🗊Презентация FDI of Russia after sanction

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

FDI of Russia after sanction
Alibek Makhambetov 201560555
Описание слайда:
FDI of Russia after sanction Alibek Makhambetov 201560555

Слайд 2

1. Introduction about FDI
2. Period before sanction
3.  What sanction it is? 
4. 2014 or affects of sanction
5. Interesting detail
6. Conclusion
Описание слайда:
Outline 1. Introduction about FDI 2. Period before sanction 3. What sanction it is? 4. 2014 or affects of sanction 5. Interesting detail 6. Conclusion

Слайд 3

Short video about FDI
Описание слайда:
Introduction Short video about FDI http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fdi.asp

Слайд 4

Period before sanction
2012 Russia member of World Trade Organization
Good results of FDI from $103,8 to $170,2 billion
Special attractive events as Sochi 2014
Описание слайда:
Period before sanction 2012 Russia member of World Trade Organization Good results of FDI from $103,8 to $170,2 billion Special attractive events as Sochi 2014

Слайд 5

Period before sanction
The intensity of FDI in Russia around 2008-2013
Описание слайда:
Period before sanction The intensity of FDI in Russia around 2008-2013

Слайд 6

About sanction 
Freezing assets
Making problems with energy and financial sectors
Exclude visa system for some individuals or organization
Описание слайда:
About sanction Freezing assets Making problems with energy and financial sectors Exclude visa system for some individuals or organization

Слайд 7

Period before sanction
Export: 1. Netherland 2. Italy 3. Germany 4. China 5.Turkey 6.Ukraine 7. Belarus 8. Japan 9.Poland 10. Kazakhstan
Import: 1.China 2.Germany 3.USA 4.Ukraine 5.Italy 6.Japan 7.Belarus 8.France 9.South Korea 10.Kazakhstan
Описание слайда:
Period before sanction Export: 1. Netherland 2. Italy 3. Germany 4. China 5.Turkey 6.Ukraine 7. Belarus 8. Japan 9.Poland 10. Kazakhstan Import: 1.China 2.Germany 3.USA 4.Ukraine 5.Italy 6.Japan 7.Belarus 8.France 9.South Korea 10.Kazakhstan

Слайд 8

After sanction
Export decreased by 3.8% and imports 8.9%
Trade turnover between Russia and Ukraine decreased by 28.8% which is $ 28.187 billion
Export: Netherlands ($ 68.7 billion, -2% from the result 2013)
 China ($ 37.5 billion + 5.4%) and Germany ($ 37.1 billion, +0.2%). 
Import: China ($ 50.6 billion, -4.9%), Germany declined by 13.4% (to $ 32.8 billion), United States - increased by 11.5% (to $ 18.4 billion)
Описание слайда:
After sanction Export decreased by 3.8% and imports 8.9% Trade turnover between Russia and Ukraine decreased by 28.8% which is $ 28.187 billion Export: Netherlands ($ 68.7 billion, -2% from the result 2013) China ($ 37.5 billion + 5.4%) and Germany ($ 37.1 billion, +0.2%). Import: China ($ 50.6 billion, -4.9%), Germany declined by 13.4% (to $ 32.8 billion), United States - increased by 11.5% (to $ 18.4 billion)

Слайд 9

Before sanction
Описание слайда:
Before sanction

Слайд 10

After sanction
Описание слайда:
After sanction

Слайд 11

After sanction
Number of greenfield FDI projects into Russia declined 39 %
2 place by inbound greenfield projects estimated $12billion which is 10% of European FDI
Описание слайда:
After sanction Number of greenfield FDI projects into Russia declined 39 % 2 place by inbound greenfield projects estimated $12billion which is 10% of European FDI

Слайд 12

Unnecessary political games
Doubts for you, big chance for others
Описание слайда:
Conclusion Unnecessary political games Doubts for you, big chance for others

Слайд 13

Thank u!!!
Описание слайда:
Thank u!!! Questions????

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