🗊Презентация Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade

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Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №1Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №2Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №3Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №4Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №5Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №6Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №7Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №8Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №9Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №10Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №11Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №12Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №13Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №14Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №15Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №16Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №17Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №18Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №19Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №20Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №21Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №22Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №23Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №24Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №25Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №26

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Слайд 1

International Trade:
Theory and Policy
Lecture 5

September, 2016
Instructor: Natalia Davidson 
Lecture is prepared by Prof. Sergey Kadochnikov, Natalia Davidson
Описание слайда:
International Trade: Theory and Policy Lecture 5 September, 2016 Instructor: Natalia Davidson Lecture is prepared by Prof. Sergey Kadochnikov, Natalia Davidson

Слайд 2

Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Part II. Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade. 
Topic 4. Technological differences between countries as the reason for international trade: the Ricardian model.
Topic 5. Differences between countries in relative endowment of non-specific production factors as the reason for international trade: Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model.  Leontief paradox. 
Topic 6. Differences between countries in relative endowment of specific production factors as the reason for international trade: Ricardo-Viner model.  
Topic 7. International trade under increasing returns to scale and imperfect competition on the markets.
Описание слайда:
Part II. Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade. Topic 4. Technological differences between countries as the reason for international trade: the Ricardian model. Topic 5. Differences between countries in relative endowment of non-specific production factors as the reason for international trade: Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. Leontief paradox. Topic 6. Differences between countries in relative endowment of specific production factors as the reason for international trade: Ricardo-Viner model. Topic 7. International trade under increasing returns to scale and imperfect competition on the markets.

Слайд 4

Some reasons for trade
England exported cloth in exchange for wine, because, by so doing her industry was rendered more productive to her; she had more cloth and wine than if she had manufactured both for herself; and Portugal imported cloth and exported wine, because the industry of Portugal could be more beneficially employed for both countries in producing wine…
It would therefore be advantageous for [Portugal] to export wine in exchange for cloth. This exchange might even take place, notwithstanding that the commodity imported by Portugal could be produced there with less labour than in England.
Source: David Ricardo. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 1821. In Feenstra and Taylor (2012) Ch. 2, p. 27.
Описание слайда:
Some reasons for trade England exported cloth in exchange for wine, because, by so doing her industry was rendered more productive to her; she had more cloth and wine than if she had manufactured both for herself; and Portugal imported cloth and exported wine, because the industry of Portugal could be more beneficially employed for both countries in producing wine… It would therefore be advantageous for [Portugal] to export wine in exchange for cloth. This exchange might even take place, notwithstanding that the commodity imported by Portugal could be produced there with less labour than in England. Source: David Ricardo. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 1821. In Feenstra and Taylor (2012) Ch. 2, p. 27.

Слайд 5

Topic 4. Technological differences between countries as the reason for international trade: the Ricardian model 
4.1. Formulation of David Ricardo model. Absolute and comparative advantages of the countries.
4.2. General equilibrium of the world economy in the Ricardian model.
4.3. Gains from international trade in the Ricardian model. Distribution of the gains from trade among the countries.
Описание слайда:
Topic 4. Technological differences between countries as the reason for international trade: the Ricardian model 4.1. Formulation of David Ricardo model. Absolute and comparative advantages of the countries. 4.2. General equilibrium of the world economy in the Ricardian model. 4.3. Gains from international trade in the Ricardian model. Distribution of the gains from trade among the countries.

Слайд 6

(4.1.) Differences in labor productivity among the countries – the main reason for international trade 
in the Ricardian model
Wage expenditures per hour in manufacturing (в обрабатывающей
промышленности) in various countries (in Deutsche marks, 1991)
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Differences in labor productivity among the countries – the main reason for international trade in the Ricardian model Wage expenditures per hour in manufacturing (в обрабатывающей промышленности) in various countries (in Deutsche marks, 1991)

Слайд 7

Classical, neoclassical and modern theories of international trade, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Intuition behind Ricardian model
Описание слайда:
Intuition behind Ricardian model

Слайд 9

(4.1.) Structure of the Ricardian model of international trade
Structure of the world economy:
2 countries (h, f);
All final goods are tradable;
A production factor is immobile between the countries.
Structure of the production sector:
2 industries that produce 2 final homogeneous* goods  (X, Y);
1 homogeneous production factor (L), mobile between the industries;
Any kind of resource endowment in the countries;
Specific features of the production technology:
Technologies differ among the industries and the countries.
Structure of the household sector:
Tastes (предпочтения) are identical and homogeneous among the households and the countries
Market structure:
Perfect competition on the markets of production factors and of final goods.
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Structure of the Ricardian model of international trade Structure of the world economy: 2 countries (h, f); All final goods are tradable; A production factor is immobile between the countries. Structure of the production sector: 2 industries that produce 2 final homogeneous* goods (X, Y); 1 homogeneous production factor (L), mobile between the industries; Any kind of resource endowment in the countries; Specific features of the production technology: CRS; Technologies differ among the industries and the countries. Structure of the household sector: Tastes (предпочтения) are identical and homogeneous among the households and the countries Market structure: Perfect competition on the markets of production factors and of final goods.

Слайд 10

(4.1.) Exogenous parameters of the Ricardian model 
(1) Exogenous parameters of the model:
Production technology - production functions:
Хh = fxh(Lxh) = αhLxh; Yh = fyh(Lyh) = βhLyh;
Хf = fxf(Lxf) = αfLxf; Yf = fyf(Lyf) = βfLyf;.
Resource (labor) endowment in each economy: Lh, Lf;
Preferences of representative household in each of the economies – utility functions:
Ui = Ui (Xi, Yi); i = h, f;
Market structure on the final goods markets – perfect competition.
Market structure on the resource market – perfect competition.
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Exogenous parameters of the Ricardian model (1) Exogenous parameters of the model: Production technology - production functions: Хh = fxh(Lxh) = αhLxh; Yh = fyh(Lyh) = βhLyh; Хf = fxf(Lxf) = αfLxf; Yf = fyf(Lyf) = βfLyf;. Resource (labor) endowment in each economy: Lh, Lf; Preferences of representative household in each of the economies – utility functions: Ui = Ui (Xi, Yi); i = h, f; Market structure on the final goods markets – perfect competition. Market structure on the resource market – perfect competition.

Слайд 11

(4.1.) Endogenous parameters of the Ricardian model 
(2)	 Endogenous parameters of the model:
Equilibrium production and consumption of final goods in closed economies – Xha, Yha, Xfa, Yfa;
Equilibrium price ratios for final goods in closed economies – Pxha/Pyha, Pxfa/Pyfa;
Equilibrium production of final goods in the open economy – Xph*, Yph*, Xpf*, Ypf*;
Equilibrium consumption of final goods in the open economy– Xсh*, Yсh*, Xсf*, Yсf*;
If (Xc*-Xp*)>0 or (Yc*-Yp*)>0 – the good is imported;
If (Xc*-Xp*)<0 or (Yc*-Yp*)<0 – the good is exported;
Equilibrium world price ratio for final goods – Px*/Py*.
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Endogenous parameters of the Ricardian model (2) Endogenous parameters of the model: Equilibrium production and consumption of final goods in closed economies – Xha, Yha, Xfa, Yfa; Equilibrium price ratios for final goods in closed economies – Pxha/Pyha, Pxfa/Pyfa; Equilibrium production of final goods in the open economy – Xph*, Yph*, Xpf*, Ypf*; Equilibrium consumption of final goods in the open economy– Xсh*, Yсh*, Xсf*, Yсf*; If (Xc*-Xp*)>0 or (Yc*-Yp*)>0 – the good is imported; If (Xc*-Xp*)<0 or (Yc*-Yp*)<0 – the good is exported; Equilibrium world price ratio for final goods – Px*/Py*.

Слайд 12

(4.1.) Absolute and comparative advantages in the Ricardian model of international trade
Absolute advantages in the Ricardian model:
In marginal (average) product of labor:
Example: αh>αf – absolute advantage of country h in production of the good Х;
Example: βh<βf – absolute advantage of country f in production of the good Y;
In marginal (average) costs of production:
Example: wh/αh< wf/αf – absolute advantage of country h in production of the good Х;
Example: wh/βh> wf/βf – absolute advantage of country f in production of the good Y.
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Absolute and comparative advantages in the Ricardian model of international trade Absolute advantages in the Ricardian model: In marginal (average) product of labor: Example: αh>αf – absolute advantage of country h in production of the good Х; Example: βh<βf – absolute advantage of country f in production of the good Y; In marginal (average) costs of production: Example: wh/αh< wf/αf – absolute advantage of country h in production of the good Х; Example: wh/βh> wf/βf – absolute advantage of country f in production of the good Y.

Слайд 13

(4.1.) Absolute and comparative advantages in the Ricardian model of international trade
Comparative advantages in the Ricardian model:
In marginal (average) product of labor and marginal (average) costs of production:
Example: αh/βh <αf /βf – comparative advantage of country h in production of the good Y and comparative advantage of country f in production of the good X;
Comparative (relative) advantages as a more general concept compared to the absolute advantages.
 	Example: βh = βf =1 => αh < αf 
‘Comparative advantage is the best example of an economic principle that is undeniably true yet not obvious to intelligent people.’
Paul Samuelson. The way of an Economist. 1969. In  Feenstra and Taylor (2012), Ch. 2.
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Absolute and comparative advantages in the Ricardian model of international trade Comparative advantages in the Ricardian model: In marginal (average) product of labor and marginal (average) costs of production: Example: αh/βh <αf /βf – comparative advantage of country h in production of the good Y and comparative advantage of country f in production of the good X; Comparative (relative) advantages as a more general concept compared to the absolute advantages. Example: βh = βf =1 => αh < αf ‘Comparative advantage is the best example of an economic principle that is undeniably true yet not obvious to intelligent people.’ Paul Samuelson. The way of an Economist. 1969. In Feenstra and Taylor (2012), Ch. 2.

Слайд 14

(4.1.) Absolute and comparative advantages in the Ricardian model of international trade
Graphical illustration of  general equilibrium in  closed economy in the Ricardian model:
Graph with production possibility curves and indifference curves
Описание слайда:
(4.1.) Absolute and comparative advantages in the Ricardian model of international trade Graphical illustration of general equilibrium in closed economy in the Ricardian model: Graph with production possibility curves and indifference curves

Слайд 15

(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration)
Derivation of the excess demand function in the Ricardian model:
Specific features of the excess demand curve as reflection of production sector characteristics in the Ricardian model
International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model – defining the equilibrium prices (graphical illustration):
Using excess demand curves;
Using production possibility curves and indifference curves.
Описание слайда:
(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration) Derivation of the excess demand function in the Ricardian model: Specific features of the excess demand curve as reflection of production sector characteristics in the Ricardian model International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model – defining the equilibrium prices (graphical illustration): Using excess demand curves; Using production possibility curves and indifference curves.

Слайд 16

(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration)
Описание слайда:
(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration)

Слайд 17

(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration)
Описание слайда:
(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration)

Слайд 18

(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration)
Question: based on Figure 2. Production frontiers and autarky equilibria, draw the world price, indifference curves in open economy; show production points in open economy, export and import of the countries, and gains from trade of each country (in terms of utility).
Описание слайда:
(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration) Question: based on Figure 2. Production frontiers and autarky equilibria, draw the world price, indifference curves in open economy; show production points in open economy, export and import of the countries, and gains from trade of each country (in terms of utility).

Слайд 19

(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration) - 2
International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model:
The graph: production possibility curves and indifference curves;
Standard general equilibrium conditions in the open economy:
Equilibrium conditions for the economy h: MRTh*Px*/Py*=MRSh*;
Equilibrium conditions for the economy f: MRTf* Px*/Py*=MRSf*;
Trade balance for both economies :
(Px*/Py*) (Xch*-Xph*) + (Ych*-Yph*) = 0;
(Px*/Py*) (Xcf*-Xpf*) + (Ycf*-Ypf*) = 0.
Market clearing conditions on the world market of two goods :
Xch*+Xсf* = Xph*+Xpf*;
Ych*+Yсf* = Yph*+Ypf*.
Conclusion: The model of trade for each country reflects  the structure of its comparative (relative) advantage.
Описание слайда:
(4.2.) International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration) - 2 International general equilibrium in the Ricardian model: The graph: production possibility curves and indifference curves; Standard general equilibrium conditions in the open economy: Equilibrium conditions for the economy h: MRTh*Px*/Py*=MRSh*; Equilibrium conditions for the economy f: MRTf* Px*/Py*=MRSf*; Trade balance for both economies : (Px*/Py*) (Xch*-Xph*) + (Ych*-Yph*) = 0; (Px*/Py*) (Xcf*-Xpf*) + (Ycf*-Ypf*) = 0. Market clearing conditions on the world market of two goods : Xch*+Xсf* = Xph*+Xpf*; Ych*+Yсf* = Yph*+Ypf*. Conclusion: The model of trade for each country reflects the structure of its comparative (relative) advantage.

Слайд 20

(4.3.) The gains from international trade in the Ricardian model
Total gains from international trade for the economies participating in international trade :
Increase in the utility levels attained by the households in each economy.
Factors affecting the level of total gains from international trade and distribution of gains between countries (graphical illustration):
The degree of difference between the countries  in technological levels;
The degree of difference between the countries  size (the difference in labor endowment).
Types of gains from international trade in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration):
Traditional gains from  specialization;
Traditional gains from  exchange.
Описание слайда:
(4.3.) The gains from international trade in the Ricardian model Total gains from international trade for the economies participating in international trade : Increase in the utility levels attained by the households in each economy. Factors affecting the level of total gains from international trade and distribution of gains between countries (graphical illustration): The degree of difference between the countries in technological levels; The degree of difference between the countries size (the difference in labor endowment). Types of gains from international trade in the Ricardian model (graphical illustration): Traditional gains from specialization; Traditional gains from exchange.

Слайд 21

(4.3.) The gains from international trade in the Ricardian model
Описание слайда:
(4.3.) The gains from international trade in the Ricardian model

Слайд 22

(4.3.) Analytical derivation of gains from trade for the owners of labor in the Ricardian model 
In equilibrium real wage is equal to marginal product of labor
	for the economy h, Pxαh=wh, Pyβh=wh
	=> wh/Px= αh, wh/Py=βh; 
Marginal product of labor in the Ricardian model is constant 
	=> real wage is also constant (if both goods are produced) 
	for any combination of goods produced in the economy.
If country h has comparative advantage in production of good Y and exports it, then real wage in units of good Y in the open economy equilibrium has not changed compared to autarky and is equal to marginal product of labor:
whа/Pyhа= wh*/Py*= βh;
Описание слайда:
(4.3.) Analytical derivation of gains from trade for the owners of labor in the Ricardian model In equilibrium real wage is equal to marginal product of labor MRL=MCL or PxMPL=MCL or, for the economy h, Pxαh=wh, Pyβh=wh => wh/Px= αh, wh/Py=βh; Marginal product of labor in the Ricardian model is constant => real wage is also constant (if both goods are produced) for any combination of goods produced in the economy. If country h has comparative advantage in production of good Y and exports it, then real wage in units of good Y in the open economy equilibrium has not changed compared to autarky and is equal to marginal product of labor: whа/Pyhа= wh*/Py*= βh;

Слайд 23

(4.3.) Analytical derivation of gains from trade for the owners of labor in the Ricardian model - continued
However, if country h fully specializes on good Y and does not produce good X, then real wage in units of good X can change. 
	In fact, real wage grows:
wh*/Px* =  (wh*/Py*)(Py*/Px*) = βh/(Px*/Py*) (1); 
As country h has a comparative advantage in production of good Y  and exports it, then (Px*/Py*)<(Pxhа/Pyhа)= βh/αh  αh < βh/(Px*/Py*) (2);
From (1) and (2) it follows that wh*/Px*> αh= whа/Pxhа; i.e. real wage in units of good X grew.
Conclusion: If owners of labor consume both goods in a certain proportion, their real welfare grows as a result of international trade.
Описание слайда:
(4.3.) Analytical derivation of gains from trade for the owners of labor in the Ricardian model - continued However, if country h fully specializes on good Y and does not produce good X, then real wage in units of good X can change. In fact, real wage grows: wh*/Px* = (wh*/Py*)(Py*/Px*) = βh/(Px*/Py*) (1); As country h has a comparative advantage in production of good Y and exports it, then (Px*/Py*)<(Pxhа/Pyhа)= βh/αh  αh < βh/(Px*/Py*) (2); From (1) and (2) it follows that wh*/Px*> αh= whа/Pxhа; i.e. real wage in units of good X grew. Conclusion: If owners of labor consume both goods in a certain proportion, their real welfare grows as a result of international trade.

Слайд 24

(4.3.) Comments on the nature of gains from trade in the Ricardian model
TOT – terms of trade
where Pexp – price of exported good, and Pimp – price of imported good.
Generally, having higher TOT (because of high export prices or low import prices) will lead to higher real wages and therefore will benefit workers.
Question: How does this statement follow from the derivation above?
Source: Feenstra and Taylor (2012), Ch. 2.
Note: In Ricardian model there is one production factor, labour. It necessarily benefits from trade. In the next models that we will study there will be several production factors (Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson, Ricardo-Viner model). Some factor(s) will gain, while other(s) will lose. It makes the issues of Political economy of international trade important. As economy as a whole benefits, all production factors can eventually benefit, if a certain redistribution of income among production factors takes place.
Описание слайда:
(4.3.) Comments on the nature of gains from trade in the Ricardian model TOT – terms of trade TOT=Pexp/Pimp, where Pexp – price of exported good, and Pimp – price of imported good. Generally, having higher TOT (because of high export prices or low import prices) will lead to higher real wages and therefore will benefit workers. Question: How does this statement follow from the derivation above? Source: Feenstra and Taylor (2012), Ch. 2. Note: In Ricardian model there is one production factor, labour. It necessarily benefits from trade. In the next models that we will study there will be several production factors (Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson, Ricardo-Viner model). Some factor(s) will gain, while other(s) will lose. It makes the issues of Political economy of international trade important. As economy as a whole benefits, all production factors can eventually benefit, if a certain redistribution of income among production factors takes place.

Слайд 25

Exercise sessions  3, 4
(2) Think about topics for reports during exercise sessions; work on a paper review (due 1 November 2016) and presentation
Office hours: Friday 13:50 – 14:30, room 216.
E-mail: natalya.davidson@gmail.com (Наталья Борисовна Давидсон)
Описание слайда:
Exercise sessions 3, 4 (2) Think about topics for reports during exercise sessions; work on a paper review (due 1 November 2016) and presentation Office hours: Friday 13:50 – 14:30, room 216. E-mail: natalya.davidson@gmail.com (Наталья Борисовна Давидсон)

Слайд 26

Topic 5. Differences between countries in relative endowment of non-specific production factors as the reason for international trade: Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model
5.1. Comparative advantage theory and comparative advantage theorem. 
5.2. Fundamental assumptions and specific features of Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model.
5.3. Rybzcynsky theorem.
5.4. Heckscher-Ohlin theorem.
5.5. Stolper-Samuelson theorem.
5.6. Factor price equalization theorem and its illustration.
Exercise session:
Empirical testing of  Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model.
Leontief paradox and its possible or impossible solutions.
Описание слайда:
Topic 5. Differences between countries in relative endowment of non-specific production factors as the reason for international trade: Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model 5.1. Comparative advantage theory and comparative advantage theorem. 5.2. Fundamental assumptions and specific features of Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. 5.3. Rybzcynsky theorem. 5.4. Heckscher-Ohlin theorem. 5.5. Stolper-Samuelson theorem. 5.6. Factor price equalization theorem and its illustration. Exercise session: Empirical testing of Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. Leontief paradox and its possible or impossible solutions.

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