🗊Презентация About plants

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About plants, слайд №1About plants, слайд №2About plants, слайд №3About plants, слайд №4About plants, слайд №5About plants, слайд №6About plants, слайд №7

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Слайд 1

About plants
Описание слайда:
About plants

Слайд 2

Plants are incredible organisms! They can make all their own food from the simple inputs of:
Plants are incredible organisms! They can make all their own food from the simple inputs of:
 air (carbon dioxide)
Описание слайда:
Plants are incredible organisms! They can make all their own food from the simple inputs of: Plants are incredible organisms! They can make all their own food from the simple inputs of: sunlight air (carbon dioxide) water minerals

Слайд 3

This means that plants are able to harness the energy of the sun to turn CO2 from the air into
This means that plants are able to harness the energy of the sun to turn CO2 from the air into
the carbon-based molecules of life — carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Plants capture the sun’s light within their green leaves. Inside a leaf’s cells are green organelles
— chloroplasts — which do all this hard work of producing the food that feeds the plant… and,
in fact, the whole rest of the world, too!
Описание слайда:
This means that plants are able to harness the energy of the sun to turn CO2 from the air into This means that plants are able to harness the energy of the sun to turn CO2 from the air into the carbon-based molecules of life — carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Plants capture the sun’s light within their green leaves. Inside a leaf’s cells are green organelles — chloroplasts — which do all this hard work of producing the food that feeds the plant… and, in fact, the whole rest of the world, too!

Слайд 4

Science classifies living things in an orderly system through which they can be readily identified. Living things are grouped into categories of increasing size, based upon relationships within those categories. For example, all plants can be put in order from the more primitive to the more advanced. Such a ranking would look like this:Plant Kingdom
Science classifies living things in an orderly system through which they can be readily identified. Living things are grouped into categories of increasing size, based upon relationships within those categories. For example, all plants can be put in order from the more primitive to the more advanced. Such a ranking would look like this:Plant Kingdom
Bryophytes: Small with leaflike, stemlike, and rootlike structures.
Disseminated by spores: mosses, liverworts, hornworts.
Vascular Plants: Larger with true leaves, stems, and roots.
Seedless: Ferns, horsetails, club mosses.
Seed Plants:
Gymnosperms: Usually have cones, no flowers, seeds not enclosed in fruit: pines, spruces, firs, hemlocks, cycads, ginkgo.
Angiosperms: Have flowers, seeds enclosed in fruit
Monocotyledons: Leaves have parallel veins, one seed leaf: grasses, orchids, lilies, palms.
Dicotyledons: Leaves have netted veins, two seed leaves: cherry trees, maples, coffee, daisies, etc.
Описание слайда:
Science classifies living things in an orderly system through which they can be readily identified. Living things are grouped into categories of increasing size, based upon relationships within those categories. For example, all plants can be put in order from the more primitive to the more advanced. Such a ranking would look like this:Plant Kingdom Science classifies living things in an orderly system through which they can be readily identified. Living things are grouped into categories of increasing size, based upon relationships within those categories. For example, all plants can be put in order from the more primitive to the more advanced. Such a ranking would look like this:Plant Kingdom Bryophytes: Small with leaflike, stemlike, and rootlike structures. Disseminated by spores: mosses, liverworts, hornworts. Vascular Plants: Larger with true leaves, stems, and roots. Seedless: Ferns, horsetails, club mosses. Seed Plants: Gymnosperms: Usually have cones, no flowers, seeds not enclosed in fruit: pines, spruces, firs, hemlocks, cycads, ginkgo. Angiosperms: Have flowers, seeds enclosed in fruit Monocotyledons: Leaves have parallel veins, one seed leaf: grasses, orchids, lilies, palms. Dicotyledons: Leaves have netted veins, two seed leaves: cherry trees, maples, coffee, daisies, etc.

Слайд 5

This informal way of describing plant classification gives an overview of how plants are classified. Botanists use a more complex system. A botanist divides the plant kingdom into Divisions, similar to the Phyla used to divide the animal kingdom. There are twelve divisions. Referring to the above ranking, three of these divisions are Bryophytes, four are seedless plants, four are Gymnosperms, and one is Angiosperms. Each Division is further divided into Classes, which are divided into Orders, which are divided into Families, which are divided into Genera (singular, Genus), which are divided into species, which is the "basic unit" of classification. Put somewhat simply, individuals in a species are able to breed with each other, while in broader categories individuals do not interbreed.
This informal way of describing plant classification gives an overview of how plants are classified. Botanists use a more complex system. A botanist divides the plant kingdom into Divisions, similar to the Phyla used to divide the animal kingdom. There are twelve divisions. Referring to the above ranking, three of these divisions are Bryophytes, four are seedless plants, four are Gymnosperms, and one is Angiosperms. Each Division is further divided into Classes, which are divided into Orders, which are divided into Families, which are divided into Genera (singular, Genus), which are divided into species, which is the "basic unit" of classification. Put somewhat simply, individuals in a species are able to breed with each other, while in broader categories individuals do not interbreed.
Описание слайда:
This informal way of describing plant classification gives an overview of how plants are classified. Botanists use a more complex system. A botanist divides the plant kingdom into Divisions, similar to the Phyla used to divide the animal kingdom. There are twelve divisions. Referring to the above ranking, three of these divisions are Bryophytes, four are seedless plants, four are Gymnosperms, and one is Angiosperms. Each Division is further divided into Classes, which are divided into Orders, which are divided into Families, which are divided into Genera (singular, Genus), which are divided into species, which is the "basic unit" of classification. Put somewhat simply, individuals in a species are able to breed with each other, while in broader categories individuals do not interbreed. This informal way of describing plant classification gives an overview of how plants are classified. Botanists use a more complex system. A botanist divides the plant kingdom into Divisions, similar to the Phyla used to divide the animal kingdom. There are twelve divisions. Referring to the above ranking, three of these divisions are Bryophytes, four are seedless plants, four are Gymnosperms, and one is Angiosperms. Each Division is further divided into Classes, which are divided into Orders, which are divided into Families, which are divided into Genera (singular, Genus), which are divided into species, which is the "basic unit" of classification. Put somewhat simply, individuals in a species are able to breed with each other, while in broader categories individuals do not interbreed.

Слайд 6

About plants, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

About plants, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

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