🗊Презентация Comprehensive urban planing

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Слайд 1

Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

In the last twenty years, a comprehensive planning approach have been the subject of criticism from different aspects. Those criticisms are collected in several points.
Описание слайда:
Introduction In the last twenty years, a comprehensive planning approach have been the subject of criticism from different aspects. Those criticisms are collected in several points.

Слайд 3

The principle of public benefit
The first criticism is releated to the principle of public benefit, which is the base of comprehensive urban planning. If a desicion can help to achieve goals of whole society not just particular one only then it could stamped as “public benefit” desicion. It is assumed that the definition of public interest can be identified in comprehensive planning. But it is not always possible. The reason is the difficulty of measuring it in market economy and it is known that
Описание слайда:
The principle of public benefit The first criticism is releated to the principle of public benefit, which is the base of comprehensive urban planning. If a desicion can help to achieve goals of whole society not just particular one only then it could stamped as “public benefit” desicion. It is assumed that the definition of public interest can be identified in comprehensive planning. But it is not always possible. The reason is the difficulty of measuring it in market economy and it is known that

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