🗊Презентация Data Base Architecture

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Data Base Architecture , слайд №1Data Base Architecture , слайд №2Data Base Architecture , слайд №3Data Base Architecture , слайд №4Data Base Architecture , слайд №5Data Base Architecture , слайд №6Data Base Architecture , слайд №7Data Base Architecture , слайд №8Data Base Architecture , слайд №9Data Base Architecture , слайд №10

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Lecture 2. Data Base Architecture
National Aviation University
Computer Science Faculty
Department of Software Engineering
Описание слайда:
Lecture 2. Data Base Architecture National Aviation University Computer Science Faculty Department of Software Engineering

Слайд 2

 ANSI/SPARC architecture
 Conceptual level
 External level
 Internal level
 Data base management system
Описание слайда:
CONTENTS ANSI/SPARC architecture Conceptual level External level Internal level Mappings Data base management system

Слайд 3

Different Meaning of «architecture»
 Functional architecture
 Software architecture
 Hardware architecture
 Network architecture
 Implementation architecture
 Information architecture
Описание слайда:
Different Meaning of «architecture» Functional architecture Software architecture Hardware architecture Network architecture Implementation architecture Information architecture

Слайд 4

Architecture ANSI/X3/SPARC
 ANSI/X3/SPARC – Study Group on Data
 Base Management Systems
 Areas of DB technology standardization
 Only DB interfaces may be standardized
 Interfaces DB architecture
Описание слайда:
Architecture ANSI/X3/SPARC ANSI/X3/SPARC – Study Group on Data Base Management Systems Areas of DB technology standardization Only DB interfaces may be standardized Interfaces DB architecture

Слайд 5

Data Base Architecture , слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Conceptual Level 
A uniform basis of understanding of AD
Includes only conceptually relevant aspects
Feature of allowed evolution of DB
Basis of mappings external-intenral levels
Supports the data independance
Supports centralized administration 
Описание слайда:
Conceptual Level A uniform basis of understanding of AD Includes only conceptually relevant aspects Feature of allowed evolution of DB Basis of mappings external-intenral levels Supports the data independance Supports centralized administration Stability

Слайд 7

External Level
 Convinient data representation
 Promotes logical independance
 Promotes data safety problem
 Supports different external interfaces
Описание слайда:
External Level Convinient data representation Promotes logical independance Promotes data safety problem Supports different external interfaces

Слайд 8

Internal Level
 Provides DB adjustments  
 Supports data storage structures and access
 DB efficiency, prformance, redundancy
 Physical data independance 
 Promotes data safety problem 
 Mapping internal schema to the OS data
Описание слайда:
Internal Level Provides DB adjustments Supports data storage structures and access methods DB efficiency, prformance, redundancy Physical data independance Promotes data safety problem Mapping internal schema to the OS data structures

Слайд 9

 and vise-versa
Описание слайда:
Mappings External-conceptual Conceptual-internal and vise-versa

Слайд 10

Data Base Architecture , слайд №10
Описание слайда:

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