🗊Презентация History of computers

Категория: Технология
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History of computers, слайд №1History of computers, слайд №2History of computers, слайд №3History of computers, слайд №4History of computers, слайд №5History of computers, слайд №6History of computers, слайд №7History of computers, слайд №8History of computers, слайд №9History of computers, слайд №10History of computers, слайд №11History of computers, слайд №12History of computers, слайд №13History of computers, слайд №14History of computers, слайд №15History of computers, слайд №16History of computers, слайд №17History of computers, слайд №18History of computers, слайд №19History of computers, слайд №20History of computers, слайд №21History of computers, слайд №22History of computers, слайд №23History of computers, слайд №24History of computers, слайд №25History of computers, слайд №26History of computers, слайд №27History of computers, слайд №28History of computers, слайд №29

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

History of computers, слайд №1
Описание слайда:

Слайд 2

History of computers
Описание слайда:
History of computers

Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Слайд 4

Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

Active / Passive Verb Forms
Описание слайда:
Active / Passive Verb Forms

Слайд 6

Active / Passive Verb Forms
Описание слайда:
Active / Passive Verb Forms

Слайд 7

Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

The very first calculating device
Описание слайда:
The very first calculating device

Слайд 9

The first  calculating  devices
Описание слайда:
The first calculating devices

Слайд 10

History of computers, слайд №10
Описание слайда:

Слайд 11

Leonardo da Vinci
Описание слайда:
Leonardo da Vinci

Слайд 12

    In XVI century the German professor  Wilhelm Schickard  invented summing «calculating clock». It carried out addition and multiplication of 6-digit numbers. 
    In XVI century the German professor  Wilhelm Schickard  invented summing «calculating clock». It carried out addition and multiplication of 6-digit numbers.
Описание слайда:
In XVI century the German professor Wilhelm Schickard invented summing «calculating clock». It carried out addition and multiplication of 6-digit numbers. In XVI century the German professor Wilhelm Schickard invented summing «calculating clock». It carried out addition and multiplication of 6-digit numbers.

Слайд 13

The first mechanical adding device was developed in 1642 by the French scientist-philosopher, Pascal. His machine «Pascalina» carried out addition and subtraction of 8-digit numbers.
The first mechanical adding device was developed in 1642 by the French scientist-philosopher, Pascal. His machine «Pascalina» carried out addition and subtraction of 8-digit numbers.
Описание слайда:
The first mechanical adding device was developed in 1642 by the French scientist-philosopher, Pascal. His machine «Pascalina» carried out addition and subtraction of 8-digit numbers. The first mechanical adding device was developed in 1642 by the French scientist-philosopher, Pascal. His machine «Pascalina» carried out addition and subtraction of 8-digit numbers.

Слайд 14

In 1671 Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher invented the mechanical adding device which was capable of also doing multiplication, division and the evaluation of square roots by a series of stepped additions, not unlike the methods used in modern digital  computers. 
In 1671 Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher invented the mechanical adding device which was capable of also doing multiplication, division and the evaluation of square roots by a series of stepped additions, not unlike the methods used in modern digital  computers.
Описание слайда:
In 1671 Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher invented the mechanical adding device which was capable of also doing multiplication, division and the evaluation of square roots by a series of stepped additions, not unlike the methods used in modern digital computers. In 1671 Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher invented the mechanical adding device which was capable of also doing multiplication, division and the evaluation of square roots by a series of stepped additions, not unlike the methods used in modern digital computers.

Слайд 15

Charles Babbage, an Englishman invented the first calculating machine in 1830. It was called «the Analytical Engine».
Charles Babbage, an Englishman invented the first calculating machine in 1830. It was called «the Analytical Engine».
It carried out automatic calculations:
Warehouse (data storage);
Office (management);
Data input  and 
program with punched cards.
Описание слайда:
Charles Babbage, an Englishman invented the first calculating machine in 1830. It was called «the Analytical Engine». Charles Babbage, an Englishman invented the first calculating machine in 1830. It was called «the Analytical Engine». It carried out automatic calculations: Warehouse (data storage); Office (management); Data input and program with punched cards.

Слайд 16

Generations of computers
The first generation of computers
The second generation of computers
The third generation of computers
The fourth  generation of computers
The fifth generation of computers
Описание слайда:
Generations of computers The first generation of computers The second generation of computers The third generation of computers The fourth generation of computers The fifth generation of computers

Слайд 17

History of computers, слайд №17
Описание слайда:

Слайд 18

History of computers, слайд №18
Описание слайда:

Слайд 19

Frequently Asked Questions
Explain different generations of computers?
Описание слайда:
Frequently Asked Questions Explain different generations of computers?

Слайд 20

1. How many generations computers are there?
	a. 1	
	b. 4
	c. 5
	d. 8
Answer: c
Описание слайда:
Quiz 1. How many generations computers are there? a. 1 b. 4 c. 5 d. 8 Answer: c

Слайд 21

2. The third generation computers  used
	a. vacuum tubes	
	b. transistors
	c. integrated circuits 
	d. microprocessors
Answer: c
Описание слайда:
Quiz 2. The third generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. integrated circuits d. microprocessors Answer: c

Слайд 22

3. The second generation computers  used
  a. vacuum tubes	
  b. transistors
  c. artificial intelligence 
  d . microprocessors 

Answer: b
Описание слайда:
Quiz 3. The second generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. artificial intelligence d . microprocessors Answer: b

Слайд 23

4. The first generation computers  used
	a. vacuum tubes	
	b. transistors
	c. artificial intelligence 
	d. microprocessors 
Answer: a
Описание слайда:
Quiz 4. The first generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. artificial intelligence d. microprocessors Answer: a

Слайд 24

5. The fourth generation computers  used
	a. vacuum tubes	
	b. transistors
	c. integrated circuits 
	d. microprocessors
Answer: d
Описание слайда:
Quiz 5. The fourth generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. integrated circuits d. microprocessors Answer: d

Слайд 25

6. The fifth generation computers  used
	a. vacuum tubes	
	b. transistors
	c. artificial intelligence
	d. microprocessors
Answer: c
Описание слайда:
Quiz 6. The fifth generation computers used a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. artificial intelligence d. microprocessors Answer: c

Слайд 26

7. Who is “a father of the computer”?
	a. Charles Babbage 	
	b. Konrad Zuse 
	c. Blaise Pascal 
	d. Leonardo da Vinci 

Answer: a
Описание слайда:
Quiz 7. Who is “a father of the computer”? a. Charles Babbage b. Konrad Zuse c. Blaise Pascal d. Leonardo da Vinci Answer: a

Слайд 27

8. Computers were developed to perform calculations for military and scientific purposes.
	a. Компьютеры были созданы, чтобы выполнять вычисления для военных и научных целей. 	
	b.Созданные компьютеры выполняли вычисления военного и научного назначения.
	c. Компьютеры создали для выполнения военных и научных вычислений.
Answer: а
Описание слайда:
Quiz 8. Computers were developed to perform calculations for military and scientific purposes. a. Компьютеры были созданы, чтобы выполнять вычисления для военных и научных целей. b.Созданные компьютеры выполняли вычисления военного и научного назначения. c. Компьютеры создали для выполнения военных и научных вычислений. Answer: а

Слайд 28

Quantum computers


Molecular computers

Optical computers
Описание слайда:
Homework Quantum computers Biocomputers Molecular computers Optical computers

Слайд 29

History of computers, слайд №29
Описание слайда:

Теги History of computers
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