🗊Презентация Disaster Empire state building

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Disaster Empire state building, слайд №1Disaster Empire state building, слайд №2Disaster Empire state building, слайд №3Disaster Empire state building, слайд №4

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

 Empire state building
Описание слайда:
Disaster Empire state building

Слайд 2

army veteran
young sailor
Описание слайда:
Characters army veteran Copilot young sailor Airoplain

Слайд 3

What happened
Because of the fog, visibility was poor. An hour later, people on the streets of Manhattan heard the deafening roar of the engine and saw the bomber wandering among the skyscrapers. Some time later, he crashed into the Empire state building. The wreckage fell to the ground.
Описание слайда:
What happened Because of the fog, visibility was poor. An hour later, people on the streets of Manhattan heard the deafening roar of the engine and saw the bomber wandering among the skyscrapers. Some time later, he crashed into the Empire state building. The wreckage fell to the ground.

Слайд 4

One of the engines blew a hole 78 in the floor, passing through seven walls and taking off into the opposite side of the building. The second engine fell into the Elevator shaft and fell to the basement. When the fuel tank of the plane exploded, the fire spread to 6 floors. Fortunately, Saturday worked all the offices, was killed only 11 people and three passengers of the plane.
Описание слайда:
And… One of the engines blew a hole 78 in the floor, passing through seven walls and taking off into the opposite side of the building. The second engine fell into the Elevator shaft and fell to the basement. When the fuel tank of the plane exploded, the fire spread to 6 floors. Fortunately, Saturday worked all the offices, was killed only 11 people and three passengers of the plane.

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