🗊Презентация How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value

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How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №1How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №2How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №3How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №4How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №5How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №6How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №7How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №8How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №9How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №10How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №11How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №12How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №13How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №14How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №15How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №16How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №17How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №18How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №19How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №20How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №21How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №22How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №23How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №24How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №25How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №26How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №27How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №28How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №29How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №30How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №31How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №32How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №33How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №34How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №35How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №36How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №37How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №38How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №39

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Слайд 1

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution 
of Economic Value
Описание слайда:
How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value

Слайд 2

Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they create. 
Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they create. 
However, competitive forces operate to push that value “forward” to customers (in the form of lower prices), or in some cases, “backward” to suppliers.
Описание слайда:
Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they create. Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they create. However, competitive forces operate to push that value “forward” to customers (in the form of lower prices), or in some cases, “backward” to suppliers.

Слайд 3

Michael Porter developed his Five Forces concept from basic ideas in the field of industrial economics.  In this set of lectures, we will see how these economic forces operate. 
Michael Porter developed his Five Forces concept from basic ideas in the field of industrial economics.  In this set of lectures, we will see how these economic forces operate.
Описание слайда:
Michael Porter developed his Five Forces concept from basic ideas in the field of industrial economics. In this set of lectures, we will see how these economic forces operate. Michael Porter developed his Five Forces concept from basic ideas in the field of industrial economics. In this set of lectures, we will see how these economic forces operate.

Слайд 4

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №4
Описание слайда:

Слайд 5

The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”:
The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”:
	Bargaining Power of Buyers
	Rivalry Between Established Competitors.
In this lecture we will consider how all of Porter’s “Five Forces” operate.
Описание слайда:
The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”: The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”: Bargaining Power of Buyers Rivalry Between Established Competitors. In this lecture we will consider how all of Porter’s “Five Forces” operate.

Слайд 6

Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time.
Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time.
According to Porter (1980), the bargaining power of buyers depends on buyer concentration, information, and other factors.  
Consider Examples 1.1 and 1.2 from the last lecture.
Описание слайда:
Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time. Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time. According to Porter (1980), the bargaining power of buyers depends on buyer concentration, information, and other factors. Consider Examples 1.1 and 1.2 from the last lecture.

Слайд 7

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №7
Описание слайда:

Слайд 8

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №8
Описание слайда:

Слайд 9

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №9
Описание слайда:

Слайд 10

Buyer power greater when:
Buyers are more concentrated
Buyers are better informed
Описание слайда:
Buyer power greater when: Buyers are more concentrated Buyers are better informed

Слайд 11

We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive.  
We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive.  
Consider examples 1.5 and 1.6.
Описание слайда:
We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive. We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive. Consider examples 1.5 and 1.6.

Слайд 12

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №12
Описание слайда:

Слайд 13

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №13
Описание слайда:

Слайд 14

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №14
Описание слайда:

Слайд 15

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №15
Описание слайда:

Слайд 16

More direct competitors 
Industry excess capacity
Exit barriers
Описание слайда:
Implications More direct competitors Industry excess capacity Exit barriers

Слайд 17

Now let’s consider the threat of entry.  
Now let’s consider the threat of entry.
Описание слайда:
Now let’s consider the threat of entry. Now let’s consider the threat of entry.

Слайд 18

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №18
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Слайд 19

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №19
Описание слайда:

Слайд 20

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №20
Описание слайда:

Слайд 21

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №21
Описание слайда:

Слайд 22

Potential Entrants
Almost like rival producers (when entry is fast)
Impeded by “entry barriers” (costs of entry)
Incumbents can take actions to deter entry
Описание слайда:
Potential Entrants Almost like rival producers (when entry is fast) Impeded by “entry barriers” (costs of entry) Incumbents can take actions to deter entry

Слайд 23

Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power.”  
Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power.”  
We will add supplier(s) as an additional level of potential value creation, beyond the firm-buyer interactions we have been considering so far. Adding suppliers as a second stage creates a simple “value chain”.
Описание слайда:
Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power.” Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power.” We will add supplier(s) as an additional level of potential value creation, beyond the firm-buyer interactions we have been considering so far. Adding suppliers as a second stage creates a simple “value chain”.

Слайд 24

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №24
Описание слайда:

Слайд 25

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №25
Описание слайда:

Слайд 26

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №26
Описание слайда:

Слайд 27

Suppliers can siphon value from producers 
Power increases with supplier concentration
Analysis similar to buyer power
Important issue: At what stage(s) are profits captured within the industry “value chain”?
Описание слайда:
Implications Suppliers can siphon value from producers Power increases with supplier concentration Analysis similar to buyer power Important issue: At what stage(s) are profits captured within the industry “value chain”?

Слайд 28

Описание слайда:

Слайд 29

As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality. 
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality.
Описание слайда:
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality. As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality.

Слайд 30

As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality.
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality.
Let’s start by elaborating the case we saw in the first lecture, in Example 1.1.
	If you find it helpful to think in terms of specific examples, imagine that the “product” in this example is Apple’s iPod, which we will assume exists in a unique industry by itself.  The iPod faces a “substitute” industry, which consists of the set of competing MP3 players. We will start with a base case where the iPod has the entire field to itself without any substitutes.  Then, we will introduce MP3 substitutes of poor quality compared to the iPod.  Finally, we will see what happens when we improve the substitute’s quality and/or reduce its price.
Описание слайда:
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality. As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute product becomes cheaper or better in quality. Let’s start by elaborating the case we saw in the first lecture, in Example 1.1. If you find it helpful to think in terms of specific examples, imagine that the “product” in this example is Apple’s iPod, which we will assume exists in a unique industry by itself. The iPod faces a “substitute” industry, which consists of the set of competing MP3 players. We will start with a base case where the iPod has the entire field to itself without any substitutes. Then, we will introduce MP3 substitutes of poor quality compared to the iPod. Finally, we will see what happens when we improve the substitute’s quality and/or reduce its price.

Слайд 31

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №31
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Слайд 32

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №32
Описание слайда:

Слайд 33

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №33
Описание слайда:

Слайд 34

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №34
Описание слайда:

Слайд 35

Competition from Substitutes
Reduces buyers’ WTP for the industry’s product.
Strengthens bargaining position of single buyer. 
Given many buyers with varied WTP, lowers the demand curve for the industry’s product. 
If substitute price falls or quality improves, buyer’s WTP for the focal industry’s product falls.
Описание слайда:
Competition from Substitutes Reduces buyers’ WTP for the industry’s product. Strengthens bargaining position of single buyer. Given many buyers with varied WTP, lowers the demand curve for the industry’s product. If substitute price falls or quality improves, buyer’s WTP for the focal industry’s product falls.

Слайд 36

Impact of Complements
Sometimes called the “sixth industry force.”
Can be viewed as opposite of substitutes.
Increases buyer’s WTP for the industry’s product.
Raises the demand curve for the industry’s product. 
If complement price falls or quality improves, buyer’s WTP for the industry’s product rises.
Описание слайда:
Impact of Complements Sometimes called the “sixth industry force.” Can be viewed as opposite of substitutes. Increases buyer’s WTP for the industry’s product. Raises the demand curve for the industry’s product. If complement price falls or quality improves, buyer’s WTP for the industry’s product rises.

Слайд 37

Bargaining Power of Buyers
Rivalry Between Established Competitors
Threat of Entry
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Competition from Substitutes
Описание слайда:
Conclusions Bargaining Power of Buyers Rivalry Between Established Competitors Threat of Entry Bargaining Power of Suppliers Competition from Substitutes

Слайд 38

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Слайд 39

How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value, слайд №39
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