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Development strategy of the company - not the goal of strategic planning. This is a complex and time-consuming work makes sense, if the strategy is being successfully implemented in the future. In order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and be confident in achieving its goals, the leaders of the company have to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, to motivate the process, ie, manage it.
Development strategy of the company - not the goal of strategic planning. This is a complex and time-consuming work makes sense, if the strategy is being successfully implemented in the future. In order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and be confident in achieving its goals, the leaders of the company have to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, to motivate the process, ie, manage it.
The result of the system of strategic planning is a set of interrelated planning documents, which reflect the strategic decision-making and resource allocation. System planning is a form of materialization of the planned activities of the enterprise, but its main result. The main objectives is to determine the policies, programs, resource allocation, allowing the company fully prepared to meet future changes. And these changes are the result of substantial strategic planning and may include research plans, product diversification, the approval of new products on the market, minimizing and eliminating unprofitable production. On ris.Ris. 08. Conceptual diagram of the plans of the enterprise is a conceptual diagram of the plans, which should develop an enterprise in a market economy.
The basic premise underlying the structuring of plans, reflects the famous conclusion of the theory of management - "Law of Requisite Variety", according to which a complex system requires a complex control mechanism. In other words, the planning system needs to be as complex as the enterprise itself and external factors that need to be reflected in it.