🗊Презентация General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy

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General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №1General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №2General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №3General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №4General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №5General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №6General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №7General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №8General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №9General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №10General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №11General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №12General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №13General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy, слайд №14

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Слайд 1

International Trade:
Theory and Policy
Lecture 3

September, 2016
Instructor: Natalia Davidson,
Lecture is prepared by Prof. Sergey Kadochnikov, Natalia Davidson
Описание слайда:
International Trade: Theory and Policy Lecture 3 September, 2016 Instructor: Natalia Davidson, Lecture is prepared by Prof. Sergey Kadochnikov, Natalia Davidson

Слайд 2

Topic 2. General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy
2.1. General equilibrium conditions in the open economy  (the case of small economy).
2.2. The concept of the excess demand function.
2.3. International general equilibrium conditions.
Описание слайда:
Topic 2. General equilibrium in the open (trading) economy 2.1. General equilibrium conditions in the open economy (the case of small economy). 2.2. The concept of the excess demand function. 2.3. International general equilibrium conditions.

Слайд 3

(2.1.) Formulation of the general equilibrium model 
for small open economy
What is small economy?
Demand and supply in small economy (for a specific good) do not affect the world price level on the world market of the good under consideration.
(1)	Exogenous parameters of the model:
Production technology (at least 2 goods) – production functions:
Х = fx (Kx, Lx);
Y = fy (Ky, Ly).
Resource endowment in the economy (at least 2 resources) – capital (K) and labor (L):
K = Kx + Ky;
L = Lx + Ly.
Preferences of representative household – utility function:
U = U (X, Y).
World price ratio for final goods: Px*/Py*.
Market structure on the final goods markets – perfect competition.
Market structure on the resource markets – perfect competition.
Описание слайда:
(2.1.) Formulation of the general equilibrium model for small open economy What is small economy? Demand and supply in small economy (for a specific good) do not affect the world price level on the world market of the good under consideration. (1) Exogenous parameters of the model: Production technology (at least 2 goods) – production functions: Х = fx (Kx, Lx); Y = fy (Ky, Ly). Resource endowment in the economy (at least 2 resources) – capital (K) and labor (L): K = Kx + Ky; L = Lx + Ly. Preferences of representative household – utility function: U = U (X, Y). World price ratio for final goods: Px*/Py*. Market structure on the final goods markets – perfect competition. Market structure on the resource markets – perfect competition.

Слайд 4

(2.1.) Formulation of the general equilibrium model for small open economy (continued)
(2)	Endogenous parameters of the model:
Equilibrium production of final goods: Xp*, Yp*;
Equilibrium consumption of final goods: Xc*, Yc*:
If (Xc*-Xp*)>0 or (Yc*-Yp*)>0 – the good is imported;
If (Xc*-Xp*)<0 or (Yc*-Yp*)<0 – the good is exported.
(3)	Equilibrium conditions:
Producer optimization: MRT*=Px*/Py*;
Consumer optimization: MRS*=Px*/Py*;
Trade balance: 
(Px*/Py*) (Xc*-Xp*) + (Yc*-Yp*) = 0.
Описание слайда:
(2.1.) Formulation of the general equilibrium model for small open economy (continued) (2) Endogenous parameters of the model: Equilibrium production of final goods: Xp*, Yp*; Equilibrium consumption of final goods: Xc*, Yc*: If (Xc*-Xp*)>0 or (Yc*-Yp*)>0 – the good is imported; If (Xc*-Xp*)<0 or (Yc*-Yp*)<0 – the good is exported. (3) Equilibrium conditions: Producer optimization: MRT*=Px*/Py*; Consumer optimization: MRS*=Px*/Py*; Trade balance: (Px*/Py*) (Xc*-Xp*) + (Yc*-Yp*) = 0.

Слайд 5

(2.1.) Formulation of the general equilibrium model for small open economy (continued)
(4)	Graphical illustration of general equilibrium in small open economy.
Описание слайда:
(2.1.) Formulation of the general equilibrium model for small open economy (continued) (4) Graphical illustration of general equilibrium in small open economy.

Слайд 6

(2.2.) The concept of the excess demand function 
Definition (general):
The excess demand function: relates the world price ratio on the one hand and difference between demand and supply, on the other hand
Ex(Px/Py) = Xc(Px/Py) - Xp(Px/Py)
Graphical derivation of the excess demand function for small open economy:
From production possibilities curve of the economy
Описание слайда:
(2.2.) The concept of the excess demand function Definition (general): The excess demand function: relates the world price ratio on the one hand and difference between demand and supply, on the other hand Ex(Px/Py) = Xc(Px/Py) - Xp(Px/Py) Graphical derivation of the excess demand function for small open economy: From production possibilities curve of the economy

Слайд 7

(2.2.) The concept of the excess demand function 
Graph of the excess demand function for small open economy: derivation from production possibilities curve.
Описание слайда:
(2.2.) The concept of the excess demand function Graph of the excess demand function for small open economy: derivation from production possibilities curve.

Слайд 8

(2.2.) The concept of the excess demand function 
Graph of the excess demand function for small open economy: characteristics
Slope of  the excess demand curve;
Intersection with vertical axis.
Описание слайда:
(2.2.) The concept of the excess demand function Graph of the excess demand function for small open economy: characteristics Slope of the excess demand curve; Intersection with vertical axis.

Слайд 9

(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium
Which economies form the world economy?
Large economies (at least 2 – h, f);
Large economy: demand and supply of the large economy (for a specific good) affect the world price level on the market of the good under consideration.
(1)	Exogenous parameters of the model (for each economy):
Production technology (at least 2 goods) – production functions (identical in the economies):
Х = fx (Kx, Lx);
Y = fy (Ky, Ly).
Resource endowment in each economy (at least 2 resources) – capital (K) and labor (L):
Kh = Khx + Khy, Kf = Kfx + Kfy;
Lh = Lhx + Lhy, Lf = Lfx + Lfy.
Preferences of representative household in each of the economies –  utility functions:
Uh = Uh (Xh, Yh);
Uf = Uf (Xf, Yf).
Market structure on the final goods markets – perfect competition.
Market structure on the resource markets – perfect competition.
Описание слайда:
(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium Which economies form the world economy? Large economies (at least 2 – h, f); Large economy: demand and supply of the large economy (for a specific good) affect the world price level on the market of the good under consideration. (1) Exogenous parameters of the model (for each economy): Production technology (at least 2 goods) – production functions (identical in the economies): Х = fx (Kx, Lx); Y = fy (Ky, Ly). Resource endowment in each economy (at least 2 resources) – capital (K) and labor (L): Kh = Khx + Khy, Kf = Kfx + Kfy; Lh = Lhx + Lhy, Lf = Lfx + Lfy. Preferences of representative household in each of the economies – utility functions: Uh = Uh (Xh, Yh); Uf = Uf (Xf, Yf). Market structure on the final goods markets – perfect competition. Market structure on the resource markets – perfect competition.

Слайд 10

(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium (continued)
(2)	Endogenous parameters of the model:
Equilibrium production of final goods: Xph*, Yph*, Xpf*, Ypf*;
Equilibrium consumption of final goods:  Xсh*, Yсh*, Xсf*, Yсf*:
If (Xc*-Xp*)>0 or (Yc*-Yp*)>0 – the good is imported;
If (Xc*-Xp*)<0 or (Yc*-Yp*)<0 – the good is exported.
World price ratio for final goods: Px*/Py*;
(3)	Equilibrium conditions:
Equilibrium conditions for the economy h: MRTh*=Px*/Py*=MRSh*;
Equilibrium conditions for the economy f: MRTf*=Px*/Py*=MRSf*;
Trade balance for both economies:
(Px*/Py*) (Xch*-Xph*) + (Ych*-Yph*) = 0;
(Px*/Py*) (Xcf*-Xpf*) + (Ycf*-Ypf*) = 0.
Market clearing conditions on the world market of two goods:
Xch*+Xсf* = Xph*+Xpf;
Ych*+Yсf* = Yph*+Ypf*.
Описание слайда:
(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium (continued) (2) Endogenous parameters of the model: Equilibrium production of final goods: Xph*, Yph*, Xpf*, Ypf*; Equilibrium consumption of final goods: Xсh*, Yсh*, Xсf*, Yсf*: If (Xc*-Xp*)>0 or (Yc*-Yp*)>0 – the good is imported; If (Xc*-Xp*)<0 or (Yc*-Yp*)<0 – the good is exported. World price ratio for final goods: Px*/Py*; (3) Equilibrium conditions: Equilibrium conditions for the economy h: MRTh*=Px*/Py*=MRSh*; Equilibrium conditions for the economy f: MRTf*=Px*/Py*=MRSf*; Trade balance for both economies: (Px*/Py*) (Xch*-Xph*) + (Ych*-Yph*) = 0; (Px*/Py*) (Xcf*-Xpf*) + (Ycf*-Ypf*) = 0. Market clearing conditions on the world market of two goods: Xch*+Xсf* = Xph*+Xpf; Ych*+Yсf* = Yph*+Ypf*.

Слайд 11

(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium (continued)
(4)	Graphical illustration of  general equilibrium in the world economy:
With the excess demand curves for two countries;
Описание слайда:
(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium (continued) (4) Graphical illustration of general equilibrium in the world economy: With the excess demand curves for two countries;

Слайд 12

(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium (continued)
(4)	Graphical illustration of  general equilibrium in the world economy:
With production possibility curves for two countries.
During the lecture.
Описание слайда:
(2.3.) Conditions of international general equilibrium (continued) (4) Graphical illustration of general equilibrium in the world economy: With production possibility curves for two countries. During the lecture.

Слайд 13

Exercise session  2
(2) Think about topics for reports during exercise sessions and work on a paper review (due 1 November 2016)
Office hours: Friday 13:50 – 14:30, room 216.
E-mail: natalya.davidson@gmail.com (Наталья Борисовна Давидсон)
Описание слайда:
Exercise session 2 (2) Think about topics for reports during exercise sessions and work on a paper review (due 1 November 2016) Office hours: Friday 13:50 – 14:30, room 216. E-mail: natalya.davidson@gmail.com (Наталья Борисовна Давидсон)  

Слайд 14

Topic 3. The gains from free international trade under perfect competition on the markets
3.1. Total gains from free international trade and the gains-from-trade theorem. 
3.2. The gains from specialization and the gains from exchange.
Описание слайда:
Topic 3. The gains from free international trade under perfect competition on the markets 3.1. Total gains from free international trade and the gains-from-trade theorem. 3.2. The gains from specialization and the gains from exchange.

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