🗊Презентация Collection and transport

Категория: Окружающий мир
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Collection and transport, слайд №1Collection and transport, слайд №2Collection and transport, слайд №3Collection and transport, слайд №4Collection and transport, слайд №5Collection and transport, слайд №6Collection and transport, слайд №7Collection and transport, слайд №8Collection and transport, слайд №9Collection and transport, слайд №10Collection and transport, слайд №11Collection and transport, слайд №12Collection and transport, слайд №13Collection and transport, слайд №14

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Слайд 1

Lecture 2: Collection and transport
Описание слайда:
Lecture 2: Collection and transport

Слайд 2

Practises in Household Waste Collection
Waste collection is organised by: 
Waste producer or property holder (Finnish Waste Act, Section 7)
Garden waste, food waste and toilet waste can be composted on the property
rules how to do it
Information to be given to the authority
Waste transport
Waste holder shall take care that transport is organised (WA, section 8)
Waste transporter has to take the waste to a facility specified by waste holder or authority (WA, section 9)
Municipality is responsible for organising waste transport (WA, section 10)
for all household wastes including septic tank and cesspit sludges
for enterprise wastes comparable to household wastes, if situated on a housing property
for public operators
Transport organised by municipality itself, or using services of a company
Waste transport scheme = systems and activities organised  by a municipality for waste transport. Waste holder shall subscribe to waste transport scheme.
Описание слайда:
Practises in Household Waste Collection Waste collection is organised by: Waste producer or property holder (Finnish Waste Act, Section 7) Garden waste, food waste and toilet waste can be composted on the property rules how to do it Information to be given to the authority Waste transport Waste holder shall take care that transport is organised (WA, section 8) Waste transporter has to take the waste to a facility specified by waste holder or authority (WA, section 9) Municipality is responsible for organising waste transport (WA, section 10) for all household wastes including septic tank and cesspit sludges for enterprise wastes comparable to household wastes, if situated on a housing property for public operators Transport organised by municipality itself, or using services of a company Waste transport scheme = systems and activities organised by a municipality for waste transport. Waste holder shall subscribe to waste transport scheme.

Слайд 3

Waste Act
Municipal waste management regulations (WA, section 17)
Municipalities can issue local general regulations on more detailed 
implementation of the provisions of Ch.3 in WA and of Government 
general regulations issued under them.
Regulations may concern:
	1) waste collection, sorting, storage, transport, dealing, recovery or disposal and the technical requirements for them
	2) measures required to prevent hazard or harm to health or the environment
	3) supervision of waste management.
Goverment can issue general regulations concerning waste management 
implementation  (WA section 18)
Описание слайда:
Waste Act Municipal waste management regulations (WA, section 17) Municipalities can issue local general regulations on more detailed implementation of the provisions of Ch.3 in WA and of Government general regulations issued under them. Regulations may concern: 1) waste collection, sorting, storage, transport, dealing, recovery or disposal and the technical requirements for them 2) measures required to prevent hazard or harm to health or the environment 3) supervision of waste management. Goverment can issue general regulations concerning waste management implementation (WA section 18)

Слайд 4

Municipal waste management  in Mikkeli (example)
Mikkeli and neighbouring municipalities founded a company (Metsä-Sairila) to 
organise waste management
Metsä-Sairila is responsible for all tasks of municipalities in waste management 
Authority tasks like acceptance of local regulations and charges (payments)
Authority decisions 
Responsibilities of Metsä-Sairila
Hazardous wastes
Composting of separately collected bio waste and sludge
Planning, developing, coordination and information
Also treatment facilities;  enlargement ; after care of landfill site.
Описание слайда:
Municipal waste management in Mikkeli (example) Mikkeli and neighbouring municipalities founded a company (Metsä-Sairila) to organise waste management Metsä-Sairila is responsible for all tasks of municipalities in waste management excluding Authority tasks like acceptance of local regulations and charges (payments) Authority decisions Responsibilities of Metsä-Sairila Recycling Hazardous wastes Composting of separately collected bio waste and sludge Planning, developing, coordination and information Also treatment facilities; enlargement ; after care of landfill site.

Слайд 5

How waste management is implemented 
Waste transport schemes for household wastes and similar other wastes:
In densely populated area: Property owner makes an agreement with waste 
transporter  (contractual waste transport scheme)
Sparsely populated area: Subscribing to waste transport scheme (announcement 
to Metsä-Sairila)
Waste collection sites.
About 60 in the region. Annual charges.
Collection at the property
Agreement with a waste transporter
Forbidden to use of collection sites
Two or more properties may combine their efforts and share a waste bin
Описание слайда:
How waste management is implemented Waste transport schemes for household wastes and similar other wastes: In densely populated area: Property owner makes an agreement with waste transporter (contractual waste transport scheme) Sparsely populated area: Subscribing to waste transport scheme (announcement to Metsä-Sairila) Possibilities Waste collection sites. About 60 in the region. Annual charges. Collection at the property Agreement with a waste transporter Forbidden to use of collection sites Two or more properties may combine their efforts and share a waste bin

Слайд 6

Waste collection
Requirements for waste bins:
Durable (weather and damage)
Closed, sealed (rats, birds)
Large enough
Easy to empty
Low noice  when emptying
Classification of bins
Single use bags / reusable bins
Surface waste bins / deep collection bins
Waste bins (120 – 750 litres)
Waste containers (4 - 12 m3)
Hauled dumpsters (5 - 35 m3)
Описание слайда:
Waste collection Requirements for waste bins: Durable (weather and damage) Closed, sealed (rats, birds) Large enough Easy to empty Low noice when emptying Classification of bins Single use bags / reusable bins Surface waste bins / deep collection bins Waste bins (120 – 750 litres) Waste containers (4 - 12 m3) Stationary Hauled Hauled dumpsters (5 - 35 m3)

Слайд 7

Household waste collection
Private household
Biowaste has to be collected separately or 
composted at home.
Typical private household system includes at 
bin for mixed waste
bin for biowaste 
Other, recyclable waste is taken to 
collection sites.
Описание слайда:
Household waste collection Private household Biowaste has to be collected separately or composted at home. Typical private household system includes at least bin for mixed waste bin for biowaste Other, recyclable waste is taken to collection sites.

Слайд 8

Housing company waste 
Mixed waste
large bins to be emptied 
To reduce the volume of waste
Compresser or baler
Also large containers used as storage for waste
Truck haules the container to waste station to be emptyed
Requires plenty of space to haul the container on the truck
If more than 5 apartments: 
separate collection of also paper and and cardboard
If more than 18 apartments: 
waste bins in addition for glas, metal and liquid carton
Color symbols
Green paper		Grey  mixed waste
Brown  biowaste		Yellow: liquid cartons
Описание слайда:
Housing company waste Mixed waste large bins to be emptied To reduce the volume of waste Compresser or baler Also large containers used as storage for waste Truck haules the container to waste station to be emptyed Requires plenty of space to haul the container on the truck If more than 5 apartments: separate collection of also paper and and cardboard If more than 18 apartments: waste bins in addition for glas, metal and liquid carton Color symbols Green paper Grey  mixed waste Brown  biowaste Yellow: liquid cartons

Слайд 9

Public waste collection sites
Waste collection at public sites is done at places, where
Amount of waste is high
Emptying is done seldom
Necessary to
Have large bins
Moderate temperatures around the year
Odor has to be prevented
Typical places eg. 
Remote places
Recreation areas 
Parking/resting areas
Public buildings (schools…)
Описание слайда:
Public waste collection sites Waste collection at public sites is done at places, where Amount of waste is high Emptying is done seldom Necessary to Have large bins Moderate temperatures around the year Odor has to be prevented Typical places eg. Remote places Recreation areas Parking/resting areas Public buildings (schools…)

Слайд 10

Public waste collection sites
Modern solution is often deep collection 
bins (MOLOK)
Most of the structure is hidden in the ground
The wastes are in a bag that is lifted up and emptied into a truck
Small space demand
Emptying is easy
less space demanding
Possible even by boat
Hygienic for biowaste – temperature stays low even in summer
Quite fire safe
Описание слайда:
Public waste collection sites Modern solution is often deep collection bins (MOLOK) Most of the structure is hidden in the ground The wastes are in a bag that is lifted up and emptied into a truck Benefits Small space demand Emptying is easy less space demanding Possible even by boat Hygienic for biowaste – temperature stays low even in summer Quite fire safe

Слайд 11

Logistics in waste transport
Описание слайда:
Logistics in waste transport

Слайд 12

Waste collection trucks for option C
Описание слайда:
Waste collection trucks for option C

Слайд 13

Logistics and transport routes
Описание слайда:
Logistics and transport routes

Слайд 14

Cost of waste collection and transport 
The cost in € is affected by
Amount of waste generated
Size of the bin  how often it has to be emptied (notice regulations!)
Price per emptying
Price for transport  
Original investment
LCA, Life Cycle Analysis  The environmental ”cost” 
Emissions during the collection
Emissions during the transport
Total LCA of waste management should include also emissions from eg. landfill or composting
Описание слайда:
Cost of waste collection and transport The cost in € is affected by Amount of waste generated Size of the bin  how often it has to be emptied (notice regulations!) Price per emptying Price for transport Original investment LCA, Life Cycle Analysis  The environmental ”cost” Emissions during the collection Emissions during the transport Total LCA of waste management should include also emissions from eg. landfill or composting

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