🗊Презентация First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene

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First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene, слайд №1First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene, слайд №2First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene, слайд №3First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene, слайд №4First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene, слайд №5

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

First Aid 
ABC’s/ First on the Scene
1. Journal:  A first Aid kit should have…
2. Homework check and Attendance
3. Packet Page #6 in class and discuss
4. ABC’s notes
5. First on the scene notes
6. Test questions
Описание слайда:
First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene Agenda: 1. Journal: A first Aid kit should have… 2. Homework check and Attendance 3. Packet Page #6 in class and discuss 4. ABC’s notes 5. First on the scene notes 6. Test questions

Слайд 2

First Aid Review
What did we do last time?
Where do most accidents happen?
Motor Vehicles (cars)
You are most likely to have an accident if you are a:
Young male
Описание слайда:
First Aid Review What did we do last time? Where do most accidents happen? Motor Vehicles (cars) You are most likely to have an accident if you are a: Young male

Слайд 3

A _______: Is there anything blocking the air from 			getting to the lungs from the mouth?
		Tilt head back gently and pull chin forward.
B __________ : Is the person breathing?
		Look at their chest for rising, Listen for 			breathing, Feel for breathing with your ear.
C __________  : is the heart pumping blood around 			the body?
		Check for pulse.
Описание слайда:
ABC’s A _______: Is there anything blocking the air from getting to the lungs from the mouth? Tilt head back gently and pull chin forward. B __________ : Is the person breathing? Look at their chest for rising, Listen for breathing, Feel for breathing with your ear. C __________ : is the heart pumping blood around the body? Check for pulse.

Слайд 4

First on the scene
Yell ____
_____  the _____ to make sure it is safe.
___ and _____, to see if the victim is conscious.
Call ____.
Open Airway: Head __ chin __.
Check breathing:	____ at the chest.
					_____ for breathing.
					____ for breathing with ear
7. If not breathing give _breathes watching for the ____ to rise.
8. Check pulse for __ sec.
9. Give any care needed.
Описание слайда:
First on the scene Yell ____ _____ the _____ to make sure it is safe. ___ and _____, to see if the victim is conscious. Call ____. Open Airway: Head __ chin __. Check breathing: ____ at the chest. _____ for breathing. ____ for breathing with ear 7. If not breathing give _breathes watching for the ____ to rise. 8. Check pulse for __ sec. 9. Give any care needed.

Слайд 5

Test Questions
What do the “ABC’s” stand for in first aid?
Airway, Breathing, Circulation
You come across a scene where the victim is unconscious, what is the most important thing for you to do?
A. Check the time
B. Call a friend
C. Call 911
D. Run
Описание слайда:
Test Questions What do the “ABC’s” stand for in first aid? Airway, Breathing, Circulation You come across a scene where the victim is unconscious, what is the most important thing for you to do? A. Check the time B. Call a friend C. Call 911 D. Run

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