🗊Презентация Capital bra. German Rapper

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Capital bra. German Rapper, слайд №1Capital bra. German Rapper, слайд №2Capital bra. German Rapper, слайд №3Capital bra. German Rapper, слайд №4Capital bra. German Rapper, слайд №5

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

German Rapper
Описание слайда:
German Rapper

Слайд 2

Artist name : Capital bra
Artist name : Capital bra
Real name : Vladislav Balovatsky
Nationality : half Russian half Ukrainian
Born : 23 November 1994 in Siberia
Lives in ukraine ( Dnipro ) and in Berlin 
He wrote his first rap song when he was eleven 
His hobby was football
Because of his behavior he had to change many schools and after his ninth grade he has broken the school completely
When he was 14years old, he came into juvenile detention, because he broke the law of drugs
Описание слайда:
Artist name : Capital bra Artist name : Capital bra Real name : Vladislav Balovatsky Nationality : half Russian half Ukrainian Born : 23 November 1994 in Siberia Lives in ukraine ( Dnipro ) and in Berlin He wrote his first rap song when he was eleven His hobby was football Because of his behavior he had to change many schools and after his ninth grade he has broken the school completely When he was 14years old, he came into juvenile detention, because he broke the law of drugs

Слайд 3

He starts with rap battles and win some times there 
He starts with rap battles and win some times there 
A big band ( 187 ) pusht him with some songs with him
Описание слайда:
He starts with rap battles and win some times there He starts with rap battles and win some times there A big band ( 187 ) pusht him with some songs with him

Слайд 4

Won two times the golden record
Won two times the golden record
And his single was two times on the first place
Описание слайда:
Won two times the golden record Won two times the golden record And his single was two times on the first place

Слайд 5

“Nur noch gucci” 29 Mio visits
“Nur noch gucci” 29 Mio visits
“Paff Paff weiter” 24 Mio visits
“ Ghetto Mssari” 10 Mio visits
Описание слайда:
“Nur noch gucci” 29 Mio visits “Nur noch gucci” 29 Mio visits “Paff Paff weiter” 24 Mio visits “ Ghetto Mssari” 10 Mio visits

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