🗊Презентация How to write case-briefs

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How to write case-briefs, слайд №1How to write case-briefs, слайд №2How to write case-briefs, слайд №3How to write case-briefs, слайд №4How to write case-briefs, слайд №5How to write case-briefs, слайд №6How to write case-briefs, слайд №7How to write case-briefs, слайд №8

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Слайд 1

How to Write Case-Briefs?
Описание слайда:
How to Write Case-Briefs?

Слайд 2

What is a Case-Brief?
What is a Case-Brief?
“Written, analytic summaries of appellate opinions” (Calleros, p. 90)
Analytical tool (check list)
Helps to read and compare cases:
Helps to distil legal principles underlying the decisions
Helps to get the essence of legal principles and the rationale behind it
Helps to understand how the principles 
would apply to a different set of facts
Описание слайда:
What is a Case-Brief? What is a Case-Brief? “Written, analytic summaries of appellate opinions” (Calleros, p. 90) Analytical tool (check list) Helps to read and compare cases: Helps to distil legal principles underlying the decisions Helps to get the essence of legal principles and the rationale behind it Helps to understand how the principles would apply to a different set of facts

Слайд 3

Case-Brief Elements
Case-Brief Elements
Procedural History
Описание слайда:
Case-Brief Elements Case-Brief Elements Identification Facts Procedural History Issue Holding Reasoning

Слайд 4

Name of the case
The name of the court 
Level of the court
(i.e. there are different judicial formations within the ECtHR)
Type and date of the decision
Number of the case / application

ECJ, Hilde Schönheit v. Stadt Frankfurt am Main and Silvia Becker v. Land Hessen, Judgment of 23 October 2003, cases C-4/02 and C-5/02
ECtHR [GC], D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic, Judgment of 13 November 2007, Application No. 57325/00
Описание слайда:
Identification Identification Name of the case The name of the court (ECtHR or ECJ/CJEU) Level of the court (i.e. there are different judicial formations within the ECtHR) Type and date of the decision Number of the case / application Examples: ECJ, Hilde Schönheit v. Stadt Frankfurt am Main and Silvia Becker v. Land Hessen, Judgment of 23 October 2003, cases C-4/02 and C-5/02 ECtHR [GC], D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic, Judgment of 13 November 2007, Application No. 57325/00

Слайд 5

Principal facts (the ones that are relevant to the outcome), including the national courts decisions
If the facts are disputed by the parties, each party’s version of events should be presented

Procedural History
How and when the case originated in ECtHR or ECJ/CJEU
Where there any procedural steps taken by the court
Описание слайда:
Facts Facts Principal facts (the ones that are relevant to the outcome), including the national courts decisions If the facts are disputed by the parties, each party’s version of events should be presented Procedural History How and when the case originated in ECtHR or ECJ/CJEU Where there any procedural steps taken by the court

Слайд 6

What is the gist of the case – a main question 
- the formulation should be sufficiently narrow
Question of law and fact 
- what legal principles should apply to particular facts of the case
- how does the law that parties agree on applies to particular facts of the case
- what the law should be

What the court decided (who won)
An answer to the question (issue)
- starts with ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Описание слайда:
Issue Issue What is the gist of the case – a main question - the formulation should be sufficiently narrow Question of law and fact - what legal principles should apply to particular facts of the case - how does the law that parties agree on applies to particular facts of the case - what the law should be Holding What the court decided (who won) An answer to the question (issue) - starts with ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Слайд 7

How the court explained / substantiated its decision
What is the applicable legal source(s), rule(s) / principle(s), test(s)
How did the court apply these principles / rules to the facts in hand:
- Through what steps did the court analyze the facts of the case
- What facts did the court take into account to arrive to a certain decision (significance of certain facts)
Описание слайда:
Reasoning Reasoning How the court explained / substantiated its decision What is the applicable legal source(s), rule(s) / principle(s), test(s) How did the court apply these principles / rules to the facts in hand: - Through what steps did the court analyze the facts of the case - What facts did the court take into account to arrive to a certain decision (significance of certain facts)

Слайд 8

Case-Brief: Extras
Case-Brief: Extras
Concurring and / or dissenting opinions
- provide you with the wider picture by giving competing arguments but also often help to understand the decision better
- statement that is not required to reach the decision, but may state the related legal principle
- has no binding authority 
Definitions of legal terms
Описание слайда:
Case-Brief: Extras Case-Brief: Extras Concurring and / or dissenting opinions - provide you with the wider picture by giving competing arguments but also often help to understand the decision better Dictum - statement that is not required to reach the decision, but may state the related legal principle - has no binding authority Definitions of legal terms

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