🗊Презентация Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run

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Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №1Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №2Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №3Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №4Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №5Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №6Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №7Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №8Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №9Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №10Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №11Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №12Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №13Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №14Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №15Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №16Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №17Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №18Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №19Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №20Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №21Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №22Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №23Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №24Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №25Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №26Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №27Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №28Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №29Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №30Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №31Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №32Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №33Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №34Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №35Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №36Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №37Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №38Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №39Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №40


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Слайд 1

Business Cycle Theory: 
The Economy
in the Short Run
Описание слайда:
Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run

Слайд 2

Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics
10-3 Aggregate Demand 
10-4 Aggregate Supply
10-5 Stabilization Policy 
10-6 Conclusion
Описание слайда:
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle 10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle 10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics 10-3 Aggregate Demand 10-4 Aggregate Supply 10-5 Stabilization Policy 10-6 Conclusion

Слайд 4

10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
When the economy experiences a period of falling output and rising unemployment, the economy is said to be in recession.
U↑ , Y↓
Economists call these short-run fluctuations in output and employment the business cycle.

Before thinking about the theory of business cycles, let’s look at the facts that describe SRF in economic activity.
The official arbiter of when recessions begin and end is the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER):
the stating date of each recession = the business cycle peak 
the ending date = the business cycle trough.
Описание слайда:
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle When the economy experiences a period of falling output and rising unemployment, the economy is said to be in recession. U↑ , Y↓ Economists call these short-run fluctuations in output and employment the business cycle. Before thinking about the theory of business cycles, let’s look at the facts that describe SRF in economic activity. --------------------------- The official arbiter of when recessions begin and end is the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER): the stating date of each recession = the business cycle peak the ending date = the business cycle trough.

Слайд 5

Real GDP Growth in the United States   Growth in real GDP averages about 3% per year, but there are substantial fluctuations around this average. 
Real GDP Growth in the United States   Growth in real GDP averages about 3% per year, but there are substantial fluctuations around this average. 
The shaded areas represent periods of recession.
Описание слайда:
Real GDP Growth in the United States Growth in real GDP averages about 3% per year, but there are substantial fluctuations around this average. Real GDP Growth in the United States Growth in real GDP averages about 3% per year, but there are substantial fluctuations around this average. The shaded areas represent periods of recession.

Слайд 6

Growth in Consumption and Investment
Growth in Consumption and Investment

When the economy heads into a RECESSION, growth in
real consumption and 
investment spending both decline. 
Investment spending, shown in panel (b), is considerably more volatile than 
consumption spending, shown in panel (a). 
The shaded areas represent periods of recession
Описание слайда:
Growth in Consumption and Investment Growth in Consumption and Investment When the economy heads into a RECESSION, growth in real consumption and investment spending both decline. Investment spending, shown in panel (b), is considerably more volatile than consumption spending, shown in panel (a). The shaded areas represent periods of recession

Слайд 7

The U  rises significantly during periods of recession, shown here by the shaded areas.
Описание слайда:
Unemployment The U rises significantly during periods of recession, shown here by the shaded areas.

Слайд 8

Okun’s Law 
This figure is a scatter plot of the change in the   UR on the horizontal axis and the % change in real GDP on the vertical axis, using data on the U.S economy. 
Each point represents one year. 
The figure shows that increases in U tend to be associated with lower-than-normal growth in real GDP. The correlation between these two variables is –0.89.
Описание слайда:
Okun’s Law This figure is a scatter plot of the change in the UR on the horizontal axis and the % change in real GDP on the vertical axis, using data on the U.S economy. Each point represents one year. The figure shows that increases in U tend to be associated with lower-than-normal growth in real GDP. The correlation between these two variables is –0.89.

Слайд 9

10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
What relationship should we expect between U and real GDP?
Unemployed workers do not help to produce G&S =>
 in↑ in the U rate should be associated with de↓ in real GDP. 
This negative relationship between U and GDP is called Okun’s law.
The line drawn through the scatter of points tells us that 
% Change in Real GDP= 3% − 2 x Change in U.

If the U remains the same, real GDP grows by about 3  % ;
If the U rises from 5 to 7%, then real GDP growth would be
% Change in Real GDP = 3% − 2 x (7% − 5%)= −1%. 
Okun’s law says that GDP would fall by 1  % ,  indicating that the economy is in a recession.
Описание слайда:
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle What relationship should we expect between U and real GDP? Unemployed workers do not help to produce G&S => in↑ in the U rate should be associated with de↓ in real GDP. This negative relationship between U and GDP is called Okun’s law. Example: The line drawn through the scatter of points tells us that % Change in Real GDP= 3% − 2 x Change in U. If the U remains the same, real GDP grows by about 3 % ; If the U rises from 5 to 7%, then real GDP growth would be % Change in Real GDP = 3% − 2 x (7% − 5%)= −1%. Okun’s law says that GDP would fall by 1 % , indicating that the economy is in a recession.

Слайд 10

10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
GDP and Its Components
Unemployment and Okun’s Law
Leading Economic Indicators
Описание слайда:
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle GDP and Its Components Unemployment and Okun’s Law Leading Economic Indicators

Слайд 11

10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
Economists arrive at their forecasts is by looking at leading indicators,
 which are variables that tend to fluctuate in advance of the overall economy. 
Forecasts can differ in part because economists hold varying opinions about which leading indicators are most reliable.
The Conference Board announces the index of leading economic indicators. 
This index includes ten data series 
They are often used to forecast changes about 6-10 months into the future.
Описание слайда:
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle Economists arrive at their forecasts is by looking at leading indicators, which are variables that tend to fluctuate in advance of the overall economy. Forecasts can differ in part because economists hold varying opinions about which leading indicators are most reliable. The Conference Board announces the index of leading economic indicators. This index includes ten data series They are often used to forecast changes about 6-10 months into the future.

Слайд 12

10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle
Average WORKWEEK of production workers in manufacturing.
A shorter workweek => 
lay off workers
cut back production

Average initial weekly claims for unemployment INSURANCE.
An in↑ in the number of new claims for U insurance =>  
lay off workers
cutting back production

New orders for CONSUMER goods and materials, adjusted for inflation.↑↑

New orders for nondefense CAPITAL goods.↑↑

Index of supplier deliveries.
Slower deliveries indicate a future increase in economic activity.
New BUILDING permits issued↑↑

Index of STOCK prices. ↑↑

Money SUPPLY, adjusted for inflation. ↑↑

INTEREST rate spread.
A large spread => 
r are expected to rise,
economic activity increases.

Index of CONSUMER expectations. ↑↑
Описание слайда:
10-1 The Facts About the Business Cycle Average WORKWEEK of production workers in manufacturing. A shorter workweek => lay off workers cut back production Average initial weekly claims for unemployment INSURANCE. An in↑ in the number of new claims for U insurance => lay off workers cutting back production New orders for CONSUMER goods and materials, adjusted for inflation.↑↑ New orders for nondefense CAPITAL goods.↑↑ Index of supplier deliveries. Slower deliveries indicate a future increase in economic activity. New BUILDING permits issued↑↑ Index of STOCK prices. ↑↑ Money SUPPLY, adjusted for inflation. ↑↑ INTEREST rate spread. A large spread => r are expected to rise, economic activity increases. Index of CONSUMER expectations. ↑↑

Слайд 13

10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics
The theoretical separation of real and nominal variables is called the classical dichotomy.
The irrelevance of the M for the determination of real variables is called monetary neutrality.
Описание слайда:
10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics The theoretical separation of real and nominal variables is called the classical dichotomy. The irrelevance of the M for the determination of real variables is called monetary neutrality.

Слайд 14

2 If You Want to Know Why Firms Have Sticky Prices, Ask Them
Описание слайда:
2 If You Want to Know Why Firms Have Sticky Prices, Ask Them

Слайд 15

Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics
How does the introduction of StP change our view of how the economy works?  By S&D:
Описание слайда:
10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics How does the introduction of StP change our view of how the economy works? By S&D:

Слайд 17

10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics
How the Short Run and Long Run Differ
The Model of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
Описание слайда:
10-2 Time Horizons in Macroeconomics How the Short Run and Long Run Differ The Model of Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand

Слайд 18

10-3 Aggregate Demand
Aggregate demand (AD) is the relationship between the quantity of  Y demanded and the aggregate P.
The AD curve tells us the quantity of G&S people want to buy at any given P. 
Here we use the quantity theory of money to provide a simple derivation of the AD curve.
From Ch.5 
If V is constant  => M determines the nominal value of  Y, 
nominal value of  Y is the product of P &  amount of Y.
The equation can be rewritten in terms of the S&D for real money balances (RMB):
Описание слайда:
10-3 Aggregate Demand Aggregate demand (AD) is the relationship between the quantity of Y demanded and the aggregate P. The AD curve tells us the quantity of G&S people want to buy at any given P. Here we use the quantity theory of money to provide a simple derivation of the AD curve. --------------------------- From Ch.5 If V is constant => M determines the nominal value of Y, nominal value of Y is the product of P & amount of Y. The equation can be rewritten in terms of the S&D for real money balances (RMB):

Слайд 19

10-3 Aggregate Demand
The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand
Why the Aggregate Demand Curve Slopes Downward
Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve
Описание слайда:
10-3 Aggregate Demand The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand Why the Aggregate Demand Curve Slopes Downward Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve

Слайд 20

10-3 Aggregate Demand
The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand
Why the Aggregate Demand Curve Slopes Downward
Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve
Описание слайда:
10-3 Aggregate Demand The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand Why the Aggregate Demand Curve Slopes Downward Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve

Слайд 21

10-3 Aggregate Demand
We have assumed 
M determines the $ value of all transactions  

Why the AD Curve Slopes Downward.
2 explanations:
 If the P r↑, each transaction requires > $$, →
the # of transactions and =>                        
the quantity of G&S purchased
If Y is ↑er, people engage in > transactions and need ↑er M/P.
For a , ↑er  M/P imply a ↓er  P.
the ↑er level of  M/P allows a > volume of transactions =>
> quantity of Y is demanded.
Описание слайда:
10-3 Aggregate Demand We have assumed => M determines the $ value of all transactions Why the AD Curve Slopes Downward. 2 explanations: If the P r↑, each transaction requires > $$, → the # of transactions and => the quantity of G&S purchased If Y is ↑er, people engage in > transactions and need ↑er M/P. For a , ↑er M/P imply a ↓er P. the ↑er level of M/P allows a > volume of transactions => > quantity of Y is demanded.

Слайд 22

10-3 Aggregate Demand
The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand
Why the Aggregate Demand Curve Slopes Downward
Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve
Описание слайда:
10-3 Aggregate Demand The Quantity Equation as Aggregate Demand Why the Aggregate Demand Curve Slopes Downward Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve

Слайд 23

Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve  Changes in the M shift the AD curve. 
In panel (a), a ↘ in the M reduces the nominal value of output PY. 
For any given P, output Y is lower. 
→ a ↘ in the M shifts the aggregate demand curve inward from AD1 to AD2. 

In panel (b), an ↗ in the M raises the nominal value of output PY. 
For any given P, output Y is higher. 
→ an ↗in the M shifts the aggregate demand curve outward from AD1 to AD2.
Описание слайда:
Shifts in the Aggregate Demand Curve Changes in the M shift the AD curve. In panel (a), a ↘ in the M reduces the nominal value of output PY. For any given P, output Y is lower. → a ↘ in the M shifts the aggregate demand curve inward from AD1 to AD2. In panel (b), an ↗ in the M raises the nominal value of output PY. For any given P, output Y is higher. → an ↗in the M shifts the aggregate demand curve outward from AD1 to AD2.

Слайд 24

10-4 Aggregate Supply
The Long Run: The Vertical Aggregate Supply Curve
The Short Run: The Horizontal Aggregate Supply Curve
From the Short Run to the Long Run
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply The Long Run: The Vertical Aggregate Supply Curve The Short Run: The Horizontal Aggregate Supply Curve From the Short Run to the Long Run

Слайд 25

10-4 Aggregate Supply
The Long-Run Aggregate Supply Curve 
In the lR, the level of output is determined by the amounts of K & L and by the T/L; 
it does not depend on the price level. 
The long-run aggregate supply curve, LRAS, is vertical.
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply The Long-Run Aggregate Supply Curve In the lR, the level of output is determined by the amounts of K & L and by the T/L; it does not depend on the price level. The long-run aggregate supply curve, LRAS, is vertical.

Слайд 26

10-4 Aggregate Supply
Shifts in Aggregate Demand in the Long Run
 A reduction in the  M  shifts the aggregate demand curve downward from AD1 to AD2. 
The equilibrium for the economy moves from point A to point B. 
Because the AS curve is vertical in the long run, the  reduction in AD affects the P but not the level of output.
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply Shifts in Aggregate Demand in the Long Run A reduction in the M shifts the aggregate demand curve downward from AD1 to AD2. The equilibrium for the economy moves from point A to point B. Because the AS curve is vertical in the long run, the reduction in AD affects the P but not the level of output.

Слайд 27

10-4 Aggregate Supply
The Short-Run Aggregate Supply Curve 
In this extreme example, all prices are fixed in the short run. 
Therefore, the short-run aggregate supply curve, SRAS, is horizontal.
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply The Short-Run Aggregate Supply Curve In this extreme example, all prices are fixed in the short run. Therefore, the short-run aggregate supply curve, SRAS, is horizontal.

Слайд 28

10-4 Aggregate Supply
Shifts in Aggregate Demand in the Short Run 
A reduction in the  M  shifts the AD curve downward from AD1 to AD2. 
The equilibrium for the economy moves from point A to point B. 
Because the AS curve is horizontal in the SR, the reduction in AD reduces the level of Y.
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply Shifts in Aggregate Demand in the Short Run A reduction in the M shifts the AD curve downward from AD1 to AD2. The equilibrium for the economy moves from point A to point B. Because the AS curve is horizontal in the SR, the reduction in AD reduces the level of Y.

Слайд 29

10-4 Aggregate Supply
Long-Run Equilibrium 
In the LR, the economy finds itself at the intersection of the LR AS curve and the AD curve. 
Because prices have adjusted to this level, the SRAS curve crosses this point as well.
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply Long-Run Equilibrium In the LR, the economy finds itself at the intersection of the LR AS curve and the AD curve. Because prices have adjusted to this level, the SRAS curve crosses this point as well.

Слайд 30

10-4 Aggregate Supply
A Reduction in Aggregate Demand 
The economy begins in long-run equilibrium at point A. 
A reduction in AD, perhaps caused by a  decrease in the  M , 
moves the economy from point A to point B, where output is below its natural level. 
As prices fall, the economy gradually recovers from the recession, moving from point B to point C.
Описание слайда:
10-4 Aggregate Supply A Reduction in Aggregate Demand The economy begins in long-run equilibrium at point A. A reduction in AD, perhaps caused by a decrease in the M , moves the economy from point A to point B, where output is below its natural level. As prices fall, the economy gradually recovers from the recession, moving from point B to point C.

Слайд 31

A Monetary Lesson From French History
The story begins with the unusual nature of French money at the time. The
money stock in this economy included a variety of gold and silver coins that, in
contrast to modern money, did not indicate a specific monetary value. Instead, the
monetary value of each coin was set by government decree, and the government
could easily change the monetary value and thus the  M . Sometimes
this would occur literally overnight. It is almost as if, while you were sleeping,
every $1 bill in your wallet was replaced by a bill worth only 80 cents.
Indeed, that is what happened on September 22, 1724. Every person in France
woke up with 20  %  less money than he or she had the night before. Over
the course of seven months, the nominal value of the money stock was reduced
by about 45  % . The goal of these changes was to reduce prices in the
economy to what the government considered an appropriate level.
Описание слайда:
A Monetary Lesson From French History The story begins with the unusual nature of French money at the time. The money stock in this economy included a variety of gold and silver coins that, in contrast to modern money, did not indicate a specific monetary value. Instead, the monetary value of each coin was set by government decree, and the government could easily change the monetary value and thus the M . Sometimes this would occur literally overnight. It is almost as if, while you were sleeping, every $1 bill in your wallet was replaced by a bill worth only 80 cents. Indeed, that is what happened on September 22, 1724. Every person in France woke up with 20 % less money than he or she had the night before. Over the course of seven months, the nominal value of the money stock was reduced by about 45 % . The goal of these changes was to reduce prices in the economy to what the government considered an appropriate level.

Слайд 32

David Hume on the Real Effects of Money
is how Hume described a monetary injection in
his 1752 essay Of Money:
To account, then, for this phenomenon, we must
consider, that though the high price of commodities
be a necessary consequence of the increase of gold
and silver, yet it follows not immediately upon that
increase; but some time is required before the money
circulates through the whole state, and makes its
effect be felt on all ranks of people. At first, no
alteration is perceived; by degrees the price rises, first
of one commodity, then of another; till the whole at
last reaches a just proportion with the new quantity
of specie which is in the kingdom. In my opinion,
it is only in this interval or intermediate situation,
between the acquisition of money and rise of prices,
that the increasing quantity of gold and silver is
favorable to industry.
Описание слайда:
David Hume on the Real Effects of Money Here is how Hume described a monetary injection in his 1752 essay Of Money: To account, then, for this phenomenon, we must consider, that though the high price of commodities be a necessary consequence of the increase of gold and silver, yet it follows not immediately upon that increase; but some time is required before the money circulates through the whole state, and makes its effect be felt on all ranks of people. At first, no alteration is perceived; by degrees the price rises, first of one commodity, then of another; till the whole at last reaches a just proportion with the new quantity of specie which is in the kingdom. In my opinion, it is only in this interval or intermediate situation, between the acquisition of money and rise of prices, that the increasing quantity of gold and silver is favorable to industry.

Слайд 33

10-5 Stabilization Policy 
Fluctuations in the economy as a whole come from changes AS or AD. 
Economists call exogenous events that shift these curves shocks to the economy. 
a shock that shifts the AD curve is called a demand shock.
a shock that shifts the AS curve is called a supply shock. 
These shocks disrupt the economy by pushing output and employment away from their natural levels. 
Goals of the model of AS & AD: 
to show  how shocks cause economic fluctuations.
to evaluate how macroeconomic policy can respond. 
The stabilization policy is  a policy aimed to reduce the severity of SR economic fluctuations.
Описание слайда:
10-5 Stabilization Policy Fluctuations in the economy as a whole come from changes AS or AD. Economists call exogenous events that shift these curves shocks to the economy. a shock that shifts the AD curve is called a demand shock. a shock that shifts the AS curve is called a supply shock. These shocks disrupt the economy by pushing output and employment away from their natural levels. Goals of the model of AS & AD: to show how shocks cause economic fluctuations. to evaluate how macroeconomic policy can respond. The stabilization policy is a policy aimed to reduce the severity of SR economic fluctuations.

Слайд 34

10-5 Stabilization Policy 
An Increase in Aggregate Demand 
The economy begins in long-run equilibrium at point A. 
An increase in AD, perhaps due to an increase in the velocity of money, moves the economy from point A to point B, where Y is above its natural level. 
As prices rise, output gradually returns to its natural level, and the economy moves from point B to point C.
Описание слайда:
10-5 Stabilization Policy An Increase in Aggregate Demand The economy begins in long-run equilibrium at point A. An increase in AD, perhaps due to an increase in the velocity of money, moves the economy from point A to point B, where Y is above its natural level. As prices rise, output gradually returns to its natural level, and the economy moves from point B to point C.

Слайд 35

10-5 Stabilization Policy 
Because supply shocks have a direct impact on the price level, they are sometimes called price shocks. 
■ A drought that destroys crops. 
	The reduction in food supply pushes up food P.
■ A new environmental protection law that requires firms to reduce their emissions of pollutants. 
	Firms  in↗ P.
■ An increase in union aggressiveness. 
	This pushes up wages and the prices.
■ The organization of an international oil cartel. 
	By curtailing competition, the major oil producers can raise the world P of oil.
All these events are adverse supply shocks, which means they push costs and prices upward. 
A favorable supply shock reduces costs and prices.
Описание слайда:
10-5 Stabilization Policy Because supply shocks have a direct impact on the price level, they are sometimes called price shocks. Examples: ■ A drought that destroys crops. The reduction in food supply pushes up food P. ■ A new environmental protection law that requires firms to reduce their emissions of pollutants. Firms in↗ P. ■ An increase in union aggressiveness. This pushes up wages and the prices. ■ The organization of an international oil cartel. By curtailing competition, the major oil producers can raise the world P of oil. All these events are adverse supply shocks, which means they push costs and prices upward. A favorable supply shock reduces costs and prices.

Слайд 36

10-5 Stabilization Policy 
An Adverse Supply Shock 
An adverse supply shock pushes up costs and thus prices. 
If AD is held constant, the economy moves from point A to point B, leading to stagflation - a combination of increasing prices and falling output. 
Eventually, as prices fall, the economy returns to the natural level of Y, point A.
Описание слайда:
10-5 Stabilization Policy An Adverse Supply Shock An adverse supply shock pushes up costs and thus prices. If AD is held constant, the economy moves from point A to point B, leading to stagflation - a combination of increasing prices and falling output. Eventually, as prices fall, the economy returns to the natural level of Y, point A.

Слайд 37

10-5 Stabilization Policy 
Accommodating an Adverse Supply Shock 
In response to an adverse supply shock, 
the Fed can increase AD to prevent a reduction in output. The economy moves from point A to point C. 
The cost of this policy is a permanently higher level of prices.
Описание слайда:
10-5 Stabilization Policy Accommodating an Adverse Supply Shock In response to an adverse supply shock, the Fed can increase AD to prevent a reduction in output. The economy moves from point A to point C. The cost of this policy is a permanently higher level of prices.

Слайд 38

How OPEC Helped Cause Stagflation in the 1970s and Euphoria in the 1980s
Описание слайда:
How OPEC Helped Cause Stagflation in the 1970s and Euphoria in the 1980s

Слайд 39

10-6 Conclusion
This chapter introduced a framework to study economic fluctuations:
 the model of aggregate supply and aggregate demand. 
The model is built on the assumption that prices are sticky in the short run and flexible in the long run. 
It shows how shocks to the economy cause output to deviate temporarily from the level implied by the classical model.
The model also highlights the role of monetary policy. 
On the one hand, poor monetary policy can be a source of destabilizing shocks to the economy. 
On the other hand, a well-run monetary policy can respond to shocks and stabilize the economy.
Описание слайда:
10-6 Conclusion This chapter introduced a framework to study economic fluctuations: the model of aggregate supply and aggregate demand. The model is built on the assumption that prices are sticky in the short run and flexible in the long run. It shows how shocks to the economy cause output to deviate temporarily from the level implied by the classical model. The model also highlights the role of monetary policy. On the one hand, poor monetary policy can be a source of destabilizing shocks to the economy. On the other hand, a well-run monetary policy can respond to shocks and stabilize the economy.

Слайд 40

Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run, слайд №40
Описание слайда:

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