🗊Презентация Crafts from waste

Категория: Окружающий мир
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Crafts from waste, слайд №1Crafts from waste, слайд №2Crafts from waste, слайд №3Crafts from waste, слайд №4Crafts from waste, слайд №5Crafts from waste, слайд №6Crafts from waste, слайд №7Crafts from waste, слайд №8Crafts from waste, слайд №9Crafts from waste, слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Crafts from waste
The work performed student 8 "B" class Korobtsov David
Описание слайда:
Crafts from waste The work performed student 8 "B" class Korobtsov David

Слайд 2

These works are carried out in the art of weaving from the newspaper tubes. Such beauty! You would not believe that the material for them served as the old newspapers. A large number of hand-made articles from newspapers indicating the growing popularity of this type of work. If you want to learn the art of weaving from the newspaper tubes, on the Internet there is a sea of ​​materials and workshops on this topic.
Описание слайда:
These works are carried out in the art of weaving from the newspaper tubes. Such beauty! You would not believe that the material for them served as the old newspapers. A large number of hand-made articles from newspapers indicating the growing popularity of this type of work. If you want to learn the art of weaving from the newspaper tubes, on the Internet there is a sea of ​​materials and workshops on this topic.

Слайд 3

Crafts from waste, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Many crafts can be made from plastic waste. It is terrible to imagine how much we throw away plastic bottles, packaging of products, packages and so on. If the paper is naturally processed relatively quickly for 3 months, the maximum - 1 year, the plastic - for 200 years! Everyone can reduce the amount of waste discharged into the plastic. For example, it is possible to give preference to products in cartons and grocery shopping than with a plastic bag, and the bag with durable fabric. More can be made from waste plastics various crafts.
Описание слайда:
Many crafts can be made from plastic waste. It is terrible to imagine how much we throw away plastic bottles, packaging of products, packages and so on. If the paper is naturally processed relatively quickly for 3 months, the maximum - 1 year, the plastic - for 200 years! Everyone can reduce the amount of waste discharged into the plastic. For example, it is possible to give preference to products in cartons and grocery shopping than with a plastic bag, and the bag with durable fabric. More can be made from waste plastics various crafts.

Слайд 5

Crafts from waste, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Many fathers and grandfathers in the closet you can find some very interesting little things, such as radio, cogs, shurupchiki. This is - the whole scattering of jewels to the young wizard. Of these, you can build anything on a technical topic that is sure to please boys.
Описание слайда:
Many fathers and grandfathers in the closet you can find some very interesting little things, such as radio, cogs, shurupchiki. This is - the whole scattering of jewels to the young wizard. Of these, you can build anything on a technical topic that is sure to please boys.

Слайд 7

Crafts from waste, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Plastic and paper - are the most common materials for handicrafts from waste, but a closer look, you are sure to find the garbage that can be turned into something extraordinary.
Описание слайда:
Plastic and paper - are the most common materials for handicrafts from waste, but a closer look, you are sure to find the garbage that can be turned into something extraordinary.

Слайд 9

Crafts from waste, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

The end
The work performed student 8 "B" class Korobtsov David
Описание слайда:
The end The work performed student 8 "B" class Korobtsov David

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