🗊Презентация Hevy Metal

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Слайд 1

Hevy Metal  

Chistyakova Victoria 9A
Описание слайда:
Hevy Metal Chistyakova Victoria 9A

Слайд 2

Metal - genre of rock music, which was first performed in the early 70-ies. This area was originally used English musicians, and other rock bands of the United States .Time when teenagers who grew up with American blues and rock 'n' roll began to make their music, adrenaline-charged.
Описание слайда:
Metal - genre of rock music, which was first performed in the early 70-ies. This area was originally used English musicians, and other rock bands of the United States .Time when teenagers who grew up with American blues and rock 'n' roll began to make their music, adrenaline-charged.

Слайд 3

Hevy Metal, слайд №3
Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Heavy metal
Let  turn to the most basic and first style of metal.
Heavy Metal is finally formed by the end of 1970 with the arrival of the so-called the new wave of British heavy metal. For the modern heavy is characterized by:  much aggression, the central role solo-gitaris, lengthy and technically skilled guitar solos. Vocals are usually high. Subject text is varied - can be songs about war, apocalypse, on the social and philosophical themes, there are songs about love. Concerts metal musicians are typically bright with light and pyrotechnic effects
Описание слайда:
Heavy metal Let turn to the most basic and first style of metal. Heavy Metal is finally formed by the end of 1970 with the arrival of the so-called the new wave of British heavy metal. For the modern heavy is characterized by: much aggression, the central role solo-gitaris, lengthy and technically skilled guitar solos. Vocals are usually high. Subject text is varied - can be songs about war, apocalypse, on the social and philosophical themes, there are songs about love. Concerts metal musicians are typically bright with light and pyrotechnic effects

Слайд 5

Hevy Metal, слайд №5
Описание слайда:

Слайд 6

Wacken open-air festival

   The dream of every metalhead get to this legendary festival.
   The world's largest festival of metal music, held annually in the village of Vacca, in the north of Germany. Wacken is the most important and most popular congress of  metal fans from all part of  the world.
Описание слайда:
Wacken open-air festival The dream of every metalhead get to this legendary festival.    The world's largest festival of metal music, held annually in the village of Vacca, in the north of Germany. Wacken is the most important and most popular congress of metal fans from all part of the world.

Слайд 7

Hevy Metal, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

Thus, we have traced the evolution and the emergence of such a versatile and orignal  musical style as metal .This style is particularly pronounced divergence on substyles such diverse and seemingly diference .However metal and is now spreading and taking all new and unusual forms. But fans do not become less .They come to festivals, open-Air, concerts, communicate and find congenial. 
Описание слайда:
Thus, we have traced the evolution and the emergence of such a versatile and orignal musical style as metal .This style is particularly pronounced divergence on substyles such diverse and seemingly diference .However metal and is now spreading and taking all new and unusual forms. But fans do not become less .They come to festivals, open-Air, concerts, communicate and find congenial. 

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