🗊Презентация Announcements. Short Essay

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Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №1Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №2Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №3Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №4Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №5Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №6Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №7Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №8Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №9Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №10Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №11Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №12Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №13Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №14Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №15Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №16Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №17Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №18Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №19Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №20Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №21Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №22Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №23Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №24Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №25Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №26Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №27Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №28Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №29Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №30Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №31Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №32Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №33Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №34Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №35Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №36


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Слайд 1

INTL 101
A05 & A06
Francisco Laguna Álvarez
Описание слайда:
INTL 101 A05 & A06 Francisco Laguna Álvarez 03/01/2019

Слайд 2

Short essay due on March 4th (Monday)!
Office Hours. Fridays: 1 – 3 pm. RBC 3131 (GPS Complex).
Описание слайда:
Announcements Short essay due on March 4th (Monday)! Office Hours. Fridays: 1 – 3 pm. RBC 3131 (GPS Complex).

Слайд 3

Short paper: some tips.
Key concepts general review of Part II. Politics and Culture: Conceptions and Ideology of Environment and Nature.
Reading review:
Andreas Malm, “The Anthropocene Myth: Blaming Humanity for Climate Change Lets Capitalism off the Hook” The Jacobin (2015).
Описание слайда:
03/01/2019 Short paper: some tips. Key concepts general review of Part II. Politics and Culture: Conceptions and Ideology of Environment and Nature. Reading review: Andreas Malm, “The Anthropocene Myth: Blaming Humanity for Climate Change Lets Capitalism off the Hook” The Jacobin (2015).

Слайд 4

Short Essay: Prompt
3-4 pages. 12 font. Double spaced.
Write about a topic of your choice related to the environment.
Answer the questions of the prompt.
Use at least one outside academic source. This outside source needs to deal directly with or relate to your environmental problem
You should refer to the readings and the key concepts discussed in lecture as they relate to your topic.
Описание слайда:
Short Essay: Prompt 3-4 pages. 12 font. Double spaced. Write about a topic of your choice related to the environment. Answer the questions of the prompt. Use at least one outside academic source. This outside source needs to deal directly with or relate to your environmental problem You should refer to the readings and the key concepts discussed in lecture as they relate to your topic.

Слайд 5

Short Essay: Some tips
Start your paper writing an introduction (one paragraph). The introduction should cover:
Your argument [VERY IMPORTANT!]
The focus of your paper. That is, what are you going to explore?
Example: “In this paper I analyze how Madrid restricted traffic in the city center to clean air pollution. I argue that as a result of this measure, the air quality in the city improved exponentially”.
Описание слайда:
Short Essay: Some tips Start your paper writing an introduction (one paragraph). The introduction should cover: Your argument [VERY IMPORTANT!] The focus of your paper. That is, what are you going to explore? Example: “In this paper I analyze how Madrid restricted traffic in the city center to clean air pollution. I argue that as a result of this measure, the air quality in the city improved exponentially”.

Слайд 6

Short Essay: Some tips (II)
Try to make comparisons between your case and the readings we had in this course. It could be on any topic: air pollution, sacrifize zones, the commodification of nature, neoliberalism, etc.
When you use your outside source, give information to your reader about the main argument of the author, as you did in the response paper (in a summarized way if possible).
Don’t forget to cite!
Описание слайда:
Short Essay: Some tips (II) Try to make comparisons between your case and the readings we had in this course. It could be on any topic: air pollution, sacrifize zones, the commodification of nature, neoliberalism, etc. When you use your outside source, give information to your reader about the main argument of the author, as you did in the response paper (in a summarized way if possible). Don’t forget to cite!

Слайд 7

Short essay: Some tips (III):
In the last paragraph of the paper, make a final conclusion to summarize your points. 
Add a bibliography (Chicago Style) with all the works you cited, including websites.
If your have any doubts, please read the prompt again or send me an e-mail. You can also come to visit me during my office hours.
Описание слайда:
Short essay: Some tips (III): In the last paragraph of the paper, make a final conclusion to summarize your points. Add a bibliography (Chicago Style) with all the works you cited, including websites. If your have any doubts, please read the prompt again or send me an e-mail. You can also come to visit me during my office hours.

Слайд 8

Key Concept Review
The Organic Conception of Earth and the Rise of the Conquest Mentality.
Scientific Progress
The Age of Affluence.
Intellectual origins of sustainability
Evolution of Sustainability
Neoliberalism vs Social Democracy/Welfare State
Consequences of Neoliberalism
Описание слайда:
Key Concept Review The Organic Conception of Earth and the Rise of the Conquest Mentality. Scientific Progress The Age of Affluence. Sustainability Intellectual origins of sustainability Evolution of Sustainability Neoliberalism vs Social Democracy/Welfare State Consequences of Neoliberalism

Слайд 9

1. The Organic Conception of Earth and the Rise of the Conquest Mentality.
Описание слайда:
1. The Organic Conception of Earth and the Rise of the Conquest Mentality.

Слайд 10

Organic Conception of Earth:
Before the Industrial/Scientific Revolution there was a organic conception of nature.
Belief that humans and nature were connected, and that we have to live in harmony with our environment.
Gendered vision of the Earth. Idea of Mother Earth that has to be protected.
The scientific revolution and the rise of the conquest mentality changes this view of nature and the Earth.
Описание слайда:
Organic Conception of Earth: Before the Industrial/Scientific Revolution there was a organic conception of nature. Belief that humans and nature were connected, and that we have to live in harmony with our environment. Gendered vision of the Earth. Idea of Mother Earth that has to be protected. The scientific revolution and the rise of the conquest mentality changes this view of nature and the Earth.

Слайд 11

Scientific Revolution and the Rise of the Conquest Mentality
After the Industrial/Scientific Revolution.
Scientific knowledge of nature’s workingsgive us power and dominion over it.
Conquest Mentality: Earth at the service of man. We are superior to other living things. Utilitarian view of nature.
Occurring at same time commercial capitalism spreading around world via Euro colonialism.
Описание слайда:
Scientific Revolution and the Rise of the Conquest Mentality After the Industrial/Scientific Revolution. Scientific knowledge of nature’s workingsgive us power and dominion over it. Conquest Mentality: Earth at the service of man. We are superior to other living things. Utilitarian view of nature. Occurring at same time commercial capitalism spreading around world via Euro colonialism.

Слайд 12

2. Scientific Progress
Описание слайда:
2. Scientific Progress

Слайд 13

Scientific Progress:
Idea that scientific expertise would lead to universal human welfare.
Anti-political. No need for politics, politicians could simply let scientific experts and technicians solve social problems. (The technological fix).
The technological/scientist  Messiah will save us.
Technocracy: Rule of the experts/scientist. Bacon’s “New Atlantis”.
Описание слайда:
Scientific Progress: Idea that scientific expertise would lead to universal human welfare. Anti-political. No need for politics, politicians could simply let scientific experts and technicians solve social problems. (The technological fix). The technological/scientist Messiah will save us. Technocracy: Rule of the experts/scientist. Bacon’s “New Atlantis”.

Слайд 14

3. The Age of Affluence
Описание слайда:
3. The Age of Affluence

Слайд 15

Age of Affluence/Ecological Innocence
After World War II scenario: Rapid economic growth and industrialization.
General belief in the promise of modernity to create a good prosperous life based on science and technology.
Shared worldwide. Widespread industrialization everywhere.
 Communists countries also relied on technology and progress to create paradises on Earth.
Описание слайда:
Age of Affluence/Ecological Innocence After World War II scenario: Rapid economic growth and industrialization. General belief in the promise of modernity to create a good prosperous life based on science and technology. Shared worldwide. Widespread industrialization everywhere. Communists countries also relied on technology and progress to create paradises on Earth.

Слайд 16

Consequences of the Age of Affluence:
New industries and automobiles contributed to an increase in air pollution worldwide.
Development of heavier pesticides that remained in the food. Case of DDT.
Fear of nuclear fallout and radiation. The danger of chemical weapons.
Protests by the middle class: Environmental Movement.
Описание слайда:
Consequences of the Age of Affluence: New industries and automobiles contributed to an increase in air pollution worldwide. Development of heavier pesticides that remained in the food. Case of DDT. Fear of nuclear fallout and radiation. The danger of chemical weapons. Protests by the middle class: Environmental Movement.

Слайд 17

4. Sustainability
Описание слайда:
4. Sustainability

Слайд 18

4. Sustainability
1987 Brundtland Commission Report
Definition: “The ability to meet present needs of people without compromising needs of future generations”.
Goal: Improve quality of human life by understanding limits and constraints of living and non-living resource bases.
Описание слайда:
4. Sustainability 1987 Brundtland Commission Report Definition: “The ability to meet present needs of people without compromising needs of future generations”. Goal: Improve quality of human life by understanding limits and constraints of living and non-living resource bases.

Слайд 19

4. Sustainability (II):
The three Es: Ecology, Equality, Economy. They are linked. Interdependent. 
Understanding that the quest for endless growth depended on low wages, invasive technology, and the destruction of the environment.
Описание слайда:
4. Sustainability (II): The three Es: Ecology, Equality, Economy. They are linked. Interdependent. Understanding that the quest for endless growth depended on low wages, invasive technology, and the destruction of the environment.

Слайд 20

5. Intellectual origins of Sustainability
Описание слайда:
5. Intellectual origins of Sustainability

Слайд 21

Announcements. Short Essay, слайд №21
Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

6. Evolution of Sustainability
(from “sustainable development”, to “sustainable growth”).
Описание слайда:
6. Evolution of Sustainability (from “sustainable development”, to “sustainable growth”).

Слайд 23

6. Evolution of Sustainability
From “Sustainable development” to “sustainable growth”.
Influenced by neoliberalism.
Whereas development was more integrative and provided a general uplift of the population (considering social and environmental justice), sustainable growth was concerned with economic growth in the GDP.
 The responsability is on the consumers. Corporations “go green”.
Описание слайда:
6. Evolution of Sustainability From “Sustainable development” to “sustainable growth”. Influenced by neoliberalism. Whereas development was more integrative and provided a general uplift of the population (considering social and environmental justice), sustainable growth was concerned with economic growth in the GDP. The responsability is on the consumers. Corporations “go green”.

Слайд 24

7. Neoliberalism vs Social Democracy/Welfare State
Описание слайда:
7. Neoliberalism vs Social Democracy/Welfare State

Слайд 25

Welfare State/Social Democracies (40-80s):
Welfare State/Social Democracies (40-80s):
Government can improve the lives of peoples and the ecosystem.
State intervene in the economy. Creates public companies.
Supports welfare programs for the population: healthcare, education, better salaries, right to unionize, minimum wage, ban of child labor, land reform.
Prevents people from becoming communist.
Описание слайда:
Welfare State/Social Democracies (40-80s): Welfare State/Social Democracies (40-80s): Government can improve the lives of peoples and the ecosystem. State intervene in the economy. Creates public companies. Supports welfare programs for the population: healthcare, education, better salaries, right to unionize, minimum wage, ban of child labor, land reform. Prevents people from becoming communist.

Слайд 26

Milton Friedman, School of Chicago (70s-Today). 
Belief that social democracy may lead to communism. 
The market knows best!
Welfare state has hindered private corporation development and economic growth.
US competition with Western Europe and Japan.
As communism agonized, no reason to keep spending on welfare programs. No alternatives.
Описание слайда:
Neoliberalism: Neoliberalism: Milton Friedman, School of Chicago (70s-Today). Belief that social democracy may lead to communism. The market knows best! Welfare state has hindered private corporation development and economic growth. US competition with Western Europe and Japan. As communism agonized, no reason to keep spending on welfare programs. No alternatives.

Слайд 27

8. Consequences of Neoliberalism
Описание слайда:
8. Consequences of Neoliberalism

Слайд 28

8. Consequences of Neoliberalism
Privatization of public companies and goods (water, electricity).
Reduction or elimination of social programs.
Removal of regularizations. 
Increased inequality, precarious living due to loss of public services.
Obdurate poverty. 
Ramped up exploitation of natural resources and thus ecological deterioration
Описание слайда:
8. Consequences of Neoliberalism Privatization of public companies and goods (water, electricity). Reduction or elimination of social programs. Removal of regularizations. Increased inequality, precarious living due to loss of public services. Obdurate poverty. Ramped up exploitation of natural resources and thus ecological deterioration

Слайд 29

Reading Review
Andreas Malm, “The Anthropocene Myth: Blaming Humanity for Climate Change Lets Capitalism off the Hook” The Jacobin (2015).
Описание слайда:
Reading Review Andreas Malm, “The Anthropocene Myth: Blaming Humanity for Climate Change Lets Capitalism off the Hook” The Jacobin (2015).

Слайд 30

Andreas Malm: “The Anthropocene Myth”
1. What does the term “anthropocene” mean? Does Malm support this concept or not?
2. According to Malm, who is/are the responsible for the climate change? Why? 
3. Do you agree or disagree with Malm’s arguments? Give specific reasons to back your opinion.
Описание слайда:
Andreas Malm: “The Anthropocene Myth” 1. What does the term “anthropocene” mean? Does Malm support this concept or not? 2. According to Malm, who is/are the responsible for the climate change? Why? 3. Do you agree or disagree with Malm’s arguments? Give specific reasons to back your opinion.

Слайд 31

The Epoch of Humanity
“The Anthropocene concept suggests that humankind is the new geological force transforming the planet beyond recognition, chiefly by burning prodigious amounts of coal, oil, and natural gas”.
According to the Anthropocene theory, the environmental degradation is the result of humans acting out their innate predispositions. 
We are all responsible.
Описание слайда:
Anthropocene: The Epoch of Humanity “The Anthropocene concept suggests that humankind is the new geological force transforming the planet beyond recognition, chiefly by burning prodigious amounts of coal, oil, and natural gas”. According to the Anthropocene theory, the environmental degradation is the result of humans acting out their innate predispositions. We are all responsible.

Слайд 32

2.According to Malm, who is/are the responsible for the climate change? Why?
Описание слайда:
2.According to Malm, who is/are the responsible for the climate change? Why?

Слайд 33

Against Paul Kingsnorth
Kingsnorth argues: “Is a less palatable message than one which sees a brutal 1% screwing the planet and a noble 99% opposing them, but it is closer to reality.”
Описание слайда:
Against Paul Kingsnorth Kingsnorth argues: “Is a less palatable message than one which sees a brutal 1% screwing the planet and a noble 99% opposing them, but it is closer to reality.”

Слайд 34

Malm’s Refutal of Kingsnorth:
1. The substitution of water mills for steam engines was taken by a small elite in Britain, not by the majority of the planet.
2. The industrialization and extraction of natural resources was done through colonialism and imperialism. It was compulsory.
3. Workers all over the world are being weighed down by the threat of relocation by foreign capital (example of China).
4. Neoliberalism and the ideology of endless growth. 
5. Advanced capitalist states continue to enlarge and deepen their fossil infrastructures.
6. People consume energy differently. Not everybody has the same ecological impact (or footprint).
Описание слайда:
Malm’s Refutal of Kingsnorth: 1. The substitution of water mills for steam engines was taken by a small elite in Britain, not by the majority of the planet. 2. The industrialization and extraction of natural resources was done through colonialism and imperialism. It was compulsory. 3. Workers all over the world are being weighed down by the threat of relocation by foreign capital (example of China). 4. Neoliberalism and the ideology of endless growth. 5. Advanced capitalist states continue to enlarge and deepen their fossil infrastructures. 6. People consume energy differently. Not everybody has the same ecological impact (or footprint).

Слайд 35

Malm’s conclusion:
Ours is the geological epoch not of humanity, but of capital. 
A person’s imprint on the atmosphere varies tremendously depending on where he/she is born. Humanity, as a result, is far too slender an abstraction to carry the burden of culpability.
The appeal to the general population of consumers to mend their ways only serves to conceal the driver.
Описание слайда:
Malm’s conclusion: Ours is the geological epoch not of humanity, but of capital. A person’s imprint on the atmosphere varies tremendously depending on where he/she is born. Humanity, as a result, is far too slender an abstraction to carry the burden of culpability. The appeal to the general population of consumers to mend their ways only serves to conceal the driver.

Слайд 36

3. Do you agree or disagree with Malm’s arguments? Give specific reasons to back your opinion.
Описание слайда:
3. Do you agree or disagree with Malm’s arguments? Give specific reasons to back your opinion.

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