🗊Презентация Alfred Nobel’s family

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  Alfred Nobel’s family
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Alfred Nobel’s family

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Father  Emmanuel Nobel is a Swedish and Russian engineer, architect, inventor and industrialist. Founder of the Nobel industrial dynasty.  As a child, Emmanuel had only lessons from private teachers. At the age of fourteen, he became a sailor who made a trip to the Mediterranean Sea. Then he entered the Royal Academy of Liberal Arts in Stockholm. There he studied visual geometry, the architecture of structures. Then he worked as a teacher at the Institute of Technology.  In 1833, the Nobel construction company was forced to declare bankruptcy: several uninsured barges with construction materials sank, and the Nobel family house burned down.
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Father Emmanuel Nobel is a Swedish and Russian engineer, architect, inventor and industrialist. Founder of the Nobel industrial dynasty. As a child, Emmanuel had only lessons from private teachers. At the age of fourteen, he became a sailor who made a trip to the Mediterranean Sea. Then he entered the Royal Academy of Liberal Arts in Stockholm. There he studied visual geometry, the architecture of structures. Then he worked as a teacher at the Institute of Technology. In 1833, the Nobel construction company was forced to declare bankruptcy: several uninsured barges with construction materials sank, and the Nobel family house burned down.

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Mother  Karolina Andriette Nobel is Swedish woman. Andriette was the daughter of Carolina Roospigg, and her father worked as a head clerk.  The couple had a total of eight children, out of which Robert Nobel, Ludvig Nobel, Alfred Nobel, and Emil Oskar Nobel reach adulthood. In 1828, Andriette and Immanuel rented an apartment in the suburbs of Stockholm, however, due to Immanuel's bankruptcy in 1833 the family had to move to another location in Stockholm.   During the years alone in Stockholm, she provided for the family by running a milk and vegetable shop.
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Mother Karolina Andriette Nobel is Swedish woman. Andriette was the daughter of Carolina Roospigg, and her father worked as a head clerk. The couple had a total of eight children, out of which Robert Nobel, Ludvig Nobel, Alfred Nobel, and Emil Oskar Nobel reach adulthood. In 1828, Andriette and Immanuel rented an apartment in the suburbs of Stockholm, however, due to Immanuel's bankruptcy in 1833 the family had to move to another location in Stockholm. During the years alone in Stockholm, she provided for the family by running a milk and vegetable shop.

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Robert Nobel    Robert Nobel was a Swedish businessman, industrialist and investor. The eldest son of Karolina Andrietta Ahlsell and her husband Immanuel Nobel . He was the brother of Emil Oscar Nobel, Ludvig Nobel and Alfred Nobel.  Robert Nobel started Branobel, an important early oil company which controlled a significant amount of Russian oil output. In 1873 he started his business in Baku, Azerbaijan and began to interest his brother Ludvig in the growing company. In 1876, he bought an interest in an oil refinery in Baku. In 1878, together with the third brother Alfred Nobel, the two brothers formed Branobel.   He died during 1896 and was buried at Norra begravningsplatsen in Stockholm.
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Robert Nobel Robert Nobel was a Swedish businessman, industrialist and investor. The eldest son of Karolina Andrietta Ahlsell and her husband Immanuel Nobel . He was the brother of Emil Oscar Nobel, Ludvig Nobel and Alfred Nobel. Robert Nobel started Branobel, an important early oil company which controlled a significant amount of Russian oil output. In 1873 he started his business in Baku, Azerbaijan and began to interest his brother Ludvig in the growing company. In 1876, he bought an interest in an oil refinery in Baku. In 1878, together with the third brother Alfred Nobel, the two brothers formed Branobel. He died during 1896 and was buried at Norra begravningsplatsen in Stockholm.

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Ludvig Nobel    Ludvig Nobel was a Swedish-Russian engineer, a noted businessman and a humanitarian. One of the most prominent members of the Nobel family, he was the son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Nobel, and the older brother of Alfred Nobel . With his brother Robert, he operated Branobel, an oil company in Baku, Azerbaijan which at one point produced 50% of the world's oil. He is credited with creating the Russian oil industry. Ludvig Nobel built the largest fortune of any of the Nobel brothers and was one of the world's richest men.   Ludvig Nobel invented oil tankers, and better refineries, pipelines.Also he first experimented with carrying oil in bulk on single-hulled barges.Turning his attention to self-propelled tankships, a primary concern was to keep the cargo and fumes well away from the engine room to avoid fires.
Описание слайда:
Ludvig Nobel Ludvig Nobel was a Swedish-Russian engineer, a noted businessman and a humanitarian. One of the most prominent members of the Nobel family, he was the son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Nobel, and the older brother of Alfred Nobel . With his brother Robert, he operated Branobel, an oil company in Baku, Azerbaijan which at one point produced 50% of the world's oil. He is credited with creating the Russian oil industry. Ludvig Nobel built the largest fortune of any of the Nobel brothers and was one of the world's richest men. Ludvig Nobel invented oil tankers, and better refineries, pipelines.Also he first experimented with carrying oil in bulk on single-hulled barges.Turning his attention to self-propelled tankships, a primary concern was to keep the cargo and fumes well away from the engine room to avoid fires.

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Emil Nobel  Emil Nobel was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. He was the youngest son of Immanuel Nobel and Caroline Andrietta Olsell. Emil was the only one from the Nobel family who went to college and studied at Uppsala University.  Emil died along with several other factory workers, having been the victim of an explosion during experiments with nitroglycerin at his father's factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm. At that time, Nobel was studying in Uppsala, but also helped at the factory. After the explosion, the production of nitroglycerin at the plant was banned, but continued near Heleneborg on an anchored barge in the bay of Lake Melaren.
Описание слайда:
Emil Nobel Emil Nobel was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. He was the youngest son of Immanuel Nobel and Caroline Andrietta Olsell. Emil was the only one from the Nobel family who went to college and studied at Uppsala University. Emil died along with several other factory workers, having been the victim of an explosion during experiments with nitroglycerin at his father's factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm. At that time, Nobel was studying in Uppsala, but also helped at the factory. After the explosion, the production of nitroglycerin at the plant was banned, but continued near Heleneborg on an anchored barge in the bay of Lake Melaren.

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List of references    https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нобель,_Эммануил  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нобель,_Эммануил#Семья  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludvig_Nobel  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нобель,_Роберт
Описание слайда:
List of references https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нобель,_Эммануил https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нобель,_Эммануил#Семья https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludvig_Nobel https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нобель,_Роберт

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