🗊Презентация Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship

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Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №1Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №2Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №3Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №4Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №5Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №6Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №7Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №8Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №9Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №10Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №11Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №12Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №13Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №14Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №15Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №16Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №17Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №18

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship
Описание слайда:
Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship

Слайд 2

to reveal offenses in the sphere of environmental protection and to show by what laws they are regulated.
Описание слайда:
Goal: Goal: to reveal offenses in the sphere of environmental protection and to show by what laws they are regulated.

Слайд 3

1. to find out that ecological legal relationship are.

2. to reveal the crimes arising in the sphere of environmental protection.

3. to study laws which regulate ecological legal relationship.
Описание слайда:
Tasks: Tasks: 1. to find out that ecological legal relationship are. 2. to reveal the crimes arising in the sphere of environmental protection. 3. to study laws which regulate ecological legal relationship.

Слайд 4

The relevance of a research is that ecological the right as the industry of Russian law represents the system of the precepts of law governing the public relations on preservation, reproduction and studying of the surrounding environment and also on rational use of natural resources.
Описание слайда:
The relevance of a research is that ecological the right as the industry of Russian law represents the system of the precepts of law governing the public relations on preservation, reproduction and studying of the surrounding environment and also on rational use of natural resources.

Слайд 5

Ecological offenses as type of ecological legal relationship, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

In the ecological right as the industry of the right the rules of conduct of people following from objective laws of the nature and corresponding to operation of these laws are fixed. 
In the ecological right as the industry of the right the rules of conduct of people following from objective laws of the nature and corresponding to operation of these laws are fixed. 
A subject of the ecological right are the public relations arising in the field of interaction of society and the nature concerning use of natural resources and environmental protection.
Описание слайда:
In the ecological right as the industry of the right the rules of conduct of people following from objective laws of the nature and corresponding to operation of these laws are fixed. In the ecological right as the industry of the right the rules of conduct of people following from objective laws of the nature and corresponding to operation of these laws are fixed. A subject of the ecological right are the public relations arising in the field of interaction of society and the nature concerning use of natural resources and environmental protection.

Слайд 7

General characteristic of ecological legal relationship

Ecological legal relationship are the relations between subjects concerning preservation 
and restoration of the environment, 
rational use of natural resources 
and prevention 
of negative
 impact on the 
Описание слайда:
General characteristic of ecological legal relationship Ecological legal relationship are the relations between subjects concerning preservation and restoration of the environment, rational use of natural resources and prevention of negative impact on the environment.

Слайд 8

means legal communication between social subjects;
evolves from rules of law; 
represents communication between persons by means of the subjective rights and legal duties; 
is the strong-willed relation because in order that it arose, the will of its participants is necessary;
 it is protected by the 
state and makes a basis 
of the state coercion.
Описание слайда:
Signs: means legal communication between social subjects; evolves from rules of law; represents communication between persons by means of the subjective rights and legal duties; is the strong-willed relation because in order that it arose, the will of its participants is necessary; it is protected by the state and makes a basis of the state coercion.

Слайд 9

Ecological legal relationship have the following structure:
Ecological legal relationship have the following structure:
Object of ecological legal relationship are:
lands, subsoil, soils;
surface and underground water;
atmospheric air, ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-earth space.
Описание слайда:
Ecological legal relationship have the following structure: Ecological legal relationship have the following structure: object; subject; contents. Object of ecological legal relationship are: lands, subsoil, soils; surface and underground water; atmospheric air, ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-earth space.

Слайд 10

Subjects of ecological legal relationship are: 
Subjects of ecological legal relationship are: 
citizens, legal entities, foreign citizens, persons without citizenship, public authorities of the Russian Federation, territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments and officials.
Content of ecological legal relationship are the rights and duties of subjects of these legal relationship.
Описание слайда:
Subjects of ecological legal relationship are: Subjects of ecological legal relationship are: citizens, legal entities, foreign citizens, persons without citizenship, public authorities of the Russian Federation, territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments and officials. Content of ecological legal relationship are the rights and duties of subjects of these legal relationship.

Слайд 11

Ecological crimes as type of ecological legal relationship.
Ecological crime is the guilty socially dangerous act (action or inaction) encroaching on the environment and its components, a intelligent use provided by the criminal law also are forbidden it under the threat of punishment
Описание слайда:
Ecological crimes as type of ecological legal relationship. Ecological crime is the guilty socially dangerous act (action or inaction) encroaching on the environment and its components, a intelligent use provided by the criminal law also are forbidden it under the threat of punishment

Слайд 12

Proceeding from features of a subject to encroachment, all ecological crimes are divided into four groups:
Proceeding from features of a subject to encroachment, all ecological crimes are divided into four groups:
1) ecological crimes of the general character: violation of the rules of environmental protection at works; violation of the rules of the address of ecologically dangerous substances and waste etc.
2) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of a subsoil: damage 
of the earth; violation of the rules of protection and use 
of a subsoil etc.
Описание слайда:
Proceeding from features of a subject to encroachment, all ecological crimes are divided into four groups: Proceeding from features of a subject to encroachment, all ecological crimes are divided into four groups: 1) ecological crimes of the general character: violation of the rules of environmental protection at works; violation of the rules of the address of ecologically dangerous substances and waste etc. 2) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of a subsoil: damage of the earth; violation of the rules of protection and use of a subsoil etc.

Слайд 13

3) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of fauna (fauna): violation of veterinary rules; illegal production (catch) of water biological resources etc.
3) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of fauna (fauna): violation of veterinary rules; illegal production (catch) of water biological resources etc.
4) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of flora (flora): violation of the rules, the plants established for fight against diseases and wreckers etc.
Описание слайда:
3) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of fauna (fauna): violation of veterinary rules; illegal production (catch) of water biological resources etc. 3) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of fauna (fauna): violation of veterinary rules; illegal production (catch) of water biological resources etc. 4) the crimes encroaching on protection and rational use of flora (flora): violation of the rules, the plants established for fight against diseases and wreckers etc.

Слайд 14

Types of punishments for commission of ecological crimes
       penalty                        arrest                       corrective works
          obligatory works                        restriction of freedom
Описание слайда:
Types of punishments for commission of ecological crimes penalty arrest corrective works obligatory works restriction of freedom

Слайд 15


In conclusion it should be noted that every year the number of ecological offenses increases. 
Synthesis of experience of nature protection prosecutor's offices allows to draw a conclusion on need of further improvement of their activity, strengthening by the highly qualified personnel owning ecological, legal and economic knowledge, of appropriate hardware.
Описание слайда:
Conclusion In conclusion it should be noted that every year the number of ecological offenses increases. Synthesis of experience of nature protection prosecutor's offices allows to draw a conclusion on need of further improvement of their activity, strengthening by the highly qualified personnel owning ecological, legal and economic knowledge, of appropriate hardware.

Слайд 16

List of sources
Экологические правонарушения: [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://works.doklad.ru/view/xTrp8cfAZVA/4.html (дата обращения:11.04.2019)
Уголовная ответственность за экологические преступления: [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://jurkom74.ru/ucheba/ugolovnaya-otvetstvennost-za-ekologicheskie-prestupleniya (дата обращения:11.04.2019) 
Стеблов А.Л. Экологическое право РФ и ЕС: [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://be5.biz/pravo/e005/index.html (дата обращения:11.04.2019)
Экологические преступления: [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://studme.org/171879/pravo/ekologicheskie_prestupleniya (дата обращения:11.04.2019)
Описание слайда:
List of sources Экологические правонарушения: [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://works.doklad.ru/view/xTrp8cfAZVA/4.html (дата обращения:11.04.2019) Уголовная ответственность за экологические преступления: [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://jurkom74.ru/ucheba/ugolovnaya-otvetstvennost-za-ekologicheskie-prestupleniya (дата обращения:11.04.2019) Стеблов А.Л. Экологическое право РФ и ЕС: [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://be5.biz/pravo/e005/index.html (дата обращения:11.04.2019) Экологические преступления: [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://studme.org/171879/pravo/ekologicheskie_prestupleniya (дата обращения:11.04.2019)

Слайд 17

https://www.gas-dortmund.de/data-live-gas/images/Anwendungen/iStock_000052612384_Double2.jpg (pic.1)
http://greenparty.ru/news/1766/ (pic.2)
https://naviny.by/sites/default/files/dym.png (pic.3)
https://assets.aspeninstitute.org/content/uploads/2014/10/iStock_000036453968_Medium.jpg (pic.4)
https://healthyvix.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/3-sustainable-living-mistakes-that-youre-probably-making.jpg?w=1312&h=600&crop=1 (pic.5)
https://st.depositphotos.com/1007989/3205/i/950/depositphotos_32058361-stock-photo-crying-earth-due-to-pollution.jpg (pic.6)
https://www.1obl.ru/upload/medialibrary/fe1/fe138dcc10c19a0a0b15ab6526d2e11c.jpg (pic.7)
https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/222892/cc3fa4e5-c0f9-48b1-a2bc-ac9f3bfb29e5/s1200 (pic.8)
http://susitas.com/upload/front/img/surdurilebilirbeslenme.jpg (pic.9)
https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=687d671c5189302e05786446ddcdcd82&n=13 (pic.10)
http://naparise.com/system/posts/covers/000/005/705/original/наручники.jpg?1553341144 (pic.11)
https://st.cherinfo.ru/pages/2018/03/23/osuzdennyj-na-obazatelnye-raboty.jpg (pic.12)
https://phototass2.cdnvideo.ru/width/1020_b9261fa1/tass/m2/uploads/i/20160429/4239943.jpg (pic13)
https://www.respnews.ru/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/content-images/preview/2016/07/02/39.jpg?itok=S8N9RZPn (pic.14)
Описание слайда:
Pictures https://www.gas-dortmund.de/data-live-gas/images/Anwendungen/iStock_000052612384_Double2.jpg (pic.1) http://greenparty.ru/news/1766/ (pic.2) https://naviny.by/sites/default/files/dym.png (pic.3) https://assets.aspeninstitute.org/content/uploads/2014/10/iStock_000036453968_Medium.jpg (pic.4) https://healthyvix.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/3-sustainable-living-mistakes-that-youre-probably-making.jpg?w=1312&h=600&crop=1 (pic.5) https://st.depositphotos.com/1007989/3205/i/950/depositphotos_32058361-stock-photo-crying-earth-due-to-pollution.jpg (pic.6) https://www.1obl.ru/upload/medialibrary/fe1/fe138dcc10c19a0a0b15ab6526d2e11c.jpg (pic.7) https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/222892/cc3fa4e5-c0f9-48b1-a2bc-ac9f3bfb29e5/s1200 (pic.8) http://susitas.com/upload/front/img/surdurilebilirbeslenme.jpg (pic.9) https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=687d671c5189302e05786446ddcdcd82&n=13 (pic.10) http://naparise.com/system/posts/covers/000/005/705/original/наручники.jpg?1553341144 (pic.11) https://st.cherinfo.ru/pages/2018/03/23/osuzdennyj-na-obazatelnye-raboty.jpg (pic.12) https://phototass2.cdnvideo.ru/width/1020_b9261fa1/tass/m2/uploads/i/20160429/4239943.jpg (pic13) https://www.respnews.ru/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/content-images/preview/2016/07/02/39.jpg?itok=S8N9RZPn (pic.14)

Слайд 18

Thank you for your attention!
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your attention!

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