🗊Презентация Economic strategy of the enterprise

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Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №1Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №2Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №3Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №4Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №5Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №6Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №7Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №8Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №9Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №10Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №11Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №12Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №13Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №14

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Слайд 1

Economic strategy of the enterprise
Описание слайда:
Economic strategy of the enterprise

Слайд 2

Economic strategy of the enterprise, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

what economic strategy?
Economic strategy defines the general orientation of economic development of the enterprise to long term. 
It is subdivided on:
The strategy of development counting on the investment and other receipts, precise legal and economic mechanisms focused on economic growth;
The strategy of a survival providing preservation of the vital objects, the goods at crisis situations, reduction of unprofitable manufacture.
Any enterprise in aspiration of continuous growth of manufacture and duly selling of production with profit puts the strategic purposes which should promote the decision of the operative questions connected with a situation in the markets, in particular about supply by raw material, the staff and financial resources at which presence the enterprise can carry out effective manufacture and selling of the made goods.
Описание слайда:
what economic strategy? Economic strategy defines the general orientation of economic development of the enterprise to long term. It is subdivided on: The strategy of development counting on the investment and other receipts, precise legal and economic mechanisms focused on economic growth; The strategy of a survival providing preservation of the vital objects, the goods at crisis situations, reduction of unprofitable manufacture. Any enterprise in aspiration of continuous growth of manufacture and duly selling of production with profit puts the strategic purposes which should promote the decision of the operative questions connected with a situation in the markets, in particular about supply by raw material, the staff and financial resources at which presence the enterprise can carry out effective manufacture and selling of the made goods.

Слайд 4

Directors, businessmen usually put some strategic problems:
Directors, businessmen usually put some strategic problems:
To master manufacture of new production for any market;
To make the goods or to render the services which earlier have been not stipulated at demand for them of buyers.
Описание слайда:
Directors, businessmen usually put some strategic problems: Directors, businessmen usually put some strategic problems: To master manufacture of new production for any market; To make the goods or to render the services which earlier have been not stipulated at demand for them of buyers.

Слайд 5

Strategy of foreign trade activities
Investments happen financial (purchase of actions of securities, an investment of money for depositary accounts in banks for reception of percent and set of other operations).
Usually plan long-term cooperation for such forms of co-operation, as access to technologies, an output for the international market with the goods or services, for example, tourist, etc.
Описание слайда:
Strategy of foreign trade activities Investments happen financial (purchase of actions of securities, an investment of money for depositary accounts in banks for reception of percent and set of other operations). Usually plan long-term cooperation for such forms of co-operation, as access to technologies, an output for the international market with the goods or services, for example, tourist, etc.

Слайд 6

Strategy of stimulation of the personnel.

All the listed strategy will not be realized or the object in view if strategy of stimulation of the personnel of the enterprise - collective will not be conducted in parallel will not reach.
By manufacture not always the same commodity outputs for a long time happen are competitive, therefore strategy for the certain period of time provides personnel changes:
On quantitative structure aside increases or reduction;
Necessarily maintenance of technological process in the basic or auxiliary manufacture;
On qualification, word length;
On an educational level;
On readiness to replacement of this or that expert in technological process on performance of the certain kind of work;
On fluidity;
On increase in relative density of the skilled, highly skilled staff.
Описание слайда:
Strategy of stimulation of the personnel. All the listed strategy will not be realized or the object in view if strategy of stimulation of the personnel of the enterprise - collective will not be conducted in parallel will not reach. By manufacture not always the same commodity outputs for a long time happen are competitive, therefore strategy for the certain period of time provides personnel changes: On quantitative structure aside increases or reduction; Necessarily maintenance of technological process in the basic or auxiliary manufacture; On qualification, word length; On an educational level; On readiness to replacement of this or that expert in technological process on performance of the certain kind of work; On fluidity; On increase in relative density of the skilled, highly skilled staff.

Слайд 7

Strategy of prevention of bankruptcy
Bankruptcy - insolvency of the enterprises under the obligations, inability of continuation of financial production.
After that there is a termination and liquidation of the enterprise with all following consequences, realization of a fixed capital and attraction if necessary to the criminal liability of the director.
Описание слайда:
Strategy of prevention of bankruptcy Bankruptcy - insolvency of the enterprises under the obligations, inability of continuation of financial production. After that there is a termination and liquidation of the enterprise with all following consequences, realization of a fixed capital and attraction if necessary to the criminal liability of the director.

Слайд 8

Strategy of prevention provides:

Professionalism of an administrative personnel;
Correct choice of manufacture and the sale of goods, the made work, rendered services on which there is a demand in the market;
The control over the charge of material means.
At the first symptoms of negative balance from passives and actives reduction of all charges up to a reasonable minimum is necessary.
It is necessary and the advancing policy: duly marketing researches on selling production, an establishment how much it is possible, the applied prices though with the minimal profits, updating of the commodity nomenclature, the equipment, dismissal of the experts mismatching the qualifying characteristic, etc.
Local networks of economic strategy: the control over all listed directions. Default happens because of shortage of the finance, resources, untimely execution, service discrepancy of executors.
Описание слайда:
Strategy of prevention provides: Professionalism of an administrative personnel; Correct choice of manufacture and the sale of goods, the made work, rendered services on which there is a demand in the market; The control over the charge of material means. At the first symptoms of negative balance from passives and actives reduction of all charges up to a reasonable minimum is necessary. It is necessary and the advancing policy: duly marketing researches on selling production, an establishment how much it is possible, the applied prices though with the minimal profits, updating of the commodity nomenclature, the equipment, dismissal of the experts mismatching the qualifying characteristic, etc. Local networks of economic strategy: the control over all listed directions. Default happens because of shortage of the finance, resources, untimely execution, service discrepancy of executors.

Слайд 9

Stages of formation of economic strategy

Formation of economic strategy is carried out at realization:
Strategy of development of the enterprise;
Strategy of a survival;
Strategy good manufactures 
Strategy of pricing;
Strategy of interaction of the enterprise with the markets of industrial resources;
Strategy of behaviour of firm on securities markets and money;
Strategy of decrease transaction costs;
Strategy of foreign trade activities;
Strategy of decrease in industrial costs;
Strategy of investment activity;
Strategy of stimulation of the personnel;
Strategy of prevention of bankruptcy. All of them should be precisely planned.
Strategy is planned on 3-5 - 7 years. And on each year it is verified with plans of a stage, it is corrected if necessary.
Описание слайда:
Stages of formation of economic strategy Formation of economic strategy is carried out at realization: Strategy of development of the enterprise; Strategy of a survival; Strategy good manufactures Strategy of pricing; Strategy of interaction of the enterprise with the markets of industrial resources; Strategy of behaviour of firm on securities markets and money; Strategy of decrease transaction costs; Strategy of foreign trade activities; Strategy of decrease in industrial costs; Strategy of investment activity; Strategy of stimulation of the personnel; Strategy of prevention of bankruptcy. All of them should be precisely planned. Strategy is planned on 3-5 - 7 years. And on each year it is verified with plans of a stage, it is corrected if necessary.

Слайд 10

The strategy of the company - an ordered system over time the priority directions, forms, methods, tools, rules and methods of use of the resource, scientific, technical and supply capacity of the enterprise with a view to cost-effectively achieve the objectives and maintain competitive advantage.
The strategy of the company - an ordered system over time the priority directions, forms, methods, tools, rules and methods of use of the resource, scientific, technical and supply capacity of the enterprise with a view to cost-effectively achieve the objectives and maintain competitive advantage.
  The distinguishing features of the strategy should be mentioned are:
The process of developing the strategy has not completed any immediate effect. Sets the general direction for the promotion of which will ensure the growth and consolidation of enterprises.
The strategy should be used for the development of strategic projects by the search. The role of the search strategy is to help to concentrate in certain areas, and opportunities; discard all other possibilities as incompatible with the strategy.
During the formulation of the strategy can not foresee all the possibilities that are open in the drafting of specific activities. Therefore it is necessary to use generalized, incomplete information about the different alternatives. However, you can not ignore the assumptions, hypotheses, intuition. Currently, more needs closer, a fresh look to the future, laws and hypotheses of the last built in the eternal truth.
Successful use of the strategy is not possible without feedback.
Описание слайда:
The strategy of the company - an ordered system over time the priority directions, forms, methods, tools, rules and methods of use of the resource, scientific, technical and supply capacity of the enterprise with a view to cost-effectively achieve the objectives and maintain competitive advantage. The strategy of the company - an ordered system over time the priority directions, forms, methods, tools, rules and methods of use of the resource, scientific, technical and supply capacity of the enterprise with a view to cost-effectively achieve the objectives and maintain competitive advantage. The distinguishing features of the strategy should be mentioned are: The process of developing the strategy has not completed any immediate effect. Sets the general direction for the promotion of which will ensure the growth and consolidation of enterprises. The strategy should be used for the development of strategic projects by the search. The role of the search strategy is to help to concentrate in certain areas, and opportunities; discard all other possibilities as incompatible with the strategy. During the formulation of the strategy can not foresee all the possibilities that are open in the drafting of specific activities. Therefore it is necessary to use generalized, incomplete information about the different alternatives. However, you can not ignore the assumptions, hypotheses, intuition. Currently, more needs closer, a fresh look to the future, laws and hypotheses of the last built in the eternal truth. Successful use of the strategy is not possible without feedback.

Слайд 11

Factors forming strategy can be classified into two groups.
Factors forming strategy can be classified into two groups.
1. Outside:
the economy (employment levels, inflation, taxation and the level of business activity and economic growth);
social and political processes, government regulation and civil rights (the interests of public health, equal pay for equal work, the impact of closures on the local community, and others.), the natural environment and resources, infrastructure;
the attractiveness of the industry and competitive conditions (the growth of markets, technological changes, new product introductions, competitive forces, the economy of revenues, costs and profits for the industry, the basic requirements for competitive success);
special opportunities and threats for the company.
2. Internal:
strengths and weaknesses of the organization, its ability to compete;
personal ambition, business philosophy and ethical convictions of Governors (subjective factors that may have a significant impact on organizational strategy);
the impact of shared values ​​and culture of the company's strategy (policy, values, traditions and modes of behavior that can significantly affect the culture of the organization).
Описание слайда:
Factors forming strategy can be classified into two groups. Factors forming strategy can be classified into two groups. 1. Outside: the economy (employment levels, inflation, taxation and the level of business activity and economic growth); social and political processes, government regulation and civil rights (the interests of public health, equal pay for equal work, the impact of closures on the local community, and others.), the natural environment and resources, infrastructure; the attractiveness of the industry and competitive conditions (the growth of markets, technological changes, new product introductions, competitive forces, the economy of revenues, costs and profits for the industry, the basic requirements for competitive success); special opportunities and threats for the company. 2. Internal: strengths and weaknesses of the organization, its ability to compete; personal ambition, business philosophy and ethical convictions of Governors (subjective factors that may have a significant impact on organizational strategy); the impact of shared values ​​and culture of the company's strategy (policy, values, traditions and modes of behavior that can significantly affect the culture of the organization).

Слайд 12

Defining strategy. This process includes the following basic steps: 
Clarifying current strategy.
Analysis of the product portfolio.
Choosing a strategy to provide guidance based on the analysis of the critical points of the enterprise environment, taking into account the result of the analysis of the product portfolio, as well as the nature and scope of existing policies.
The objectives of the implementation phase of the strategy are the following. First, objectives, strategies and plans should be brought to the workers to get on their part not only to understand what the company does, but also non-formal involvement in the implementation of the strategy. Second, management should not only ensure the timely receipt of all the necessary resources to implement the strategy, but also have a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targets and commit to achieve each goal.
Описание слайда:
Defining strategy. This process includes the following basic steps: Clarifying current strategy. Analysis of the product portfolio. Choosing a strategy to provide guidance based on the analysis of the critical points of the enterprise environment, taking into account the result of the analysis of the product portfolio, as well as the nature and scope of existing policies. The objectives of the implementation phase of the strategy are the following. First, objectives, strategies and plans should be brought to the workers to get on their part not only to understand what the company does, but also non-formal involvement in the implementation of the strategy. Second, management should not only ensure the timely receipt of all the necessary resources to implement the strategy, but also have a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targets and commit to achieve each goal.

Слайд 13

Development strategy of the company - not the goal of strategic planning. This is a complex and time-consuming work makes sense, if the strategy is being successfully implemented in the future. In order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and be confident in achieving its goals, the leaders of the company have to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, to motivate the process, ie, manage it.
Development strategy of the company - not the goal of strategic planning. This is a complex and time-consuming work makes sense, if the strategy is being successfully implemented in the future. In order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and be confident in achieving its goals, the leaders of the company have to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, to motivate the process, ie, manage it.

The result of the system of strategic planning is a set of interrelated planning documents, which reflect the strategic decision-making and resource allocation. System planning is a form of materialization of the planned activities of the enterprise, but its main result. The main objectives is to determine the policies, programs, resource allocation, allowing the company fully prepared to meet future changes. And these changes are the result of substantial strategic planning and may include research plans, product diversification, the approval of new products on the market, minimizing and eliminating unprofitable production. On ris.Ris. 08. Conceptual diagram of the plans of the enterprise is a conceptual diagram of the plans, which should develop an enterprise in a market economy.

The basic premise underlying the structuring of plans, reflects the famous conclusion of the theory of management - "Law of Requisite Variety", according to which a complex system requires a complex control mechanism. In other words, the planning system needs to be as complex as the enterprise itself and external factors that need to be reflected in it.
Описание слайда:
Development strategy of the company - not the goal of strategic planning. This is a complex and time-consuming work makes sense, if the strategy is being successfully implemented in the future. In order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and be confident in achieving its goals, the leaders of the company have to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, to motivate the process, ie, manage it. Development strategy of the company - not the goal of strategic planning. This is a complex and time-consuming work makes sense, if the strategy is being successfully implemented in the future. In order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and be confident in achieving its goals, the leaders of the company have to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, to motivate the process, ie, manage it. The result of the system of strategic planning is a set of interrelated planning documents, which reflect the strategic decision-making and resource allocation. System planning is a form of materialization of the planned activities of the enterprise, but its main result. The main objectives is to determine the policies, programs, resource allocation, allowing the company fully prepared to meet future changes. And these changes are the result of substantial strategic planning and may include research plans, product diversification, the approval of new products on the market, minimizing and eliminating unprofitable production. On ris.Ris. 08. Conceptual diagram of the plans of the enterprise is a conceptual diagram of the plans, which should develop an enterprise in a market economy. The basic premise underlying the structuring of plans, reflects the famous conclusion of the theory of management - "Law of Requisite Variety", according to which a complex system requires a complex control mechanism. In other words, the planning system needs to be as complex as the enterprise itself and external factors that need to be reflected in it.

Слайд 14

Thank you for the attention
Описание слайда:
Thank you for the attention

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