🗊Презентация Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports

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Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №1Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №2Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №3Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №4Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №5Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №6Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №7Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №8Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №9Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №10Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №11Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №12Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №13Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №14Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №15Japan. The relationship between real GDP and real primary exports, слайд №16

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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

    The relationship between real GDP
 and Real Primary Exports
Описание слайда:
The relationship between real GDP and Real Primary Exports

Слайд 2

Motivation behind the country selection
Country profile
GDP and Export relationship
Описание слайда:
Context Motivation behind the country selection Country profile GDP and Export relationship Methodology Results Conclusion

Слайд 3

Reason of choice
3rd largest economy in the world
Japanese cultural philosophy in their economy
Small agricultural area – High yield
Worldwide known mastery of manufacturing
Infrastructure investments
Описание слайда:
Reason of choice 3rd largest economy in the world Japanese cultural philosophy in their economy Small agricultural area – High yield Worldwide known mastery of manufacturing Infrastructure investments

Слайд 4

Country profile
Описание слайда:
Country profile

Слайд 5

GDP Growth
Описание слайда:
GDP Growth

Слайд 6

GDP composition
Описание слайда:
GDP composition

Слайд 7

Real Export
Описание слайда:
Real Export

Слайд 8

Export Structure
Описание слайда:
Export Structure

Слайд 9

Exports (% of GDP)
Описание слайда:
Exports (% of GDP)

Слайд 10

GDP and export relationship
No foreign constraints 
Improved technology
Increased productivity
Economies of scale
More production  more export
Описание слайда:
GDP and export relationship No foreign constraints Improved technology Increased productivity Economies of scale More production  more export

Слайд 11

Unit root test
Co – integration test
Vector Autoregressive model
Описание слайда:
Methodology Unit root test Co – integration test Vector Autoregressive model

Слайд 12

Unit root test
H0: γ = 0     (Non-stationary)
HA: γ < 0     (Stationary)
Non-stationary at level, but stationary at first difference
Описание слайда:
Unit root test H0: γ = 0 (Non-stationary) HA: γ < 0 (Stationary) Non-stationary at level, but stationary at first difference

Слайд 13

Co - integration test
H0: non-stationary residuals (no co-integration exists)
HA: the residuals are stationary (co-integration exists)
-7.3375 < -3.67 , therefore, we can reject the null
The GDP and Exports are co-integrated
Описание слайда:
Co - integration test H0: non-stationary residuals (no co-integration exists) HA: the residuals are stationary (co-integration exists) -7.3375 < -3.67 , therefore, we can reject the null The GDP and Exports are co-integrated

Слайд 14

VAR model
DX(-1) and DY(-1) are not significant 
No short-run effect from exports to GDP 
No short-run effect from GDP to exports
Описание слайда:
VAR model DX(-1) and DY(-1) are not significant No short-run effect from exports to GDP No short-run effect from GDP to exports

Слайд 15

Decline in Real GDP and Real Exports
Unit root test – series are non-stationary
Co-integration test – real GDP and real Export are co-integrated
VAR model – there is no short term relationship of GDP and Export
Описание слайда:
Conclusion Decline in Real GDP and Real Exports Unit root test – series are non-stationary Co-integration test – real GDP and real Export are co-integrated VAR model – there is no short term relationship of GDP and Export

Слайд 16

Hill, C. E., Griffiths, W. E. & Lim, G. C., 2008. Principles of econometrics. 3d ed. Danvers: John Wiley & Sons Inc..
Available at: http://www.utgjiu.ro/revista/ec/pdf/2014-4.Special/51_Muchahit,%20Sari.pdf
[Accessed 16 February 2017].
The World Bank, n.d. DataBank. World Development Indicators. [Online] 
Available at: http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=world-evelopment-indicators#
[Accessed 15 February 2017].
World Trade Organisation, n.d. Merchandise trade by commodity. [Online] 
Available at: http://stat.wto.org/StatisticalProgram/WSDBStatProgramHome.aspx?Language=E
[Accessed 15 February 2017].
Zang, W. & Baimbridge, M., 2012. Exports, imports and economic growth in South Korea and Japan: a tale of two economies, Nottingham: Applied Economics.
Описание слайда:
References Hill, C. E., Griffiths, W. E. & Lim, G. C., 2008. Principles of econometrics. 3d ed. Danvers: John Wiley & Sons Inc.. Mucahit, A. & Murat, S., 2014. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GDP AND EXPORT IN TURKEY. [Online] Available at: http://www.utgjiu.ro/revista/ec/pdf/2014-4.Special/51_Muchahit,%20Sari.pdf [Accessed 16 February 2017]. The World Bank, n.d. DataBank. World Development Indicators. [Online] Available at: http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=world-evelopment-indicators# [Accessed 15 February 2017]. World Trade Organisation, n.d. Merchandise trade by commodity. [Online] Available at: http://stat.wto.org/StatisticalProgram/WSDBStatProgramHome.aspx?Language=E [Accessed 15 February 2017]. Zang, W. & Baimbridge, M., 2012. Exports, imports and economic growth in South Korea and Japan: a tale of two economies, Nottingham: Applied Economics.

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