🗊Презентация Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Категория: Окружающий мир
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Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №1Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №2Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №3Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №4Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №5Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №6Environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan, слайд №7

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Описание слайда:
MR команда

Слайд 2

Экологические проблемы Республики Казахстан

There is humanity on the threshold of new millennium, working out the total to the past and looking in the future, acknowledging the achievements of civilization, realizes globalness of ecological problems and not plan the activity taking into account the necessity of their decision and advancement on the way of steady development.
The nuclear tests conducted during 40 on the Семипалатинском proof-of-concept nuclear ground caused an irreparable damage to the health of people and natural environment, caused the height of general morbidity and death rate of population. All territory of Семипалатинской and adherent to the ground districts Pavlodar, E-Kz and Karaganda areas confessed by the zone of ecological calamity.
Описание слайда:
Экологические проблемы Республики Казахстан There is humanity on the threshold of new millennium, working out the total to the past and looking in the future, acknowledging the achievements of civilization, realizes globalness of ecological problems and not plan the activity taking into account the necessity of their decision and advancement on the way of steady development. The nuclear tests conducted during 40 on the Семипалатинском proof-of-concept nuclear ground caused an irreparable damage to the health of people and natural environment, caused the height of general morbidity and death rate of population. All territory of Семипалатинской and adherent to the ground districts Pavlodar, E-Kz and Karaganda areas confessed by the zone of ecological calamity.

Слайд 3

possible consequences of ecological problems
Описание слайда:
possible consequences of ecological problems

Слайд 4

What you need to do to preserve nature ?

1 Go to the fossil fuel for cars. 2 Stop littering the streets. 3 Do not use plastic bags. 4 Go for energy-saving bulbs. 5 Stop deforestation. 6 Do not kindle bonfires on the nature and clean up after themselves. 7 to clean up after their dogs on the streets. 8 to plant in the city streets. 9 Do not kill animals for meat. 10 Do not contaminate rivers, reservoirs.
Описание слайда:
What you need to do to preserve nature ? 1 Go to the fossil fuel for cars. 2 Stop littering the streets. 3 Do not use plastic bags. 4 Go for energy-saving bulbs. 5 Stop deforestation. 6 Do not kindle bonfires on the nature and clean up after themselves. 7 to clean up after their dogs on the streets. 8 to plant in the city streets. 9 Do not kill animals for meat. 10 Do not contaminate rivers, reservoirs.

Слайд 5

alleged end
Описание слайда:
alleged end

Слайд 6

that have already done for the protection of nature
Описание слайда:
that have already done for the protection of nature

Слайд 7

Deadpool: My like
Описание слайда:
Deadpool: My like

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