🗊Презентация Bears and ladders

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Bears and ladders, слайд №1Bears and ladders, слайд №2Bears and ladders, слайд №3Bears and ladders, слайд №4Bears and ladders, слайд №5Bears and ladders, слайд №6

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Bears and Ladders
Con: No climbing harness. No fall protection.
Pro: Subject is using multiple points of contact.
Описание слайда:
Bears and Ladders Con: No climbing harness. No fall protection. Pro: Subject is using multiple points of contact.

Слайд 2

Con: Subjects need a properly sized ladder. Over-extension of reach beyond balance point.
Con: Subjects need a properly sized ladder. Over-extension of reach beyond balance point.
Pro: Good teamwork towards goal.
Описание слайда:
Con: Subjects need a properly sized ladder. Over-extension of reach beyond balance point. Con: Subjects need a properly sized ladder. Over-extension of reach beyond balance point. Pro: Good teamwork towards goal.

Слайд 3

Con: Is this is a GFI circuit? Always seems like fun and games until you get your mouth shocked!
Con: Is this is a GFI circuit? Always seems like fun and games until you get your mouth shocked!
Pro: Buddy system is in use. Safety spotter-lookout in the background. But, does he know CPR and first aid?
Описание слайда:
Con: Is this is a GFI circuit? Always seems like fun and games until you get your mouth shocked! Con: Is this is a GFI circuit? Always seems like fun and games until you get your mouth shocked! Pro: Buddy system is in use. Safety spotter-lookout in the background. But, does he know CPR and first aid?

Слайд 4

Con: No safety harnesses. Improper footwear. Climbing in tandem
Con: No safety harnesses. Improper footwear. Climbing in tandem
Pro: Top bear checking on status of co-worker. Three points of contact at all times.
Описание слайда:
Con: No safety harnesses. Improper footwear. Climbing in tandem Con: No safety harnesses. Improper footwear. Climbing in tandem Pro: Top bear checking on status of co-worker. Three points of contact at all times.

Слайд 5

Con: Crew didn’t do 360- degree walk around. Crewmember riding in back of truck. Minors not permitted in oil fields.
Con: Crew didn’t do 360- degree walk around. Crewmember riding in back of truck. Minors not permitted in oil fields.
Pro: Checking tail-light bulbs prior to driving.
Описание слайда:
Con: Crew didn’t do 360- degree walk around. Crewmember riding in back of truck. Minors not permitted in oil fields. Con: Crew didn’t do 360- degree walk around. Crewmember riding in back of truck. Minors not permitted in oil fields. Pro: Checking tail-light bulbs prior to driving.

Слайд 6

Con: Not a designated walkway.
Pro: Avoided slipping on icy pathway below.
Описание слайда:
Con: Not a designated walkway. Pro: Avoided slipping on icy pathway below.

Теги Bears and ladders
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