🗊Презентация Economy of the United Kingdom

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Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №1Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №2Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №3Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №4Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №5Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №6Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №7Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №8Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №9Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №10Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №11Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №12Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №13Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №14Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №15

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Слайд 1

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Слайд 2

Basic data:
The national economy of The United Kingdom is:
the 6th largest in the world* 
The 3rd largest in Europe* 
The UK's GDP per capita ($36,941; Poland=$21,310) is the 22nd-highest in the world
In 2012, the UK was the 11th-largest exporter in the world and the 6th-largest importer
* measured by nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Описание слайда:
Basic data: The national economy of The United Kingdom is: the 6th largest in the world* The 3rd largest in Europe* The UK's GDP per capita ($36,941; Poland=$21,310) is the 22nd-highest in the world In 2012, the UK was the 11th-largest exporter in the world and the 6th-largest importer * measured by nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Слайд 3

Basic data:
GDP growth = 2.6% (2014-2015) (Poland=3.4%)
GDP by sector 	
Agriculture: 0.7%
Industry: 21.1%
Services: 78.2%
Inflation = 0.1%  (Poland=0.7%)
Unemployment = 5.5%  (Poland=10.6%)
Average gross salary 	£2.480 / €3.373 / $3.814 monthly (2014) – (Poland= 976 € / 1.320 $ in 2014)
Описание слайда:
Basic data: GDP growth = 2.6% (2014-2015) (Poland=3.4%) GDP by sector Agriculture: 0.7% Industry: 21.1% Services: 78.2% Inflation = 0.1% (Poland=0.7%) Unemployment = 5.5% (Poland=10.6%) Average gross salary £2.480 / €3.373 / $3.814 monthly (2014) – (Poland= 976 € / 1.320 $ in 2014)

Слайд 4

Basic data:
Main export partners 	
 Germany 11.5%,
 United States 10.6%,
 Netherlands 8.9%,
 France 7.4%,
 Republic of Ireland 6.0%,
 Belgium 5.1% (2012)
Описание слайда:
Basic data: Main export partners Germany 11.5%, United States 10.6%, Netherlands 8.9%, France 7.4%, Republic of Ireland 6.0%, Belgium 5.1% (2012)

Слайд 5

Basic data:
Taxation in the UK involves payments to at least two different levels of government: local government and central government (HM Revenue & Customs). 
Local government is financed by grants from central government funds, business rates, council tax and from fees and charges such as those from on-street parking. 
Central government revenues are mainly income tax, national insurance contributions, value added tax, corporation tax and fuel duty.
Описание слайда:
Basic data: Taxation in the UK involves payments to at least two different levels of government: local government and central government (HM Revenue & Customs). Local government is financed by grants from central government funds, business rates, council tax and from fees and charges such as those from on-street parking. Central government revenues are mainly income tax, national insurance contributions, value added tax, corporation tax and fuel duty.

Слайд 6

Economic history 
In the 18th century the UK was the first country to industrialise
during the 19th century had a dominant role in the global economy
From the late-19th century the Second Industrial Revolution in the United States and Germany challenged the economic position of the UK
the First World War and Second World War contributed to the weakening
Описание слайда:
Economic history In the 18th century the UK was the first country to industrialise during the 19th century had a dominant role in the global economy From the late-19th century the Second Industrial Revolution in the United States and Germany challenged the economic position of the UK the First World War and Second World War contributed to the weakening

Слайд 7

Economic history 
After the Second World War, the UK enjoyed a long period without a major recession (from 1945 to 1973) and a rapid growth in prosperity in the 1950s and 1960s
following the 1973 oil crisis and the 1973–1974 stock market crash, the British economy fell into recession
A period of neo-liberal economics began in 1979 with the election of Margaret Thatcher as the Prime Minister
During the 1980s most state-owned enterprises were privatised, taxes cut, trade union reforms passed and markets deregulated. GDP initially fell but a growth followed (to reach its peak in 1988)
Thatcher’s battle against inflation resulted in a major increase in unemployment from 1.5 million in 1979 to over 3 million in 1982, and 3.3 million in 1984.
Описание слайда:
Economic history After the Second World War, the UK enjoyed a long period without a major recession (from 1945 to 1973) and a rapid growth in prosperity in the 1950s and 1960s following the 1973 oil crisis and the 1973–1974 stock market crash, the British economy fell into recession A period of neo-liberal economics began in 1979 with the election of Margaret Thatcher as the Prime Minister During the 1980s most state-owned enterprises were privatised, taxes cut, trade union reforms passed and markets deregulated. GDP initially fell but a growth followed (to reach its peak in 1988) Thatcher’s battle against inflation resulted in a major increase in unemployment from 1.5 million in 1979 to over 3 million in 1982, and 3.3 million in 1984.

Слайд 8

Economic history 
the British economy experienced another recession in late 1990, the subsequent economic recovery was extremely strong (with a fall in unemployment)
During Tony Blair's 10 years in office the UK  experienced economic growth, lasting until the second quarter of 2008
This period of growth ended in 2008 when the United Kingdom entered a recession caused by the global financial crisis
In 2013 the UK’s economy has grown by 0,8%, which means it experiences a slow recovery
Описание слайда:
Economic history the British economy experienced another recession in late 1990, the subsequent economic recovery was extremely strong (with a fall in unemployment) During Tony Blair's 10 years in office the UK experienced economic growth, lasting until the second quarter of 2008 This period of growth ended in 2008 when the United Kingdom entered a recession caused by the global financial crisis In 2013 the UK’s economy has grown by 0,8%, which means it experiences a slow recovery

Слайд 9

Main sectors
The UK is rich in a number of natural resources including coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, limestone, etc.
Produces about 60% of food needs
Around two-thirds of the production is devoted to livestock, one-third to arable crops
Products: cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables; cattle, sheep, poultry; fish
aerospace industry (BAE Systems, Britten-Norman, Cobham, GKN, Rolls-Royce)
pharmaceutical industry (GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca)
automotive industry (Aston Martin, Bentley, Jaguar, Lagonda, Land Rover, Lotus, McLaren, MG, Mini, Morgan and Rolls-Royce)
North Sea oil and gas production
Описание слайда:
Main sectors The UK is rich in a number of natural resources including coal, petroleum, natural gas, tin, limestone, etc. AGRICULTURE: Produces about 60% of food needs Around two-thirds of the production is devoted to livestock, one-third to arable crops Products: cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables; cattle, sheep, poultry; fish INDUSTRY: aerospace industry (BAE Systems, Britten-Norman, Cobham, GKN, Rolls-Royce) pharmaceutical industry (GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca) automotive industry (Aston Martin, Bentley, Jaguar, Lagonda, Land Rover, Lotus, McLaren, MG, Mini, Morgan and Rolls-Royce) North Sea oil and gas production

Слайд 10

Main sectors
Financial and business services (Barclays Bank, HSBC, Lloyd's)
Education, health and social work 
Hotels and restaurants/Tourism
Public administration and defence
Real estate and renting activities (British Land, The Peel Group)
Transport, storage and communication (British Airways, O2, Vodafone)
Wholesale and retail trade (The Co-operative Food, Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Tesco)
Описание слайда:
Main sectors SERVICES Financial and business services (Barclays Bank, HSBC, Lloyd's) Education, health and social work Hotels and restaurants/Tourism Public administration and defence Real estate and renting activities (British Land, The Peel Group) Transport, storage and communication (British Airways, O2, Vodafone) Wholesale and retail trade (The Co-operative Food, Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Tesco)

Слайд 11

THE CITY OF LONDON is a district of London, widely referred to as the City or the Square Mile as it is 1.12 sq mi in area. These terms are also often used as symbols for the United Kingdom's financial services industry, which continues a notable history of being largely based in the City.
Another major financial district in London is located at CANARY WHARF
The London Stock Exchange (shares and bonds), Lloyd's of London (insurance) and the Bank of England are all based in the City. 
Many major global companies have their headquarters in the City, including Aviva, BT Group, Lloyds Banking Group, Old Mutual, Prudential, Standard Chartered, Unilever, and Ernst and Young.
Описание слайда:
THE CITY THE CITY OF LONDON is a district of London, widely referred to as the City or the Square Mile as it is 1.12 sq mi in area. These terms are also often used as symbols for the United Kingdom's financial services industry, which continues a notable history of being largely based in the City. Another major financial district in London is located at CANARY WHARF The London Stock Exchange (shares and bonds), Lloyd's of London (insurance) and the Bank of England are all based in the City. Many major global companies have their headquarters in the City, including Aviva, BT Group, Lloyds Banking Group, Old Mutual, Prudential, Standard Chartered, Unilever, and Ernst and Young.

Слайд 12

Economy of the United Kingdom, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

White-collar workers vs. Blue-collar workers 
Salary (monthly)  vs. Wage (weekly)
Working day – „9 to 5”
Average working week – 36.3 hours   (Poland – 42.7) 
The National Minimum Wage rate per hour:
Описание слайда:
Employment: White-collar workers vs. Blue-collar workers Salary (monthly) vs. Wage (weekly) Working day – „9 to 5” Average working week – 36.3 hours (Poland – 42.7) The National Minimum Wage rate per hour:

Слайд 14

Welfare and healthcare in the UK
The British „Welfare State” dates back to 1942 (or earlier) and the so called Beveridge Report which recommended a national, compulsory, flat rate insurance scheme which would combine health care, unemployment and retirement benefits.
Major benefits:
State pension (state pension age – 65)	
Housing Benefit 	
Disability Living Allowance 	
Income Support 	
Attendance allowance 	
Jobseeker's Allowance
Описание слайда:
Welfare and healthcare in the UK The British „Welfare State” dates back to 1942 (or earlier) and the so called Beveridge Report which recommended a national, compulsory, flat rate insurance scheme which would combine health care, unemployment and retirement benefits. Major benefits: State pension (state pension age – 65) Housing Benefit Disability Living Allowance Income Support Attendance allowance Jobseeker's Allowance

Слайд 15

Welfare and healthcare in the UK
The four publicly funded healthcare systems in the countries of the United Kingdom 
The systems are primarily funded through central taxation. The services provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of which are free at the point of use for people legally resident in the United Kingdom. 
Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales no longer have prescription charges. However, in England, a prescription charge of £7.85 is payable per item
Описание слайда:
Welfare and healthcare in the UK NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (NHS) The four publicly funded healthcare systems in the countries of the United Kingdom The systems are primarily funded through central taxation. The services provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of which are free at the point of use for people legally resident in the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales no longer have prescription charges. However, in England, a prescription charge of £7.85 is payable per item

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