🗊Презентация Ecological problems humanity

Категория: Окружающий мир
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Ecological problems humanity, слайд №1Ecological problems humanity, слайд №2Ecological problems humanity, слайд №3Ecological problems humanity, слайд №4Ecological problems humanity, слайд №5Ecological problems humanity, слайд №6Ecological problems humanity, слайд №7Ecological problems humanity, слайд №8Ecological problems humanity, слайд №9Ecological problems humanity, слайд №10Ecological problems humanity, слайд №11Ecological problems humanity, слайд №12Ecological problems humanity, слайд №13Ecological problems humanity, слайд №14

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

ecological problems humanity
Описание слайда:
ecological problems humanity

Слайд 2

French geographer Reclus Elise aptly said:
"Man created the environment in his image and likeness." That we have what the environment, which have earned.
Описание слайда:
French geographer Reclus Elise aptly said: "Man created the environment in his image and likeness." That we have what the environment, which have earned.

Слайд 3

For centuries man has everything uncontrollably, giving her nature. But it seems that nature wants "revenge" for each incorrect, ill-considered step.
For centuries man has everything uncontrollably, giving her nature. But it seems that nature wants "revenge" for each incorrect, ill-considered step.
Описание слайда:
For centuries man has everything uncontrollably, giving her nature. But it seems that nature wants "revenge" for each incorrect, ill-considered step. For centuries man has everything uncontrollably, giving her nature. But it seems that nature wants "revenge" for each incorrect, ill-considered step.

Слайд 4

The man - part of nature, and the most dangerous for our planet disasters and environmental pollution connected with it.
Описание слайда:
The man - part of nature, and the most dangerous for our planet disasters and environmental pollution connected with it.

Слайд 5

The worst abuse of humanity - this is war.
Описание слайда:
The worst abuse of humanity - this is war.

Слайд 6

contamination of human consciousness - is thoughtless, consumer attitude towards nature and its resources.
Описание слайда:
contamination of human consciousness - is thoughtless, consumer attitude towards nature and its resources.

Слайд 7

In the twentieth century, widespread processes such as pollution of water, soil and air, desertification, deforestation and so on. And.
Описание слайда:
In the twentieth century, widespread processes such as pollution of water, soil and air, desertification, deforestation and so on. And.

Слайд 8

There are specific things as acid rain.
Описание слайда:
There are specific things as acid rain.

Слайд 9

The main sources of anthropogenic pollution are manufacturers of energy (thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, power plant, hundreds of thousands boiler).
The main sources of anthropogenic pollution are manufacturers of energy (thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, power plant, hundreds of thousands boiler).
Описание слайда:
The main sources of anthropogenic pollution are manufacturers of energy (thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, power plant, hundreds of thousands boiler). The main sources of anthropogenic pollution are manufacturers of energy (thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, power plant, hundreds of thousands boiler).

Слайд 10

All industrial facilities (mainly metallurgical, chemical, oil, cement and pulp and paper), extensive, perehimizovane s / d production, military industry and military objects, vehicles and other means of transport (sea, river, rail, air), mining.
All industrial facilities (mainly metallurgical, chemical, oil, cement and pulp and paper), extensive, perehimizovane s / d production, military industry and military objects, vehicles and other means of transport (sea, river, rail, air), mining.
Описание слайда:
All industrial facilities (mainly metallurgical, chemical, oil, cement and pulp and paper), extensive, perehimizovane s / d production, military industry and military objects, vehicles and other means of transport (sea, river, rail, air), mining. All industrial facilities (mainly metallurgical, chemical, oil, cement and pulp and paper), extensive, perehimizovane s / d production, military industry and military objects, vehicles and other means of transport (sea, river, rail, air), mining.

Слайд 11

waste problem
Описание слайда:
waste problem

Слайд 12

Changes in the atmosphere
Описание слайда:
Changes in the atmosphere

Слайд 13

Greenhouse effect
Описание слайда:
Greenhouse effect

Слайд 14

"Nature - is not what we have inherited from the ancestors, and the fact that we took a loan from descendants"
Описание слайда:
"Nature - is not what we have inherited from the ancestors, and the fact that we took a loan from descendants"

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