be as follows Daily 15-25 minute classes, followed by a speech in a foreign language during high-profile moments. Classes twice a week, 25-45 minutes with breaks for mobile games in a foreign language and time for modeling, drawing and making crafts, thematically related to the lesson. Special classes – fairy tale lessons and viewing videos – as a supplement.

Слайд 6

Meetings with a native speaker.
Meetings with a native speaker.
Musical Matinees and holidays, where children can show their achievements – to stage a fairy tale, to recite a poem, to sing a song.
Conversational classes.
Open can class in a foreign language in nature.
Описание слайда:
Meetings with a native speaker. Meetings with a native speaker. Musical Matinees and holidays, where children can show their achievements – to stage a fairy tale, to recite a poem, to sing a song. Conversational classes. Open can class in a foreign language in nature.

Слайд 7

Teaching English to preschool children is considered as one of the important preliminary stages of preparing a child for school, developing the correct pronunciation, accumulation of vocabulary, the ability to understand foreign speech and participate in simple conversations. 
Teaching English to preschool children is considered as one of the important preliminary stages of preparing a child for school, developing the correct pronunciation, accumulation of vocabulary, the ability to understand foreign speech and participate in simple conversations.
Описание слайда:
Teaching English to preschool children is considered as one of the important preliminary stages of preparing a child for school, developing the correct pronunciation, accumulation of vocabulary, the ability to understand foreign speech and participate in simple conversations. Teaching English to preschool children is considered as one of the important preliminary stages of preparing a child for school, developing the correct pronunciation, accumulation of vocabulary, the ability to understand foreign speech and participate in simple conversations.

Слайд 8

Thank you for attention
Thank you for attention
Описание слайда:
Thank you for attention Thank you for attention

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