🗊Презентация Collar Sloth

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Collar Sloth, слайд №1Collar Sloth, слайд №2Collar Sloth, слайд №3Collar Sloth, слайд №4Collar Sloth, слайд №5Collar Sloth, слайд №6Collar Sloth, слайд №7Collar Sloth, слайд №8Collar Sloth, слайд №9

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Collar Sloth
Описание слайда:
Collar Sloth

Слайд 2

Idlers are amazing mammals, they belong to the edentates. Collared idler (Bradypus torquatus) is the most notable representative of this type. The area of his "residence" includes the north-western Brazil and Peru. At the moment, the fate of this animal is under threat, as the main place of his "dislocation" - rainforests - are actively cut down. So kind of three-toed collared idler is in the International Red Book now.
Описание слайда:
Idlers are amazing mammals, they belong to the edentates. Collared idler (Bradypus torquatus) is the most notable representative of this type. The area of his "residence" includes the north-western Brazil and Peru. At the moment, the fate of this animal is under threat, as the main place of his "dislocation" - rainforests - are actively cut down. So kind of three-toed collared idler is in the International Red Book now.

Слайд 3

Pay attention to his hair!
Pay attention to his hair!
Описание слайда:
Pay attention to his hair! Pay attention to his hair!

Слайд 4

Their essence is in this :
Описание слайда:
Their essence is in this :

Слайд 5

In water they feel themselves more confident. Here theirs movement speed is a little bit more than from on land and on the trees. Their speed in water can reach - about 4 kilometers per hour.
Описание слайда:
In water they feel themselves more confident. Here theirs movement speed is a little bit more than from on land and on the trees. Their speed in water can reach - about 4 kilometers per hour.

Слайд 6

Collar Sloth, слайд №6
Описание слайда:

Слайд 7

An idler's life extent of rather long, till 30-40 years. Usually they live on one, but have not anything against the other idler at all, sometimes can eat together and even sleep.
Описание слайда:
An idler's life extent of rather long, till 30-40 years. Usually they live on one, but have not anything against the other idler at all, sometimes can eat together and even sleep.

Слайд 8

They arose in an Oligocene about 35 million years ago and lived in the New World, reaching weight in some tons and 6 m in heights. Some species of gigantic idlers died out only at the end of a Pleistocene. Unlike modern idlers, their huge relatives lived not on trees, and on the earth.
Описание слайда:
They arose in an Oligocene about 35 million years ago and lived in the New World, reaching weight in some tons and 6 m in heights. Some species of gigantic idlers died out only at the end of a Pleistocene. Unlike modern idlers, their huge relatives lived not on trees, and on the earth.

Слайд 9

That's all. Thanks for attention.
Описание слайда:
That's all. Thanks for attention.

Теги Collar Sloth
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