🗊Презентация Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change

Категория: Окружающий мир
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Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №1Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №2Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №3Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №4Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №5Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №6Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №7Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №8Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №9Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №10Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №11Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №12Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №13Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №14Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №15Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №16Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №17Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №18Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №19Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №20

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change
An Argument for Why You Need to Take this Class Very Seriously
Описание слайда:
Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change An Argument for Why You Need to Take this Class Very Seriously

Слайд 2

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №2
Описание слайда:

Слайд 3

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Nature-Culture binary
Modernity strictly realm of the human
We are separate from nature, it’s out there, something we can dominate and must dominate
More control and conquering of environments
of nature, the more modern, the more progress
Описание слайда:
Nature-Culture binary Modernity strictly realm of the human We are separate from nature, it’s out there, something we can dominate and must dominate More control and conquering of environments of nature, the more modern, the more progress

Слайд 5

Thoughts on why this binary is a dangerous myth
Everything that we think of as modern has been made possible by our dependence on the bio-physical environment 
Notion of one-way street, we do onto nature. It’s not a street at all, we are part of nature
Our culture hinges on, depends of non-human nature, ability to drink water, make food, etc.
We don’t replace nature with artifice, we create new natures that we depend on for our survival
We cannot ultimately control non-human nature—always consequences, often very undesirable
Cannot control something we remain dependent on
Описание слайда:
Thoughts on why this binary is a dangerous myth Everything that we think of as modern has been made possible by our dependence on the bio-physical environment Notion of one-way street, we do onto nature. It’s not a street at all, we are part of nature Our culture hinges on, depends of non-human nature, ability to drink water, make food, etc. We don’t replace nature with artifice, we create new natures that we depend on for our survival We cannot ultimately control non-human nature—always consequences, often very undesirable Cannot control something we remain dependent on

Слайд 6

What does this mean? Should we avoid new technologies altogether, avoid altering nature? Or, should we just accept that we will always harm our environments?
Описание слайда:
What does this mean? Should we avoid new technologies altogether, avoid altering nature? Or, should we just accept that we will always harm our environments?

Слайд 7

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №9
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Слайд 10

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №10
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Слайд 11

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №11
Описание слайда:

Слайд 12

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №14
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Слайд 15

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №15
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Слайд 16

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №16
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Слайд 17

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №17
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Слайд 18

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №18
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Слайд 19

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №19
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Слайд 20

Environmental History and the Dangers of Climate Change, слайд №20
Описание слайда:

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